Chapter 15

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 15." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

During the time of Gradients torture that Nightmare had done, Blue and Ink were fighting Dust and Killer. Error was sneaking from room to room, trying to find the king, Nightmare to give him a piece of his mind. Revenge.

Dream had his staff in hand, doing the same that Error was doing, but instead of looking through rooms, he was in the castles dungeon, where before (Y/N) had a small battle with Cross.

He examined the area around him, from the ceiling to the floor, and from one cell to another. Eventually he found huge marks of what could have been a big knife slashing against the concrete floor, and some blood not too far from the marking.

"Huh?" He tilted his small skull to the side before looking up and straight ahead. From there he followed the markings with his guard up.

He wasn't going to get caught by anyone.


'They HATE you, Gradient.'

'FORGET them, they're NOTHING to you anymore.'

'They don't LOVE you.'

'Your mother and father are telling you LIES.'

Evil laughs of his parents echoed in his mind.

Images of him getting beat up by them flashed in his head.

He continued to cry, cry and cry and cry.

His soul was slowly twisting, changing his thoughts about everything Gradient has gone through in his life.

His usual smile on his face, gone.

"I've had enough." He said.

His cheerful and happy voice, gone.

Nightmare began to untie him, continuing to whisper and say cruel things that Gradients parents apparently said about him.

He stood up from the chair, his body limp and his arms not in his pockets, but hanging and pointing towards the floor.

He was now broken.

The evil skeleton knelt down in front of Gradient, handing him a small knife with a very wide wicked smirk on his face.

"You know what to do."

Immediately afterwards Gradient's eye lights flashed red and stayed in that color as he walked out of the room with no emotion on his face.

Not too far behind Nightmare followed, his hands behind his back with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Don't forget about your mothers friends, and your siblings. It's their fault that they took the attention away from you."

This caused Gradient to stop in his tracks. Not only that, but a pair of footsteps as well.

Slowly, the figure got closer and closer until finally Dream came into view.

"B-Brother!?" He noticed Nightmare at first, but when looking around a little more, he finally saw Gradient.

"Wh-Why do you look so tired, Gradient? So... weak?" Dream asked with a worried tone of voice in his head. But in Gradient's head, Dream sounded much more meaner and evil.

He took no hesitation to start attacking. Jumping at Dream, he swung the small knife and left a slash on the positive skeletons cheek.

Dream cried in pain and got hit into a wall. His hand was up against his cheek and the other held his staff.

"What have you done to him?" Dream looked over at his brother.

"Nothing you should be worried about, Dream." Nightmare said before teleporting in front of Dream and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "Or should you?"


•~PJ's P.O.V~

"There!" (Y/N) pointed to the stairs.

Nodding, I rushed down the stairs, but I stopped once a body went flying just passed my face.

It was Killer.

He ignored (Y/N) and I and went after Blue and Ink.

A hand was put on my shoulder. I flinched and almost screamed, but my mouth was covered. Whoever it was turned me around to make me and (Y/N) look at them.

"Dad!" (Y/N) held her arms out at him.

(Oh my- thank Asgore you're okay!")

•~Third Person P.O.V~

Error picked up both of his children and teleported over to Classic, where he stood outside with a portal open beside him.

Classic grinned as Error handed (Y/N) over to him.

"Classy!" The little girl giggled, hugging him.

"Woah, kid." he chuckled.

"РĴ, (¥/Ň), ŞŦΔ¥ ØỮŦŞΞĐ€ Ħ€Ř€ ŴΞŦĦ ĆŁΔŞŞΞĆ. ¥ØỮ'ŁŁ β€ ŞΔ₣€ Ħ€Ř€. Ξ'Μ gØΞŇg ŦØ ₣ΞŇĐ ¥ØỮŘ βŘØŦĦ€Ř." Error said, walking forwards.
("PJ, (Y/N), stay outside here with Classic. You'll be safe here. I'm going to find your brother.")

Before anyone could say anything, the glitchy skeleton teleported away.

Inside, Blue and Ink were still fighting Dust and Killer.

Error teleported somewhere random in the castle, which he ended up fifteen feet in front of Gradient and Nightmare.

"gŘΔĐΞ€ŇŦ!" Error gasped, taking a step forward and reaching his arm out at his son.

It was weird and strange to him that Gradient didn't give him a happy reaction.

"ŇΞgĦŦΜΔŘ€..." Error growled.

"Yes?" He tilted his head with a sadistic smile on his face.

("What have you done to my son!?")

"He told me nothing but the truth, dad!" Gradient was suddenly behind him.

Error turned around and backed away from him.

("Th-The truth?")

"You hate me, don't you?" Gradient's head twitched, so did his eye lights.

"ŴĦ-ŴĦΔŦ!?" Error whipped around and glared at Nightmare. "¥ØỮ! ŴĦΔŦ ĐΞĐ ¥ØỮ ĐØ ŦØ ĦΞΜ!?"
("Wh-What!?" "YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?")

"Like he said himself, the truth." Nightmare said calmly.

Suddenly, Gradient stabbed the knife into Error's shoulder, making the glitchy skeleton glitch and scream in pain.

Next he was thrown around and stabbed multiple times by his own son.

Error couldn't get up. He was growing weak.

He couldn't attack back either. He can't hurt his own child.

("Gradient, my son, please... Whatever he said is not real! It's a lie!")

"You're the one lying, dad!" The broken skeleton spat, walking over to Error and picking him up. "I hate you and mom!"

With all the strength he had, Gradient threw Error into a wall, where Ink, Blue, Dust, and Killer were fighting.

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