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(Hello, and welcome to "Prologue." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

❤- (3rd Person) -❤

They knew that this day would come.

They knew that they would return someday.

They never would have thought that it would be today.

Most of the village was caught on fire with people screaming for their lives. Some were stuck inside their homes due to the fire and destruction that was going on. People fought back to only get killed. Kids were killed left and right without mercy.

A mother and their husband ran from the village, the mother holding a basket which there lay a small child, peacefully asleep during the action.

You might be thinking, who is attacking this poor little village and why? What have these innocent humans done to the attackers?


The attackers attacked for the fun of it. They love blood, death, screams of terror, and overall plain destruction.

If you believe it or not, these attackers are not humans, they are actually monsters. They were skeletons, with magic.

About everywhere they go the leave behind a mess, a pile of destruction that another skeleton cleans up afterwards.

They were "The Villain Mob."


"Hurry! We must flee before they see us!" The mother yelled at her husband. He was far behind, stuck in between the fallen buildings and the other destruction that was going around.

He stopped in front of the fire and turned, taking a long way around before catching up to his wife.

The couple had tried saving other men and women in the village, but most of them would be taken out of their grasp before they could even touch them.

All the two worry about now is their daughter, which was just born. They wondered how she slept so quietly and peacefully within a fighting zone.

But, meanwhile in the  destroyed village, there stood a skeleton who can summon blue strings from his hands, the one who most causes the alternate universes and the multiverse to suffer. His name is Error! Sans, or Error for short.

He watched as the two ran off into the woods. Holding his hand up above his shoulder, he summoned some strings and chuckled, smiling like a maniac would.


He followed them, making sure to not be heard or seen by them. He wouldn't like to ruin his kills, would he now?

The thing is, however, he only knew about them both. He didn't see the poor baby in the basket that the mother clutched onto for her dear life.

Soon the two arrived to an edge of a cliff where a waterfall would be. The loud sound of the water hitting the spot underneath scared them. They did not want to fall, does anyone?

"This is a dead end! We must go back!" the man told his wife, weakly smiling as she nodded.

She thought about it a little more, however.

"Wait! We can't go back! They might see us and kill us!" She yelled over the rushing water of the waterfall.

"ΞŦ'Ş Δ ŁΞŦŦŁ€ ŁΔŦ€ ₣ØŘ ŦĦΔŦ, ΔβØΜΞŇΔŦΞØŇ!" The glitched voice of the destroyer said.
("It's a little late for that, abomination!")

The couple both backed away until they reached the ledge, gulping.

"Please, have mercy!" The woman begged.

His reaction was simple, he burst out laughing as he wrapped his strings around their souls. The two grownups seemed shocked, as if they've never seen their souls before.

"ΔŇ¥ ŁΔŞŦ ŴØŘĐŞ?" Error smirked as he looked up and a shadow covered his eye sockets.
("Any last words?")

There was a moment of silence before the mother looked at the basket, gasping.


But it was too late, Error laughed loudly and evilly as he teared and ripped their souls.

The two fell onto the hard ground, the woman dropping the basket backwards and down the waterfall.

The glitchy skeleton thought that he saw the basket, but shrugged it off, thinking that it was his imagination.

Turning around, he headed back towards the village with the smirk still on his face.

You would have thought that the poor baby died, but she didn't. The basket hit a bird, which fell off of the animal and landed perfectly on the surface of the water.

The river took her long ways, through a forest and under a bridge. The baby girl was in the basket still. It has been over an hour.

A skeleton that held a paintbrush in his hands was running towards the direction of the village. He hoped that he wasn't too late.

But, once he stopped and saw the basket floating above the water he stopped and quickly grabbed it.

Looking inside it, the monster covered his mouth and gasped.

"Who would do such a thing!?" He stood upright and glanced around the area, sighing.

Now, the savior had two options. One, to save the village and bring the baby with him, or two, leave the AU with the baby.

He thought for a little before realizing that he was possibly already too late, so he sighed once more before opening a portal back to his home, the Anti-Void.

Once reaching his home, he drew a house, no, a mansion for them. From time to time he would check up on the baby, but to see that she was still asleep.

Oh, and who was this other mysterious skeleton?

His name was Ink, not a destroyer like Error, but the opposite, creation.

Ink finished the mansion, making it pop out and bring it to life. He drew furniture inside and set the little one in a crib in the living room.


Some days later, Error had thought of destruction and creation. What's the point of destroying things, if Ink will only bring it back?

He secretly loved Ink, though he was confused of the feeling. But soon he found out, going to confess to the rainbow skeleton he loved.

He failed to confess that day. He practiced for a week, even leaving the Villain Mob, before he went back to Ink, finally confessing without any struggles.

But, the day Error confessed to the artist was before Ink had found (Y/N). First, Error would stalk his enemy, slowly falling in love with Ink until he had the courage to confess to him. Soon after that he had gotten caught by the Villain Mob. They knew about Error's true feelings for Ink. So, later on Error left the group after the day he destroyed the girl's village.

The day Ink painted the mansion, Error was out with his sons, Gradient and Paperjam, or PJ. So, Ink had found the small baby girl after many, many years.

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