Chapter 24 (60) - Found Him, But...

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You sighed as the sun slowly set, you were standing at the porch with your arms on the railing and your legs crossed, patiently waiting for nightfall. Why nightfall? Because it's when assassins strike. Most of the time.

"Is it time yet..." Bill whined from behind, you heard the door closed from behind him and you.

You didn't look at him, rather at the forest ground and said, "Yeah it's time, I should go now."

"Can I come with?" Bill asked, you turned your head to look at him while answering, only to see sparkles in his eye.

You sighed in defeat, but thought of an interesting idea, "On one condition."


"I should have never asked." Bill said deadpanned, with his hands crossed, sitting on your shoulder as you ran through the rooftops of the town.

You giggled as you jumped to another roof, "You did say you want to come with, and I don't want my brother to see a man in a tailcoat with me. So this was really the best option."

Bill only made angry growls, he couldn't let go of your hood or not that would mean he wants to fall off. You slowed down once you smelled the smell of iron, blood. "I'm too late. He made his move."

You stopped and jumped down into the ally, landing nicely even with Bill on your shoulder. You stared in disgust at the dead body at your feet, you kneeled down and closed his eyes with your right hand. "Sorry, I was late."

You stood back up, inspecting the body. "Quite the work, brother." you nodded as you said that, your face was blank. Your eyes narrowed as you started your train of thoughts, "This wasn't done too long ago, meaning he should be nearby if I am fast enough. But there is a lot of places for him to hide, I bet he has already found a safe spot to hide from me."

"Snowflake." Bill called out in your mind.

"Not now Bill, I'm in the middle of something." you glared at his direction.

"I just wanted to tell you that the Pines are behind you, staring at you." Bill said deadpanned.

Your eye twitched, then you looked up and turned your head to the three behind you slowly. "Why the hell are they here for..." you asked in your mind, though you have your poker face on, your mind is basically screaming at them to leave you alone.

Your eyes narrowed as you saw Ford taking one step forward, his right hand moving towards his gun very cautiously but not cautious enough, "(Y/N)? Is that you?" he asked.

"No, it's Santa Claus. Who else do you think it is?" Bill questioned in your mind, your eyes twitched again at his poor timing of complaints.

You ignored Bill's stupid comment and stared at the three, blinking your eyes slowly and changed your focus to the body, you clicked your tongue in annoyance. Then jumped into the shadows, it not like magic or something, and went onto one of the nearby roofs to watch them.

"What are you still doing here?!" Bill yelled in your mind.

You grabbed onto the doll Bill is residing in, squeezing it to make him shut up. You can't afford to yell at him, not now when you're this close to the Pines. You watched as they searched for you effortlessly, your eyes stared at them dully.

You watched as your heart ached at Mabel trying to find you no matter the cost, wanting you to go back to them and proving to Dipper that you aren't a killer like he thinks you are.

"Mabel, you're wasting your time..." you thought as you left them, you trust Ford wouldn't let them see that horrifying stance the man was in. You and Bill returned to the treehouse, you threw the doll onto the couch.

"Hey!" Bill yelled as he left the doll, making the whole house grey-scaled. "Watch you do to my doll body!"

"Arg! He did it again!" you ignored Bill's comment and ranted. "He seriously doesn't know where he belongs!"

Bill's half-opened eye stared at you, then sighed and sat on his white chair. "So?"

"So? So, I'm going to put an end to it when I find that poor excuse for a brother." you hissed with your eyebrows furrowed, your fist tightened, a dark aura radiating from you.


You jumped from tree to tree, searching for your brother as soon as the sun has set. You left Bill behind, well the reason is obvious, you didn't want to carry a doll around or even pick him back up when he didn't hold on to you tight enough.

But the major reason is you didn't want your brother seeing you with a doll when you manage to find him and confront him, it would be too embarrassing on so many levels.

You told Bill that he could just watch from the mindscape, the comfort of his home. After much time of listening to his complains, you just told him that IF you get into deep trouble where you can't defend yourself THEN he could appear and 'protect' you.

Eventually, you did found him and it wasn't the way you expected it to be. Dipper, Mabel, and Ford were there with him.

"Why the hell are they even doing here!?!?!?" you mentally screamed. "Why do they always appear at the wrong time at the wrong place! This time, with the wrong person! AND wrong situation!"

Author's Notes: I am so sorry for the late update, I have been feeling a bit under the weather and I have a bunch of deadlines to rush. No worries! This chapter is done and here. Hope you guys like it! As a sorry, I update Chapter 25 on the coming friday, so sorry!

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