Chapter 27

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 27." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~•

"I promise (Y/N). I will never anyone, especially you, PJ, and mom and dad."

He made that promise years ago. I always wonder whether he meant it or not.

"Do you pinky swear? Even if someone ever tried to take you away from us and use you to hurt us?"

"Pinky swear..."

Did he forget? Did he actually forget about our promise we made, or does he still have memory of it and is thinking about it right now?

I don't know, but I hope that he remembers... somehow.

Maybe in a few days...


This can't go on for much longer, I just don't think it can. I don't think that mom, dad and I can fight for much longer.

I recognized the bone that stabbed right through my hand. It was Gradient's, no doubt about it. The outlines, the colors to it, and the aura all looked like his magic.

I'm slowly starting to lose hope, in bringing him back that is. He's already done so much damage, he's been told too many lies.

Maybe he has forgotten about our old happy fun times from when we were kids, which I worry a lot about.

He can't forget about the old times, our happy memories, right?

"Ouch!" I pulled my arm away from mom. He was bandaging my hand up.

I'll admit, it hurt like hell every second, even if nobody was touching it, but it hurt much worse when someone or something was actually touch it.

"Can't you j-just use y-YOUR paintbRUSH, mOM?" I held back my screams of pain as mom continued wrapping bandages around my hand.

"I can, but I'd rather not take the risk of messing up. If I mess up, well... I can't, you know?"

Ink was right, if he did mess up, how would he erase the mistake? It's not like he has an eraser with him.

Besides, he's the creator and protector of the alternate universes. Why would he want to erase works of art that took lots of time for him to make?

Yes, mom could easily make some kind of magical eraser that can erase things, but he could mess up on that too.

He could erase too much, and that's a risk. I would take the risk, but I don't think mom and dad would like it.

I nodded in response and the next thing I knew, we were done.

Error wasn't in the room, he was busy working out something. It could possibly be a plan, or he could literally be working out and preparing himself for a future fight.

It's going to happen, battles always happen. There's no way to stop them. Problems are everywhere, and their are solutions, but they don't always work.

I stood up from my seat and sighed in relief. Finally, we were done!

"Do you want anything to eat, (Y/N)? I'm pretty sure-- no, I'm definitely sure that you're hungry after all of that."

"Sure. What'd you make?" Mom and I walked side by side over to the kitchen.

"(F/F)! What else?" Ink chuckled, smiling.

My eyes lit up and I rushed around the kitchen, grabbing a plate, (or bowl, depends on what your favorite food is) and a spoon, fork, and napkin before sitting over by the table.

Mom brought the pot full of (F/F) over, giggling and shaking his head. "Calm down, it's not like the food is going to suddenly disappear."

He pat my head a few times as I giggled and beamed back at him. I served myself, I was old enough to serve myself.

Mom isn't some kind of slave or maid. Besides, he won't always be here for me. Same goes for my father.

As I ate, I talked about how I snuck out without him or dad noticing.

He got mad. Really mad.

"You could have gotten hurt, which you DID! Look at these scars and bruises! Look at your hand! Why didn't you tell us!?"

"It was supposed to be secret, mom! Even if I did tell you and dad, you would have said no anyways!" I stood up from my seat and glared at mom.

"You're correct, I would have said no!"

I could hear it, he was close to crying. He had the lump in his throat.


There was silence for a moment before mom began screaming in anger.

"I was worried, (Y/N)..."

"Well, you didn't HAVE to be!"

"I was scared for you..."

"You didn't have to be SCARED either, mom! I was completely fine on my ow-"

"SHUT UP AND LISTEN!" Mom shot up and banged his hands on the table, causing it to shake slightly.

I jumped. I honestly am scared. I'm not only scared, but-- I have mixed emotions.

Tears ran down his eye sockets and he clenched his hands into fists. He let out a cry and shook his head violently, sitting back down.

Before I could do anything Error came into the kitchen. My hand was only an inch away from my mom's scarf.

"Ł€ΔV€ ¥ØỮŘ ΜØŦĦ€Ř ΔŁØŇ€ ΔŇĐ gØ ŦØ ¥ØỮŘ ŘØØΜ." Father said without any emotion.



I made a sound of frustration and stormed out of the kitchen without looking back once.

Once I got to my room and lay on my bed did I realize what I had said and what I had done.

I began crying myself. Tears rolled down my eyes and I wiped them away with my arm.

Is this family falling apart?

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