Chapter 17

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 17." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

"RuRu... Please." Ink muttered to the unconscious body of his husband. Ever since they got home a few hours later from that fight, he was by his side, refusing to leave Error alone.

PJ and (Y/N) too were by their fathers side, but they would come back and forth instead of standing there like their mother was.

"Is daddy and mommy gonna to be okay?" The little girl asked with eyes that showed nothing but worry and sadness.

In response PJ sighed and picked up his little sister. "I don't know, (Y/N). I don't know."

PJ decided to give his mother some time with his husband. He took (Y/N) outside, where flowers and plants and trees grew.

They had everything a family needed, but now it's all being broken down and sliced into multiple pieces.

As the two played outside, Dream and Blue would talk and watch them from the windows. You know, just in case.

"I SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING, DAMN IT." Blue quietly cried into his gloved hands, sniffing and wiping a tear from his cheekbone.

"It's not your fault, Blue." Dream tried lightening up the mood by being his normal, positive self.


"Blue, you have to understand that-"

"STOP TRYING TO BE POSITIVE! WHENEVER WE THINK POSITIVE THINGS ALWAYS GO WRONG!" Blue rudely interrupted, clutching onto a blue bone he had in his hand.

Dream stayed quiet and stared outside the window, having a really worried look on his face.


"I'll get my revenge! I know I will!" Gradient paced back and forth in a dark and unsettling room. "I'll get rid of PJ and (Y/N), it's their fault for making mom and dad fall for them and not me!" He kicked the floor and let out a frustrated yell.

A knock was heard at the door. Gradient went to go check it out, walking over to the door and twisting the doorknob once he had his grip on it. When he opened it, it revealed Nightmare, standing there with both 'journals' and 'diaries' of Ink and Error's thoughts.

Why couldn't Gradient see that this was all a lie?

Wasn't he the smart one?

"Why do you have those?" Gradient asked as he glared at them.

"I thought that maybe you would enjoy reading them. After all, they are your family-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT AGAIN!" The kid growled, out of nowhere pulling out a knife and swinging it at the king of nightmares out of rage.

'Very worthy indeed...' Nightmare thought, turning around before using one of his tentacles to grab the doorknob and close it a little bit.

"Do whatever you want with them. Burn them, tear them, I don't care what you do." He chuckled evilly before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. Of course, before he left he set them all down on the wooden floor.

Gradient simply stared at them and did nothing. He did not dare to touch them. He wasn't afraid of them or anything, but more like... angry. Does he really want to be reminded of his so called 'past?'

I think not.


Error moaned in pain as his eye sockets slowly fluttered open. He wasn't too hurt, only having a few broken bones here and there, but overall he was fine.

Sitting up, the glitch looked at his hands and held onto his skull, scratching it. "ŴĦ-ŴĦ€Ř€ ΔΜ Ξ?"
("Wh-Where am I?")

"Ruru!" Ink gasped and wrapped his arms around him. Error was caught by surprise, almost slapping Ink away until he realized where he was.

The hurt skeleton looked at his wife, letting out a breath before hugging him in a protective way.

("Inky... Thank Asgore you're okay.")

"What d-do you mean!? L-Look at you!" Ink departed from the hug and took a step back, studying his husbands body.

Error looked at himself too, pulling his shirt up and checking every spot on his body which he could see.

"ŴΔΞŦ. ŴĦ€Ř€'Ş gŘΔĐΞ€ŇŦ!?" Memories came back into Errors mind. He remembered himself getting through multiple walls by his son.
("Wait. Where's Gradient!?")

"I'm sorry, RuRu.." Ink sniffed. "But... Nightmare... He... H-He." The artist struggled to say his sentence.

"ŦĦΔŦ ₣*ĆҜΞŇg ΜΞŞŦΔҜ€." Error growled to himself. "ŇΞgĦŦΜΔŘ€... Ħ€ ŴΞŁŁ РΔ¥ ₣ØŘ ŦĦΞŞ."
("That f*cking mistake." "Nightmare... He will pay for this.")

"He will, RuRu. He will." Ink smiled softly and helped Error get up and off the bed.

"Is everything okay in here?" Dream walked in beside Blue, which was looking really depressed and down at first, but when seeing that Error was all right, he smiled a little.

"YOU'RE OKAY!" Blue exclaimed in happiness, running at him and hugging him.

Don't you miss the old Blue? The nice, happy, innocent Blueberry?

Error was Blue's first ever friend, and to see his friend die on him or disappear would be sad for him.

"Ξ-Ξ'Μ ØҜΔ¥... ŴĦ€Ř€ ΞŞ РĴ ΔŇĐ (¥/Ň)?"
("I'm okay... Where is PJ and (Y/N)?")

Error was focused more on his children at the moment. He had one taken from him, and now he refused to lose another.

"They're outside playing, don't worry. They're okay and will be happy to see you." Dream walked up to Error and gave him a folded piece of paper.

The glitch gently took it from Dream's hands and unfolded it, revealing a drawing that PJ and (Y/N) made during the time he was healing up and gaining his consciousness.

"Ξ ŁØV€ ¥ØỮ ŞØ ΜỮĆĦ Μ¥ ĆĦΞŁĐŘ€Ň..." Error examined the picture a little more.
("I love you so much my children...")

Gradient was off to the side, sitting alone on a bench as Ink, PJ, and him were playing. Beside Gradient was (Y/N) trying to cheer him up.

("Gradient... I'm coming.")

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