Chapter 9

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 9." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

•~Some Time Later...~•

Error sat outside Ink's room, crying into his hands as Gradient, PJ, and (Y/N) tried to cheer him up. You see, Error made a promise to himself earlier, a day or two before him and Ink got together, that he would protect Ink and not let him get hurt or die. He broke it, he broke the promise.

"Dad, everything is going to be okay." Gradient spoke quietly, but loud enough for PJ and (Y/N) to hear.

"Yeah, we just have to hope and believe that things will go right." PJ added, putting (Y/N) down onto the floor.

The little child ran to her father and sat by him, hugging his arm. "N-N... Nu cry, dada."

The glitchy skeleton smiled as he heard the angelic voice of his adopted daughter, taking his hands away from his face to look down at his little angel. He gently grabbed her and hugged her, holding an arm out for his two sons to join in.

They both smiled weakly, dropping onto their knees to hug their father.

"Ξ ΔΜ ŁỮĆҜ¥ ŦØ ĦΔV€ ¥ØỮ ŦĦŘ€€." Error sniffed. "ŞØ ŁỮĆҜ¥."
("I am lucky to have you three." "So lucky.")

There was a moment of silence before the door to Ink's room opened. The four of them on the floor looked up at Dream and Blue, which had fully healed and are fine now.

Error stood up, letting his kids go before doing so. "ΞŞ ΞŇҜ ØҜΔ¥?"
("Is Ink okay?")

The two had blank expressions on their faces before looking at each other, frowning, then looking back at them.

Error's eye sockets widened and his pupils shrunk. He ran in and stood by Ink's side, getting onto his knees as he takes Ink's hand.

"ŇØ... ŇØ ŇØ ŇØ..." He refused to believe that Ink was dead.
("No... No no no...")

The monitors kept track if Ink was alive or not. He still had a pulse, he was breathing, but he had a weak, very, very weak and fragile heart beat.

"ΞŇҜ¥, РŁ€ΔŞ€... ĐØŇ'Ŧ ĐΞ€ ØŇ Μ€. РŁ€ΔŞ€." Error begged and kissed Ink's hand.

Meanwhile, by the doorframe, Gradient and PJ were looking inside to see their father starting to cry again as Ink lay still as a rock on the bed. They looked at the monitors.

The lines went down.

Ink was slowly dying.

It became quiet until...


The lines were flat.

Dream and Blue ran inside and stood behind Error. They both began to cry as well, Blue hugging Dream tightly and cried onto his shoulder.

"ŇØ." Error looked upon the monitors, shaking his head frantically. "ŇØŇØŇØŇØ!" He panicked, laying his pupils down upon Ink again.
("No..." "NONONONO!")

"ΞŇҜ!!!" He shot up, holding his hands out towards Ink but to only get stopped by Dream and Blue pulling him back.

"ΞŇҜ¥ ŇØØØ!!!!" He struggled against their grip on him. Tears ran down his cheekbones, looking like waterfalls.
("INKY NOOO!!!!")

"Error, please." Dream said calmly, sniffing once.

Their grips tightened on him, now they had a firm grasp on him. It took some time, but eventually Dream and Blue managed to pull and push Error out of the room. His screams and cries would scare the kids.

Gradient walked in, holding (Y/N). PJ followed after them. They looked down at Ink with frowns, tears slowly forming on the sides of their eye sockets.

But, for the little girl, she didn't understand what they were crying about. She thought that Ink was simply taking a nap.

"Mommy?" The small, innocent girl called to him.

No answer.

"M-Mommy?" She got onto the bed and sat beside Ink, poking his arm.

Once again, no answer.

The brothers looked at each other and cried even more, Gradient gently taking the little one out of the room with him, and into the living room where Error was.

With PJ, he was saying his last words to his mother. He was saying goodbye to Ink, forever.

"Mom? If you can hear me, papa is crying really badly. He misses you." PJ started off, pausing for a moment.


He continued. "Please wake up. Papa, Gradient, (Y/N) and I don't want you to be gone."

He held back his tears.

Again, silence.

The poor child looked down, a tear coming out from his eye sockets and rolled down his cheekbones, then onto the blankets which covered up the lifeless body of Ink.





PJ gasped and looked up at the computers keeping an eye on Ink. The lines went up and Ink began breathing again. He had a pulse!

"Mom?" PJ questioned with slight excitement in his voice as he stood up straight, grinning.

Ink opened his eye sockets, blinking a few times before smiling weakly and looking at PJ.

"Mommy! You're alive!" PJ was now one hundred percent happy and excited to go tell everybody.

Ink was going to say something, but PJ interrupted him.

"I'm going to tell everyone
else! Wait here!" He ran out of the room with a huge grin on his face.


"ŞĦỮŦ ỮР ¥ØỮ βŁỮ€β€ŘŘ¥ ₣*ĆҜ!" He slapped Blue on the cheek, causing Blue to whimper and back off.

"You're making this hard, Error. Please, calm down." Dream spoke in his usual, calm voice. "We understand how you feel-"

"g€Ŧ ΔŴΔ¥ ₣ŘØΜ Μ€! ŦΔҜ€ ¥ØỮŘ РØŞΞŦΞVΞŦ¥ ΔŇĐ ΔŇŇØ¥ΞŇg ΔŞŞ VØΞĆ€ ØỮŦ Ø₣ Ħ€Ř€!" Error growled and yelled out in pure anger, pointing to the front door.

Dream ignored what he had said and took a step closer to him.

Error was close to killing Dream, lifting his hand up above his head, but PJ suddenly came rushing in, yelling:


Gradient was the first to go running back towards his mother's room with (Y/N), then Error.

Blue and Dream followed close behind, but instead of running, they walked.

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