Broken hearts

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Don't kill me....
Damiens POV——-

I slam my phone on my desk, "that will show them; not to mess with Damien Vellkov!" I said and sit down in my chair.

Sitting down in front of me is my second, Erik Blonsky and my third, Richard Mills.

At this very moment we have guards all around the Guzman estate. Waiting to see what they have planned next.

I have the two little girls locked away in the holding rooms, down stairs.
I haven't been down to see them.

Its almost 8:00 o clock. I know they will make a move soon.

But as soon as they do I will personally kill both the girls.

I wish I was able to capture Valentina, that would really get under everyones skin. The girl who is always one step ahead. Captured.

I would love to have her here. God, the things I would do to her. Willing or not, I don't give a shit. I like when they scream.

My phone starts ringing again, and I groan. "What!" I yell answering the phone.

"Sir, Valentina Guzman, is exiting the estate. And it looks like she's leaving for good" bill said threw the phone sounding frantic.

Leaving for good. I start up my computer and open the page that I have for the cameras around the Guzman estate.

As soon as I open it I see, Valentina arguing with her father and brothers, she looks distraught. We can't hear anything but we can see. She has a suit case in hand and a bag over her shoulder. Then Deluca Petrov walks out and she point at him, yelling towards him, he falls to his knees and puts his head in his hands.

He looks towards her with pleading eyes. And she turns around, and walk towards the gates. A black sports car pulls up to the entrance. And she walks towards it and gets in. I can faintly see James Thomson in the driver seat.

I know her and Thomson had a fling for years, I've always envied it. Because I've always wanted her.

I thought she was with Deluca Petrov now. Whats going on.

With my phone still to my ear I say. "Follow them, do whatever you have to do, and get me the girl."

—————Valentina POV—————

I slam the car door and James drives away with out a word.

He knows not to ask questions.

I don't know why I called him, I guess I just feel more comfortable with him. He doesn't expect more from me. He knows I am who I am.

My heart hurt watching Deluca fall to the floor in front of me. But It was something that had to be done. He needs to know that I can never give him more.

The fact that I waited up all night last night, for him. And the fact that I felt hurt when he didn't come to my bed. Made me realize I needed to stop this relationship before it got more serious.

"Stop here" I tell James pointing to a small shopping center, all the stores where closed and the parking lot was empty.

"Why? Whats wrong?" James asked while pulling in to the parking lot.

"I need to clear my head." He parks and I shut my eyes tight. Thinking. I need to do this.

I open my eyes and climb over the middle console and straddle James's lap.

He opens his mouth to speak, but I put two fingers over his lips and shush him. He nods and I remove my fingers.

As soon as I crash my lips to his Delucas face pops up in my mind. I push it away and close my eye tight.

Kissing James feels right, comfortable. Theres no sparks, but it feels good. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him.

My heart hurts. I knew it was a bad idea letting Deluca in. I knew something bad would happen. But I didn't know it would be this bad.

I didn't know I would fall for him. Yes I fell for him. Because right now as James is kissing me all I can think about is Delucas face when I told him, I never wanna see him again.

I feel tears falling down my face, but instead of pulling away I deepen the kiss and grind against James. I feel bad for doing this to him, but I know he understands. I know he knows I need him. I need him to help me forget Deluca, I need him to make me feel something else then a broken heart.

But I not only broke mine. I know I broke Deluca's too. But I needed to break it. It was the only way.

I hear cars parking near us but I continue to kiss James. Grabbing his hair and tugging it slightly.

Then the door flies open, I quickly pull away from James and Someone grabs me off him and pulls me out of the car.

I scream and thrash, trying to get out of the mans hold.

James is being held by two men, also screaming and trashing, but the men, are to big.

The man that is holding me, opens the back door of a SUV, and throws me in, he slams the door shut and walks away.

I pound on the windshield screaming for them to let me out. I watch as the man who threw me in the trunk, walks over to where the two men are holding James, he punches him straight in the face, instantly knocking him out.

The two men holding james throw him in his car and close the door.

James's body limps over the steering wheel and I mentally sigh in relief. Thank god they didn't kill him.


Hope you liked it!!
Sorry it was so short!!

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