❝leave❞ jjk - angst

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"I love you y/n" I widened my eyes as I heard those three yet powerful words slip from my boyfriend's mouth.

"What did you just say?" I asked as I lifted my head from his shoulder to look at him.

"I-i mean- the view! Yes! I love--" I shut him off by planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"Shh, no need to lie kook" I said as I parted my lips from his. I then continued with, "I love you too"

He widened his eyes and held my hand.

"Really?" he asked, not believing what I had just said.


"Oh my god you don't know how happy you just made me baby" he stated and picked me up, spinning me around.

"Ahh jungkook stop." I squealed as he hugged me tight.

He then cupped my cheeks and connected our foreheads together. Slowly, he closed his eyes with a smile still plastered in his lips. I followed, closing my eyes with a soft smile still plastered in my lips.

After almost a minute of just enjoying the calming sound of the waves splashing on the sand, our lips met.

Our lips fit perfectly together, making me think that maybe we really are meant to be together

But as the kiss got longer, the feeling of his lips on mine slowly faded. I opened my eyes and anxiety ate me alive as jungkook was nowhere to be found.


"J-jungkook?! Where are you?!"

"Jungkook!" I sat up from my bed as I had yet again, another nightmare.

"Shh shh baby it's just another nightmare calm down" taehyung soothingly cooed.

I buried my face on the crook of his neck as I sobbed. He then caressed my back as he whispered soothing words to me.

I sobbed harder, but not because of the nightmare I had, but because of the fact that taehyung stayed by my side, and patiently waited for almost a year.

'Why are you like this taehyung-ah? Why can't you just leave me to die?'



"I-I'm sorry"

"why are you sorry y/n-ah?"

"for being a burden to you."

"awh baby you weren't and never will be a burden to me."

Slowly, my eyelids grew heavier, and soon enough, I fell asleep.

❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆

I woke up by the sound of soft snores coming from my side.

As I opened my eyes, I saw taehyung soundly asleep, with his messy bed hair and partly lips. I unknowingly smiled and carresed his cheeks.

But as soon as I did, I widened my eyes as taehyung's face slowly molded into jungkook's.

I shut my eyes tight for a minute and then opened them again. I immediately relaxed seeing taehyung's face.

I quickly went out of taehyung grip and headed to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and looked at the mirror in front of me.

'What the fuck is happening to me?'

'M-maybe he wants me to go with him?'

'Ugh I need to get this out of my mind'

I quickly opened the kit that was attached to the mirror and got the blade that I hid inside.

I slowly placed the blade on my pale skin, and glided it, causing blood to ooze out from the wound I had made.

Just as I was going to do another one, the door opened and a sleepy voice spoke,

"Y/n where are--" Taehyung's eyes immediately widened as he saw what I was doing.

"Y/n! What the hell!" he then ran to me and grabbed the blade and threw it on the sink. He then covered my bleeding wrist with a towel and hugged me tightly. I sobbed and buried my face into his hard chest.


"Shh calm down, how many times do I have to tell you that self harm is never an answer huh? It isn't good for you y/n, and you know I'm always here if you feel the need to talk to someone." he lectured. Yes, he did say that a hundred times now but I just can't help it.

"S-sorry I just can't-- help it" I choked on my sob and hugged him tighter.

"It's okay, just please don't do it again"

"I-i just can't seem to get him out of my mind."

"Wait, what about you try visiting his grave and talking to him, maybe he's just waiting for you. You know, even though he's dead, his soul can still hear you." he's actually right, but I just can't face the fact that he's gone.

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