Chapter 2

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 2." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

Error picked up the child and grinned. He was a happy father. Ink tilted his head and rested it on Error's shoulder as he smiled and tickled (Y/N). She giggled and held her arms out, just being the funny and adorable girl she was.

A few seconds later a knock was heard from the front door. (Y/N) was let down and she ran for the door, jumping up and down as she tried to grab the door knob. Everyone in the room chuckled as Ink went over and picked her up and opened the door.

There stood Dream with an over excited and hyper Blue behind him. But next to Blue was Honey, or Blue's brother, Papyrus.

Dream greeted everybody before gasping and looking at (Y/N). She held her arms out at him and tried gripping onto him. Ink handed the small girl over to Dream.

"Come in." Ink said, stepping out of the way and holding the door open for them.

Dream nodded and walked in with Blue running inside and sitting down. Honey would only chuckle and shake his head as he teleported next to him.

As soon as Dream sat down, (Y/N) tugged at his yellow cape and golden crown on his skull, eventually pulling the crown off and playing with it. Then, once she was done with it she threw it somewhere.

Though, Error saw this and caught it, giving it back to Dream.

("Heh, s-sorry about that.")

"She's just a child, Error. It's completely fine." Dream put his crown back on and adjusted it.

Ink leaned onto his husband, looking at Blue, Honey, and Dream, one by one.

"(Y/N) learned how to both walk and talk in one day." Ink announced, Blue squealing and getting excited again.

Honey shrugged.

And Dream just threw her up into the air before catching her.

After a little while Dream handed (Y/N) over to Blue, which Blue gently took and tickled her.

"I, THE MAGNIFICENT SANS HAS WON!" Blue giggled as (Y/N) laughed as she was continued to be tickled by him.

But her cuteness can't be beaten. She made her cutest face and looked up at Underswap! Sans. He gasped and his pupils became stars.


Blue set the cute little girl on Honey's lap. She seemed to be confused, but as soon as Honey looked down at her she climbed on top of him and sat on his shoulders. Error, being a protective father kept watch of this and stood nearby, taking glances at his baby girl.

"ŞĦ€ Ş-Ş€€ΜŞ ŦØ Ł-ŁΞҜ€ ¥-¥-¥ØỮ."
("She s-seems to l-like y-y-you.")

"I guess." Papyrus chuckled and pat her small little head before grabbing her and setting her on the floor.

Instead of standing up, she crawled over to Ink and sat on her knees, holding her arms out at him.


Everybody awed as Ink took the girl into his arms. For the rest of the day Error and Honey would care for the smol children as Ink, Dream, and Blue talked about the Villain Mob and what might happen next.


•~Error's P.O.V~

I lay on my bed as (Y/N) and her two brothers play in my room. I had puppets hung up above on my ceiling and would only take them down if I really must or if I want to.

PJ and Gradient ran off to go find Honey.

I looked over the edge of my bed and see my baby girl slowly making her way up onto my bed. Chuckling, I grabbed her and sat her on my chest.

She pointed up at one of my little dolls and tried grabbing it.

"ŴĦ-ŴĦΞĆĦ ØŇ€?" I asked, looking at each and every one of my puppets. She seemed to me pointing to Nightmares.
("Wh-Which one?")

I sighed and grabbed it, but only for a second, because once I got it she swiped it away from my grasp and took it, hugging it as she giggled.

I worry for her. What if she likes Nightmare? What if Nightmare and everyone in his team of bad skeletons come to take her away from us?

I can't let that happen.

I gently took the doll from her hands and sat up, putting her on my lap and making her face me.

"ŦĦΞŞ ΞŞ ŇΞgĦŦΜΔŘ€. Ħ€ ΞŞ βΔĐ, Δ Ř€ΔŁŁ¥ βΔĐ βΔĐ gỮ¥." I stated, earning a nod from her.
("This is Nightmare. He is bad, a really bad bad guy.")

"B-Bad? M-M... Me-Mean?" She tilted her head. I nodded and held her close.

("That's why when you see him, you run. Do not talk to him, touch him, or even try to attack him. He's too powerful.")

She nodded and tossed the doll to the side, standing up and hugging me. I hugged her back, smiling.

"Ξ ŴØŇ'Ŧ Ł€Ŧ ĦΞΜ g€Ŧ ¥ØỮ, Ξ РŘØΜΞŞ€." I rubbed her back.
("I won't let him get you, I promise.")

Suddenly, the sound of a window shattering was head. Blue and Dream screamed as I see them run to the front of the house, Honey and Ink following.

(Y/N) began to cry as she trembled in pure fear. She clutched onto me, balling her eyes out.

PJ and Gradient ran into the room soon after and shut the door.

"Mommy told us to shut the door and stay here with you." PJ and Gradient say in unison.

I nodded and lay (Y/N) onto my bed. Then the boys climb on top of the bed and sat near their baby sister.

("Who is it? What is going on?")

Gradient adjusted his glasses and gulped. "It's Nightmare, again."

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