Chapter 33- The End

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 33- The End." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)


•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~•

"He hasn't noticed yet, come on." Ink said, taking ahold of my hand as he peaked his skull around the corner, checking if Nightmare had noticed that mom and I were gone.

I looked the opposite direction, where Error was with everybody else, dodging attacks from their former leader.

"Come on (Y/N)." Ink tugged on my hand, "We can't waste anymore time. My son must be somewhere up here."

I turned my attention back to mom, nodding with a soft but worried smile on my face.

Mom could see that I was worried.

It is true that Nightmare had beaten them all once in a battle. I'm just afraid that he will be able to again.

Mom placed his hand on my cheek, smiling sweetly.

"Don't worry about your dad. With him and his old pal's powers combined, they can defeat Nightmare."

Giving him another nod, I sighed and smiled up at him.


Taking my hand once more, Ink lead the way. We quickly and quietly checked every room, dodging attacks that were not meant to hit us, but Nightmare.

"They really need to watch where they aim their attacks. I almost got my leg chopped off by a bone!" I said loud enough for mom to hear.

"It isn't their fault, (Y/N), you know that." He replied, sighing afterwards. "Hopefully Nightmare doesn't find out that we're out of the fight."

"If so our plan is pretty much ruined." I added, poking my head into a random room.

Nothing but torn down walls and vines.

We continued our way down the hall, being as swift, sneaky and quiet as possible.

Although there already was a lot of noise due to the gaster blasters shooting and walls falling apart, the further we went, the quieter it got.

Besides, whenever we would enter a room, I noticed that some of them seemed to be sound proof.

Most of the rooms that were sound proof were bedrooms, guest rooms, restrooms, and meeting rooms.

We searched the first half of the upstairs area. There was nothing.

"My brother must be somewhere nearby with Nightmare then." I said, "He hardly ever leaves Nightmare's side unless he's told to do so."

Mom sighed, "I was hoping that this would be a lot easier."

I set my hand down on his shoulder. "Nothing is ever easy, mom."

We chuckled at each other, smiling before we headed back.

On our way back, we came across some holes in the floor. We decided to hop down and avoid the fighting by going underneath it, but once we landed, so did Nightmare.

He didn't see us. We were behind him, but quite a distance away from him.

Quickly, we hid behind a pillar.

"That was close." I said.

Mom nodded, "Let's move."

The both of us passed by the huge fight and we were about to go upstairs again when we suddenly noticed that there was a strange light seeping through behind a wall.

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