Chapter 25

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 25." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~•

I kept my mouth shut again and kept my face from showing any fear. I glared down at them and clutched the staff that was still in my hand. I didn't have it for long though, right as I was about to use it, Nightmare took it from me and snapped it in half with two of his tentacles.

Dang it.

"Giving us the silent treatment, huh?" He brought me close to him and kept me three inches above ground. Our faces were six inches away from each other.

A smirk grew on his face, his blue eye light looking off to the side where Gradient stood, then after looking back at me. My expression on my face hadn't changed, it was still the exact same, emotionless. I stared Nightmare down, and he did the same to me. I continued to stare at him, not blinking once.

Gradient walked up and broke the silence between us, looking up at me before holding his switchblade up to my throat.

"Why won't you answer us?" He asked, his voice full of anger and slight curiosity. He wasn't sure if Nightmare had said the truth, that it was me, his sister, but I could tell that somewhere in his evil mind he knows that it's me. He just hasn't seen me in a long time.

Nightmare leaned up to Gradients non-existent ear and whispered something to him. I couldn't make out anything really, but what I could make out was his tone of voice. Evil, and what others would call, sexy.

The skeleton nodded, taking his blade away from my throat and stuffing it into his pocket. He then took my magic notepad and pencil, examining it closely before writing down a word. The next thing I see is him hold out his hand beside him with him still holding the pencil in that hand, and a small hamster appearing on his hand. For a second there I thought that he was going to keep it as a pet, but then I realized that Nightmare never let anyone that works for him have one.

Then what was he going to do with it?

Wait. No-

A tentacle ripped through it, killing it instantly. Before it died, it made a cute noise, which broke my heart into multiple pieces. Now I was pissed.

"Huh, interesting." Gradient muttered.

"Let me see that." Nightmare took the two items into his hands and began writing something in the notepad. Realizing that I was still here, he stopped writing and looked up at me with his pupils. He smirked at me, which I responded back to him with an angered look. I growled like an animal predator trying to protect her cubs.

"Do you have anything else that can be useful?" He asked, studying my body before looking at the backpack on my back. He gestured my brother to get it. Gradient nodded, taking out his switchblade again and began cutting the straps of my backpack. This gave me a chance to get out of Nightmare's grasp, because he loosened his grip on me. He thought that I was weak after piercing his tentacles straight through my chest and my stomach area, but I wasn't. I still had some strength in me, and not only that, but determination too.

I lowered my head and closed my eyes, gathering up as much of my strength as I could before breaking free of Nightmares tentacles. You could guess how they reacted.

Almost immediately after I kicked Nightmare, sending him flying across the room. Halfway through the room he had dropped the notepad and pencil. My eyes were set on getting them back, and so were Nightmares. I ran to get it, but got tackled by my brother once more. Nightmare reached the two items that were on the floor and picked it up, walking over to us. Gradient had his switchblade back up against my throat again. I glared up at Nightmare as I held my brothers arm, trying to push it back so he wouldn't slit or cut my throat.

"I'm impressed by how you're still up and running after getting stabbed twice through your stomach and chest, but I'm afraid you won't be any longer." He wrapped a tentacle around my neck as Gradient got off me. The tentacle lifted me up into the air again, squeezing my neck to try and choke me.

I gripped onto his tentacle and tried pushing it back as I squirmed and struggled for air.

Nightmare chuckled evilly, looking straight into my eyes with satisfaction and evil.

"Any last words?"

I coughed and choked as I continued squirming, shaking my head.

"Y-You w-w-won't... succeed... Ma-Mark m... my words..." I managed to say to him.

He must have big, non-existing ears, because he started laughing maniacally. What I said just barely came out as a whisper.

"Is that it? Oh well!" He squeezed my neck even harder.

"Ł€Ŧ gØ Ø₣ Μ¥ ĐΔỮgĦŦ€Ř ¥ØỮ €VΞŁ ₣Ř€ΔҜ!"

Nightmare whipped around, seeing my father, his formal teammate, Error. He let go of me, causing me to drop onto the floor and gasp for air. I was on my knees, and both of my hands were on the floor.

They glared at each other.

"¥oỮ." They said in unison.

Gradient stood beside me, crouching down and putting his switchblade up to my neck again.

"Where's Ink, hm?" Nightmare asked, grinning evilly.

"Ħ€ ĐØ€ŞŇ'Ŧ ΜΔŦŦ€Ř ŘΞgĦŦ ŇØŴ, βỮŦ ŴĦΔŦ ĐØ€Ş ΞŞ Μ¥ ĐΔỮgĦŦ€Ř. gΞV€ Ħ€Ř βΔĆҜ ØŘ €ŁŞ€!" Error held his hands up in front of him, summoning his strings on the tip of his skeletal fingers. He looked pissed as hell.
("He doesn't matter right now, but what does is my daughter. Give her back or else!")

"If you want her back, come and get her yourself." Nightmare stepped off to the side, so did Gradient once he had gotten up.

I didn't like this, not one bit.

As my father ran up to me, I tried warning him not to, but it was too late. He dropped onto his knees in front of me and hugged me tight.

"ΔŘ€ ¥ØỮ ØҜΔ¥!?"
("Are you okay!?")

I nodded, finally having enough breath to speak. But as I was about to, Gradient came up behind him and held his switchblade up, about to swing it down and kill his own father.


It was to late...

Error spun around just in time to see his son, Gradient swing the blade at him.

I watched as the blade...

Was blocked by someone else.

My father and I opened our eyes to see who it was.


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