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He sat back in his chair, hurt clear on his face. I felt a pang in my heart.

He quickly re arranged his face to an emotionless expression. "I'm leaving tomorrow morning." And that was it my heart shattered completely. I gulped down the lump in my throat, keeping the emotionless expression on my face. "I just wanted to say goodbye." I nodded, not able to speak, because if I do, I know my voice will break.

I took a drag from my cigarette then smashed it in the ashtray. He stood up from his chair, and so did I.

He started to walk away, when suddenly he turned around. He looked at me with intense eyes, he cupped my face with one of his big calloused  hands. I sucked in a breath as his lips grazed mine, my eyes closed. But just as I was about to kiss him back he pulled away.

I opened my eyes to see his retreating back.

I touched my lips as a lone tear fell from my eyes. The kiss was so soft and feather like, I hardly felt it.

He stepped in the house with out as second glance my way.

I wiped my tear away, lit another cigarette and put it to my lips.

I felt a burning sensation in my chest, a big lump in my throat and had a raging head ache. My body was rejecting my decision to leave him. My heart wanted him so bad. I wanted him so bad. But I cant. I'm not worthy of his love.

My fingers trembled as I lifted my hand up to take a drag of my cigarette. I sat back down in my chair. And ran my free hand threw my hair.

Trying to remind my self its better this way. He's better off with out me.

I look up to the moon and sigh.


Im laying down in my bed. Its noon the next day. Noah had texted me that Deluca and his family left an hour ago.

I can't move. I can't breathe.

The door opens in my room but I put no attention to it. I'm looking towards my balcony.

I hear the foot steps coming towards my bed but I don't even turn to look.

I feel hugs from my back, I turn to see Channel and Gabby next to me, hugging me tight.

"We brought you a few things" channel said. She puts a tray in front of me of all kinds of junk food and ice cream.

The whole day passed by of watching movies and eating junk food. The girls trying to cheer me up. I put on a fake smile and joined them in all they're jokes.

I vowed to my self this was the last day of self pity. And tomorrow I will wake up, exercise. Take a shower and get dressed.
Deluca's POV.

Its been three days since I've arrived to my estate in Chicago.

I haven't slept well, I hardly ate.

I smell of pure whiskey and cigarettes.

Im sitting down in my office, a glass of whisky in one hand a cigarette in the other. The way I've been for the last 72 hours.

A nock comes to my door, "Come in" I grunt.

"Boss, we found charlie steeling from your supply again, he's in the cell." My second Zayn said coming in the room.

Zayn is a tall young man, with spiky brown hair and electric blue eyes. he has a boyish look, which always throws off his enemies thinking he was weak. But no he is my strongest fighter and assassin.

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