Chapter 4

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 4." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

The tall skeleton had just barely dodged the attack, his hoodie only getting damaged on the side. He grabbed the door knob and slammed the door open, allowing the children to run for it. PJ and Gradient made it out safely, screaming their heads off as their tears hit the floor. However, (Y/N) still stood in the corner, hugging Nightmare's doll that Error made as she trembled and cried.

Killer teleported in front of her and picked her up before immediately getting knocked down onto the bed by Honey. The bad skeleton had let go of her and in midair got caught by US Papyrus. Safe in his arms, the savior ran with the little girl in his hands. He thought of where the other two could be.

A scream could suddenly be heard coming from the kitchen. Going that direction, Honey realized that it was PJ screaming for his life. By the time he made it, PJ was in Dust's arms, a knife up to his neck. The poor child cried and cried, begging to be set free. The insane skeleton could only laugh at how weak and helpless he was.

Honey made no sound, staring at Dust with a serious, angry look. Even though he really didn't know who these three were, he still saw them as his own brothers and sister.

He took a step forward.

"Another step and he's done for." Dust pressed the knife against PJ's little neck.

PJ sniffed and had almost screamed, but he held it in as he held still, not wanting to get cut by the sharp edge of the knife.

Honey mainly focused on what was in front of him, how foolish of him. He didn't know that Killer had come up from behind with Gradient over his shoulder.

Gradient tried warning the tall skeleton, but it was too late. Killer had swung his knife and hit Honey.

Dust spun PJ around and put him over his shoulder like a pack of potatoes.

As Honey fell and turned into nothing but Dust, (Y/N) fell onto the floor, somehow surviving. Tears were still running down her eyes as Killer got closer to her.

"Hurry up and grab her Killer." Dust walked by them and looked through the front windows where he still saw a battle going on outside.

"I'm trying but she's a tricky one!" He set his knife down on the kitchen table as he crouched down to grab the little girl which had snuck under the table.

Dust rolled his pupils, "You f*cking dumba**."

He used his telekinesis and made her fly into Killer's arms. Killer stood up and sighed, walking up to his skeleton friend.

"Let's move."

After this whole game of cat and mouse they both teleported out with the children in their grasps.

Outside, it was complete chaos. Dream was badly hurt and Ink and Error were both hoping for this to soon end without their children getting kidnapped. The couple had trusted Honey to care for them, to make sure that they were safe. But now, he's gone. Dead.

Dust and Killer appeared next to Nightmare on both of his sides with the children either crying or whimpering. Gradient was squirming in Killer's grip, PJ wasn't thinking and did nothing but cried, and the poor little girl simply lay there in Killer's arms, whimpering and looking up at him.

The huge fight stopped after Ink ordered everyone to back away, seeing what Nightmare had on his side. He feared that if he kept fighting that his children will either get killed in front of them or get hurt.

("Let go of them this instant! You don't know wh-what you're messing with!")

Error was now pissed off, angry that they now had three of his most precious and valuable people in the world, his kids. Though, he wasn't only mad at them, but also mad at himself for not being there with them when they needed him the most in a situation like this.

Small tears formed on the bottom corners of Ink's eye sockets. He was going to cry if Nightmare even tries anything on his kid.

"I wouldn't mind ruining lives and bringing their nightmares to life." Nightmare wrapped one tentacle around (Y/N)'s small waist and brought her closer to him. "Besides..." He turned and faced the opposite direction of his foes.

"That is my job, right?" His eye light glowed brightly as a big evil smirk appeared onto his face, whipping his head around to look at them.

Without another word he began walking off.

"g€Ŧ βΔĆҜ Ħ€Ř€ ŴΞŦĦ Μ¥ ĐΔỮgĦŦ€Ř ΔŇĐ Μ¥ ŦŴØ ŞØŇŞ, ŇΞgĦŦΜΔŘ€!!!" Error yelled in pure anger and ran after him, eventually trying to use his blue strings to choke him.

Though, Cross and Horror came out of no where and hit him back, hurting Error a little.

He rolled on the ground until he eventually made it to a stop. He made no movement, but was still breathing and living.

Nightmare stopped taking steps forwards and turns back around, studying Error.

"Take him too, I know what to do with him." He ordered.

Both Cross and Horror nodded, going for Error's body. But, Ink and Blue stood in the way of them, trying to protect Error.

Though they were no match for them. Blue had gotten beat up pretty badly so Ink retreated along with Blue and let them take Error.

They had no choice but to.

Over with the three kids, Gradient had thought of a plan of how to get not only him, but his two siblings free. He bit the back of Killer's neck, causing the evil skeleton to let go of him and (Y/N).

Dust noticed this but had no time to react as Gradient kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

PJ began running back to his home. Gradient told him so as he grabbed (Y/N) and ran after him.

Nightmare growled and pointed at the three running away. "Get them! Don't let them escape you fools!"

Dust and Killer quickly recovered and went after them. It was going to be easy for them since up ahead where Gradient was, he had tripped and fallen with the little girl falling out of his hands and onto the hard, white floor.

He, without hesitation, got up and tried picking up his little sister to only get knocked out of the way. This time, Dust took the baby and Killer went for Gradient again. Gradient dodged him and had no choice but to run back to the safety of his home.

"Don't waste time on him, at least we have one of 'em." Dust held up baby (Y/N) by the back of her clothing.

"Good, let's get back to the boss." Killer smirked as the two walked off.

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