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Thank you to everyone that is reading my book :)
This chapter is dedicated to my new friend BrookeAnne93
Hope you enjoy


"Shit shit shit" I say while putting my cloths on quickly.

"What do you think happened?" Deluca asked as he buttoned his shirt.

"Theres an intruder, lets go" I say grabbing his hand and running in side.

As we run in side I hear three gun shots, coming from the direction of my fathers office.

We run up the stairs, still hand in hand. As soon as we get to the top of the stairs, I realize and release his hand.

I barge in the office, and I'm glad at what I see.

My father aiming a gun at a man and my two brothers beside him gun in hand at they're side. I look at the floor, and see three other men on the floor, pools of blood surrounding them.

They where dead.

I turn around and see Deluca with a gun in his hand aiming towards the man.

"Tell me!" My father screams.

"Never!" The man yelled.

"Tell me who sent you, and I'll kill you quickly."

"Who sent you here to kill me?" My father said.

That got me pissed. The man had a gun aiming to my father.

I turned around and gestured for Deluca to give me his gun.

He gave it to me with his lips pursed.
I walked over to the man and slammed the gun on the side of his head knocking him out.

The man fell to the ground with a large thud.

I turned to my father. "What the fuck happened?" I ask in a irritated voice.

"These men came in here and tried to kill me and your brothers." He said and sat down in his chair.

I gave the gun back to Deluca and he had a serious face, but amusement in his eyes.

"Where are the guards!?" I say frustrated. As if on cue, Noah and a handful of guards come barging in.

"There was no one else sir" Noah says. "we checked the whole house. Everyone else is running the perimeter. They haven't seen anyone"

"Theres only one explanation." My father said and I looked at him confused.

"Someone let them in" Deluca whispered shocked evident in his voice.

"Fuck!" Leo said

"We have a spy, in our house" Javier said.

"But who can it be?" I Asked.

"I have no idea" my father said with his fist under his chin.

"Get this man, throw him in the cells, I'll get it out of him tomorrow." I look at one of the guards. "Clean this shit up!" I yell at him. slightly pissed, that they let people in here. The guards nodded and lifted the men and walked out.

No one messes with my family.

"Who ever did this, will suffer" I say threw gritted teeth

I look at Noah. "I want every single guard and every single maid lined up at 8 am sharp, tomorrow in the gym. No questions asked. If someone asks a question, put a bullet between they're eyes." I say and walk out the room.

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