❝ for your safety ❞ MYG - angst ig

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requested by : Elsabeatris

Being yoongi's wife was great. But of course it has its pros and cons. His rivals constantly targeting you and your daughter was one of the disadvantages.

And it was happening right now.

You all just arrived from the trip to the mall. Yoongi disagreed with the idea at first but after a lot of convincing, he finally agreed.

Then, suddenly, you jumped and cussed as a gunshot passed through the side of your head. Yoongi pulled out both his guns as he turned, shooting at the group of men. They were wearing full black clothes with masks to prevent them from getting identified.

"Fuck y/n!" yoongi shouted, two guns held by both his hands as he ran, both of you running back to back. "Run!"

"I am running!" you shouted, panting as you glanced down at your crying 3 years old daughter. "Shh princess everything will be fine." you kissed her forehead before sprinting towards the door of your house.

"Y/N! Here!" you heard someone shout and slightly turned to see hoseok waving. You sprinted towards the black van he was in and immediately jumped inside. "Namjoon drive!" hoseok shouted and the van immediately started moving.

Then that's when you noticed that yoongi wasn't in side the van with you. "Appa!" your daughter shouted, hands flying towards the tinted windows of the van as she cried harder.

"Wait! Yoongi's not here!" you shouted, eyes gazing over hoseok "We have to go back! Yoongi's not here!"

"Y/N we can't!" hoseok said, holding your wrist. "He's a mafia leader y/n. He can manage himself."

"We need to get you both to a safe place first."

Arriving at the place, your heart thumped with uneasiness. Yoongi was still there along with his other guards.
You looked around the mansion and realized that this was the second house you and yoongi had just in case something like this would happen.

Obviously, it came out useful.

"Baby, stop crying." you soothed, moving away the hair sticking on her face as she cried. "Appa will be fine okay?"

"You both should head upstairs." hoseok said, eyes landing on your daughter. "You need to get some rest, hm?" he smiled, ruffling her hair.

You headed upstairs and dressed you daughter in her pajamas. After getting dressed too, you placed your daughter on the bed and softly kissed her forehead.

"Sleep baby, Appa will come home soon."

Soon enough, you watched as she fell into deep slumber. You continued caressing her hair until you heard the door softly open.

"Yoongi." you called and he smiled, signaling you to come with him. You obliged, heading out and closing the door softly behind you.

"Y/N, after what happened today, I...." he trailed off, eyes glistening with hidden tears. "I've decided something that would be better for our family."

You blinked, reaching out and touching his cold hands as he sighed. "W-what do you mean yoongi..?"

"I'm sending you both to Japan tomorrow. You'll both be staying there for as long as I say so—"

"What!? Yoongi no! I won't leave you here! If you're going to send us there then you will come with us!"

"I have work here y/n! My main headquarters is here in korea! I can't just leave!"

"Then we're not leaving too!" you shouted.

"Y/N I'm doing this for you both! You are not safe here and I can't afford to lose you and our daughter! If only you didn't insist on going out earlier then we wouldn't have been traced!"

"So it's my fault now!?" you shouted, your bottled tears falling down your cheeks. "We're not leaving! End of conversation"

As you walked passed him, you halted, hearing him sniff. You turned to see him pulling on his hair, his back facing you.

"Do you think this is easy for me!?" he shouted, emotions pouring out of his sentence. He turned and you saw how his eyes were so red as tears rolled down his cheeks. "You both aren't the only ones I have! I can't lose you too! I don't want to see you die because of you me!"

"I don't want the day where I'm holding you in my bloody arms as I watch you die slowly! I've lost my family already and if I lose you to....!" he slightly gasped, panting as his finger slowly pointed on his heart. "I can't take that. If you die, I die."

You stayed silent, looking at his eyes. You stepped towards him, cupping his cheeks and connecting your forehead with his.

"I love you." he whispered, his hand holding yours that layed by his cheek. "I can't lose you. Please."

"You won't." you whispered. "I'm sorry."

yea i kinda rushed this because i wanted to push myself to actually write something. but i rlly hope u like it elsabeatrisrn6

(i will be working on other requests now. please just wait :)) )

lmk if yall want a part two lol

and i rlly like reading your funny comments, it inspires me to write a new chap haha :))

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