Chapter 32

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 32." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

Okay, now we're back to the present.

Enjoy! <3

•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~•

I remembered what mom and dad had said.

While I was "passed out" and in the arms of my dad back then, I remember them telling me that the fight had progressed just a little bit longer, from the dungeon, to the throne room, to every single room in the castle.

I also remember dad telling me the aftermath of the fight. Him and his old evil pals weren't injured, but mom was slightly.

It wasn't anything to worry about, mom said so herself.

He said that they were just a few cuts and scratches here and there.

I believed him, and a month later, look where we are now.

Back in the same castle where it all started.

Honestly, I was nervous. I don't know why.

Today is the day we get rid evil Nightmare and bring back passive Nightmare.

Dream would be proud.

I remember the day he had gotten turned into stone.

Apparently it was the second time that he had been turned to stone.

He was first turned to stone when his passive brother had eaten the negativity apple, making his brother become corrupt by a black liquid coming out of his right eye socket.

It covered his whole body.

Once it did, that's how Dream's brother, Nightmare, became evil.

Nightmare caused a lot of damage to Dreamtale, his home.

He managed to destroy the Tree of Feelings.

From there, he used a spell that froze Dream and also turned him into stone.

After that, Nightmare left.

Dream was a stone statue for one thousand years, and once he was free, he set off to go find his brother.

Over the one thousand years, the Tree of Feelings recovered from its destruction.

And it happened again, besides the first part.

Nightmare destroyed the Tree of Feelings while Dream tried to stop him.

Nightmare chose the right time, because mom, dad and I were distracted during that time.

As Dream was trying to save the tree, he managed to grab one of his golden positivity apples and hide it from his brother.

Nightmare used the same spell and turned Dream into stone, after that bringing Dream to our front door.

Dad saw the golden apple that Dream managed to take in his final moments and took it, dropping it once he realized that it was Dream turned to stone.

I came outside and took the apple inside into my room for studying.

I still have it now.

Ever since then, we've been keeping Dream in a spare room downstairs.

PJ's old room...

I know that it's only been like nine months since Dream had become stone again.

It takes over one thousand years for him to turn back to normal.

I won't be alive then. By the time he comes back, I would have been dead centuries ago.

Unless mom does something to reverse or remove this wicked spell from Dream.

It's felt like years since I've last talked to uncle Dream, but really it's only been less than a year.

"Search every room! Nightmare and Gradient have to be in here somewhere!" I shouted, giving them commands. "Keep your guard up!"

Mom and dad stood beside me while Dust, Horror, Killer and Cross all searched different rooms cautiously.

Ink giggled and smiled.

"Just look at you, (Y/N)! Leading a group into battle!"

I blushed in embarrassment and shook my head, crossing my arms.

I glared up at the destroyed golden throne that Nightmare used to sit on.

A few flashbacks played in my head, but I shook them off and decided to check out the upstairs area.

Dad followed, but mom decided to go on his own and check out the rooms downstairs with the rest of the old Villain Mob gang.



I carefully opened the door to a random room and poked my head inside before going inside.

"You and mom never told me why Cross, Dust, Killer, and Horror betrayed Nightmare. Did they tell you two and you guys just forgot to tell me?"

"ŦØ ΜΔҜ€ ΞŦ ŞĦØŘŦ," Error cleared his throat, "ŦĦ€¥ Ŵ€Ř€ g€ŦŦΞŇg ŞΞĆҜ ΔŇĐ ŦΞ؀РØ₣ β€ΞŇg ΔβỮŞ€Đ β¥ ĦΞΜ. ŦĦ€¥ ΔŁŞØ ŞΔΞĐ ŦĦΔŦ ŦĦ€¥ Ŵ€Ř€ ŞŦΔŘŦΞŇg ŦØ g€Ŧ ΔŇŇØ¥€Đ Ø₣ ĦΞΜ."

I nodded, "I see."

After searching this room, we moved onto the other rooms.

It took us a while, but every single room was fully searched through.

But no sign of my big brother or Nightmare.

"Damn it!" I said to myself.

We all gathered up at the front entrance.

"Where could they have gone?" Cross asked.

I began to think.

"Cross. You were one of his most trusted allies. Do you remember him talking about a plan or something?"

"One, how do you-"

"Just answer the question!" I said.

"I-I don't know! He hasn't said anything to any of us!"

I slightly looked down at the floor, but then I felt... something.

I snapped my head up.


A wave of black tentacles came from the upstairs area. Thankfully none of us got caught in any of them.

We were all separated now.

Huge lasers from gaster blasters shot at us.

From what I could tell, no one got hit by them.

I dodged a few more lasers from the gaster blasters and went up to mom and dad.

"They must be upstairs. They must have done something before to avoid us and to prevent us from finding them." I said to them as the three of us dodged the attacks.

"I'm heading up."


I nodded and looked over at mom with a smile before looking back at dad.

"Before we go, I just want to say this. If you somehow get Nightmare weak, don't kill him. I know what to do."

Error nodded, "gØŦ ΞŦ."

(I decided to update this again because I felt generous)

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