❝hurt❞ jjk - angst

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This chapter contains mentions of self harm and curse words.

Your PoV

I don't know how long we've been shouting at each other now but all I'm gonna say is that it's getting fucking worse.

"Oh Shut up! Why don't you just fucking admit it!" shouted my piece of a shit boyfriend.

It all started because of my colleague. I accidentally met him at the mall earlier while I was waiting for jungkook to get out of the restroom. Of course, being a good friend, I had a small talk with him. After minutes of talking about casual things, he bid his goodbye and we hugged, as simple as that.

But your boyfriend decided on taking it the other way, meaning, he thought you're cheating on him.

"Do you think I'm that low?! I fucking love you jungkook! And I can't just fucking cheat on you! Because for the thousandth time! I love you!"

He chuckled, making me confused, "Fuck your lies y/n! You were hugging him like he meant the world to you!"

I gasped, "He's my colleague for fucks sake jungkook! He was my best friend--! "

I got cut off as a hand roughly landed on my cheek causing my head to turn to the side.

"Oh shut up! Just admit it y/n! You're a slut!"

Okay, this was too much. I could bear all the shouts and blaming shit but slapping me and calling me a slut is too much.

Tears flowed down my face like a river. He wasn't like this, he was like a harmless bunny. A little baby that couldn't even hurt an ant.

Not looking up, I heard a frustated sigh, then, I heard his footsteps getting farther away from me and the door suddenly slammed shut, causing me to flinch.

He didn't even say sorry.....

I fell on my knees, feeling distressed as he just left without even saying anything.

After minutes of just crying, I stood up from the floor and headed the bathroom.

Too many problems
Too many problems
Too many problems
Too many problems!

The fact that I wasn't meeting my parents expectations was already stressing me out, now this?!

What the hell is happening?! ugh

I looked at myself at the mirror and sighed. Me being emotional and weak, I cried again.

"Why is this fucking happening to me?!" I screamed, not caring if somebody heard.

Taking a sharp breathe, I opened the bathroom's kit and got my blade.

I stopped doing this as jungkook told me to. I don't want this, but I need it. I need to relieve even some of the pain I'm feeling right now.

Placing the blade on my skin, I slowly glided it, creating a wound with blood oozing out of it.

After maybe 6 or 8 wounds, I stopped as I suddenly felt tired and worned out.

I cleaned my wounds and blade. After removing the blood off the sharp blade, I hid it inside the kit again.

I headed outside the bathroom after changing onto my pajamas and went in bed, too tired to even look for jungkook.

Jungkook's PoV

I went inside our apartment and grew anxious as I heard nothing but the crickets.

I slowly went on our bedroom and sighed in relief as I saw her in her pajamas on the bed, sleeping peacefully. She was on her side of the bed and was facing her back on the door. I shut my eyes and blamed myself.

It was all my fault.

I was too much.

I fucking hurt her, emotionally and mentally.

I was just afraid to lose her.

I'm sorry.

Tip-toeing, I went to our bed and softly plopped down beside her, careful to not wake her up.

I slid my hand on her waist and held her hand. I bought it up to kiss it, but as I did, I saw something that broke my heart.

It was her wounds....

"She started hurting herself again...?" I muttered under my breathe.

I closed my eyes as tears were continuesly flowing down from them.

"This was all my fault... I'm sorry..."

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