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Well it seems that all the people that work for the Vellkovs, are more then willing to join us in our conquest.

Last night we went to meet with the Vellkovs stripper and prostitution dealer. We decided to creep out of the house at 3 in the morning. And not let anyone know. Not even the staff, not even the girls. Just my father, my brothers, Deluca, Isaak and l.

Everything went smoothly, No sign of Damien or his men.

And according to my father he bought a Gentleman's club in Philadelphia, and is giving it to Leo to run.

In about two to three weeks. My brother will run, Philadelphia. It's pretty great what my fathers doing.

Setting up life for my two brothers. His two sons.

Javier to run part of new york.

Leo to run Philadelphia.

And how things are going for Gabby she will be running new york city with Isaak, hopefully. They gotten so close in the last week, they adore each other.

The other day, it was as if the world wanted payback. I walked in on her and Isaak, thank god they had they're pants on though.

Channel, We haven't been seeing much of her. She keeps saying she's been real busy fixing things. I don't know.

Javier, you'd never guess what happen with him. The other night, six nights ago to be exact. Mr. white and his daughter came for dinner. And I guess Javi and Alisha hit it off and they went on a date a couple of nights ago, and they're going on another one tomorrow.

I was expecting Leo to be angry about that, but come to think about Leo. I haven't really seen much of him over the last week. Only when we have a mission.

I purse my lips as I think, I am currently in my bed, Deluca is to my left fast asleep.

Then realization hit me, it hit me hard.


I jumped out of bed and Quickly put on Delucas shirt and some tights.

If what I'm thinking is really happening, I don't know how I'm going to react, but I do know one thing. Its not gonna be good.

I walked out my room and down the hall way. I opened Chanels bedroom door and my heart sank. She wasn't there.

I breathed in, then slowly let it out.

I walked to the door opposite Chanels. I didn't knock, I just barged in. And there it is, my thoughts confirmed.

Chanel and Leonardo sleeping in bed together, and it look like they're completely naked.

"What the fuck is this!" I yell throwing my hands up in the air.

They bolt upright in fear and cover themselves.

"Valentina its not what it looks like!" Chanel pleads her eyes glossy.

"sorella non è quello che pensi" my brother said with wide eyes. (sister its not what you think)

"What the fuck is it then?! Hu?! You fucked my best friend! And then what your just gonna throw her to the side! Like all the other girls you've fucked!" I yell and they both flinch.

Leo grabs something from the side and puts it on under the blanket. He gets off the bed, and walks towards me with a pair of boxers , his pleading eyes.

"Its not like that, tina. I swear." I can see the honesty in his eyes. "La amo, l'ho sempre amata" (I love her, I've always loved her)

I look at Chanel and tears are running down her face. She's still in bed, sitting upright.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whisper to her.

"I don't know, it wasn't easy. We have been hiding are feelings from each other for a long time." She whispers back and then looks down to her hands.

"Our feelings? You love him too?" I ask and walk towards Chanel, Leo walks behind me.

She looks at Leo then at me, "Yes."

I look at Leo and he smiles. I guess they barely confessed it to each other.

Ok just breath, it will be ok. They love each other. Thats good.

"Leonardo Alejandro Byron Guzman! If you even dare hurt her! I will kill you with my bare hands. And Not quickly. Do you understand!?" I yell my accent dripping with every word, looking at Leo with a finger shaking in his face.

"What!? You accept!?" He looks at me wide eyed, and I smile and nod. He grabs me and hugs me tight. "Thank you so much, Val! I promise, I won't hurt her! Ever!"

I giggled and hugged him back, then pull away and looked at both of them, with a small smile on my face. "Ok get ready. And I want all the details later. Well, not all the details" I turn up my nose in the end and they both laugh.

I walk out the room and go back to mine. Deluca is still in my bed, but now he is wide awake. On his phone, a few pillows under him and the blanket covering just his legs. His chest and torso on full display, looking as edible as ever.

I didn't realize I was staring till he said. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He had a big smirk on his face.

"You know I think I mite" I walked to the night stand next to him and grabbed my phone, I was about to snap a picture when he pulled me in to him and slammed me on the bed and started tickling me. I laughed hysterically.


We are currently At dinner all in our usual spots when Javier asks. "Who's in to going to the casino?"

Everyone attention goes straight to him.

"I am so in!" Leo said very enthusiastically.

"Me too!" Gabby said.

"Yeah, why not" Isaak said then shrugged.

"We don't even have to ask Valentina. We know shes in." Chanel said with a smirk, and everyone started laughing.

I rolled my eyes and nodded "Yeah its been awhile."

"Yeah, I need a rematch" Deluca said and winked at me.

"Ok so it's settled, we're all going to the casino tonight!" Leo said clapping his hands together, then rubbing them.

"Can I go Isaak?" Asia asked looking at her brother pleadingly.

Isaak pauses for a while thinking it over.

"With your permission sir, I will take great care of her." Noah said curtly, then bowed his head a little.

"I'm sure you will Noah. Yes Asia, you can come." Isaak said with a small smile.

We all finished up and got ready for the night

Sorry for the short chapter.

Its more of a filler

Next 2-3 chapters are gonna be hectic, prepare yourself!!!

Thanks for the reads

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