Chapter 19

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 19." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

•~Some Time Later...~•

PJ and (Y/N) were both outside, playing on their little playground that Ink had made for his children. With his arms folded and his side leant back against the doorframe, Ink watched as PJ pushed his little sister on the swing. They were having fun, laughing and giggling as they had their fun. Ink couldn't help but smile and giggle to himself, seeing that they were happy and not fighting or getting into trouble. He couldn't stop thinking about Gradient though, Error couldn't either. Speaking of the glitch, he had teleported next to Ink with his weight shifted to one side and his arms crossed. He watched the two play until his gaze eventually changed over to the back of Ink's skull.

"¥ØỮ ĆΔŇ'Ŧ ŞŦØР ŦĦΞŇҜΞŇg Ø₣ ĦΞΜ €ΞŦĦ€Ř, ĆΔŇ ¥ØỮ?" He asked, blinking a few times before staring at the floor.
("You can't stop thinking of him either, can you?")

Ink squeaked and jumped, almost falling backwards. Error caught his wife in time though, laughing a little bit before planting a small kiss on Ink's forehead.

"Stop doing that!" Ink complained, a light rainbow blush appearing on his cheekbones.

Error rolled his pupils at the other and helped him stand up.

"A-And to answer your question, yes. I can't stop thinking of my poor baby boy." Ink lowered his face down a little and shook his head.

"Ħ€¥..." Error put two fingers under Ink's chin and made him look up at him. They both blushed and stared into each others pupils before smiling warmly at each other. The two skeletons leaned in into each other, slowly until-


A portal suddenly opened up a fair distance away from their house. PJ and (Y/N) both ran by their parents and hid behind them as the two adult skeletons became aware and cautious. Error summoned his strings and took a step forward as Ink simply stood there, not even taking out his paintbrush.

"Wait." Ink slowly began to take steps forward towards the mysterious portal, extending his arm out behind him to let Error and PJ and (Y/N) know to stay back.

"ΞŇҜ¥? ŴĦ-ŴĦΔŦ ΔŘ€ ¥ØỮ ĐØΞŇg?" Error took a step forward, only for Ink to not reply and continue to walk towards the portal.
("Inky? Wh-What are you doing?")

"ΔŇŞŴ€Ř Μ€!"
("Answer me!")

Ink stopped about ten feet away from the portal and tilted his head in curiosity and confusion. All he could hear is the noise of the portal whooshing.

Suddenly, he could hear yells of a familiar someone. His pupils slowly became stars and his smile turned into a huge grin as he realized whose yell it was. It became louder and louder as they got closer.

"Gradient?" Ink mumbled and questioned himself, taking one more step forward before a body fell right on top of him.

Over inside the house, Error had made his strings disappear as he finally noticed who it was. A huge grin grew on his face as he rushed at Gradient with open arms.

"Gradient!" Ink cried of happiness as he embraced his first ever child in his arms.

"Μ¥ ŞØŇ!" Error dropped onto his knees and hugged both his wife and Gradient.

Soon PJ and (Y/N) came running in and they all hugged. It was a nice, beautiful, wonderful family reunion!

"I-I'm so sorry... I'm super s-sorry... please... forgive me..." Gradient sniffed as he wiped some of his tears off from his face.

"ĐØŇ'Ŧ ΔРØŁØgΞŽ€." The glitchy skeleton hugged his son even tighter as tears flowed down his face.
("Don't apologize.")

"We're just happy your back! Safe and sound!" Ink said in between happy cries of joy.

After a few minutes of hugging and joy, Error and Ink searched Gradient, checking for any wounds or anything that maybe Nightmare put on him to spy on them or something.

"What is this?" PJ asked, pulling out a screwdriver from Gradient's jacket pocket.

"I used this screwdriver to defend myself and help myself escape from Nightmare's grasp. I overheard him say that all of those diaries and journals were fake. He tried getting me to join him." Gradient explained, taking the screwdriver from PJ and putting it back into his jacket pocket.

PJ became suspicious of his older brother, glaring at him as his little sister and parents helped Gradient get up and into the house. He followed them and went inside. Instead of following them all the way though, he turned a corner and went upstairs into the bathroom. Something was bothering him. In other words, he knew that something was off about his older brother, and he knew that he would figure it out sooner or later.


"ΔŘ€ ¥ØỮ ŞỮŘ€ ŦĦΔŦ ¥ØỮ ĐØŇ'Ŧ ŴΔŇŦ ΔŇ¥ŦĦΞŇg ŦØ €ΔŦ ØŘ ĐŘΞŇҜ? ¥ØỮ ŁØØҜ ŁΞҜ€ ¥ØỮ ĴỮŞŦ ĆΔΜ€ βΔĆҜ Δ₣Ŧ€Ř Δ ĦỮg€ ŴΔŘ ΔgΔΞŇŞŦ ŦĦØỮŞΔŇĐŞ Ø₣ €Ň€ΜΞ€Ş." Error held out a glass of water at Gradient, only for the kid to shake his head.
("Are you sure that you don't want anything to eat or drink? You look like you just came back after a huge war against thousands of enemies.")

"I'm fine, father. Really."

(Y/N) tugged at her big brothers pants, catching his attention. He chuckled and set her on his lap, deciding to play with her hair.

"I missed you big brother." She said, turning her body so she faced Gradient and hugged him. Something within him told him to say something back, but he didn't. His hands balled up into fists instead as he gritted his teeth.

In a quick second is face expression changed to a happy and calm one as Ink turned around and sat by his husband, putting his head on Error's shoulder and wrapping both of his arms around Error's arm.

They continued to talk and talk until it was nine at night. PJ had already gone to sleep, and everyone else was just about to go sleep as well.

"Goodnight, Gradient. See you in the morning." The artist waved down the hall at his son along with Error before going inside and closing the door.

Gradient waved back, but instead of going into his room and going to bed, he went into PJ's bedroom where he took the screwdriver from his jacket and stood by his brothers sleeping body.

"Goodbye, brother.~"

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