Chapter 3

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 3." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

Ink, Dream, and Blue were all out of the house holding their weapons out as Honey and Error came running out. Honey stood behind his brother, afraid of his own brother fighting for his friends. He could get hurt easily with such a small and precious soul like his.

On the other side, many feet away from them, a fair distance away from them stood the evil skeleton himself, the leader of the Villain Mob himself, Nightmare.

Dream stepped forward, his bow still pulled back with an arrow on it. He looked serious at first, but his expression changed after staring at his brother for a few seconds.

"Brother, why are you here?" Dream calmly asked his older brother, almost stuttering at the end.

Error did not like this. At first (Y/N) had randomly began to grab at his doll of Nightmare and hugged it, played with it happily until she was told about him being evil. Now he had randomly appeared out of no where. Error thought that he was here to pull another attack on them, but with him only being here surprised him. Usually it was him and his group of other evil skeletons that stood with him, by his side.

"What tricks are you pulling on us now?" Ink asked, looking angered.

"I've heard of a newborn child being taken away from a village, from their home, and being brought here some weeks ago. That village was completely destroyed..." Nightmare paused, his gaze moving from skeleton to skeleton until it landed on Error. "Our goal was to get rid of every person, right Error?" He tilted his head with an evil smirk.

He nodded, "¥-¥€Ş βỮŦ-"
("Y-Yes but-")

"The boys, you, and I looked at our device that we made, making sure that every person from there was killed. It said that there was still one alive. We searched for a little while before our device told us where they were. And now, a month later, I'm here. That small, little baby girl is in there, right?"

"¥ØỮ ŴΞŁŁ ŇØŦ ŦØỮĆĦ Ħ€Ř!" Error snapped at him, easily and almost immediately getting angered. Nightmare will not ever touch his precious girl, Error won't let it happen.

"Do you not remember our past with them, the actual reason why we attacked?" The kind of nightmares asked, Error almost responding but got interrupted by Nightmare as he continued. "We attacked because when we first started up our little evil group and visited that area, they spoke of us in a bad way, they attacked us first, so what was your idea, Error?"

He said nothing and stared down at the white floor, his face full of both confusion and fear.

"No matter what you do or say Nightmare you're not getting to our child!" Ink growled, his pupils changing shape and color.

"Oh? You suppose now and assume that I am going to kill that little baby? No, no." He looked away for a second and glanced at the windows. "Why not take her away from you? Including your two sons?"

"¥ØỮ ŴØỮŁĐŇ'Ŧ ĐΔŘ€ ¥ØỮ βΔŞŦΔŘĐ!" Error was now ready to get his hands dirty.
("You wouldn't dare you bastard!")

By then Blue had already noticed that his brother was behind him. He turned his head slightly and looked at him with his pupils.

"BROTHER, GO BACK INSIDE AND PROTECT THE KIDS." Blue demanded. Honey hesitated, shaking his head but he knew that his little brother was serious and would get mad at him, so he nodded and quickly teleported to where they were.

However, after Honey had run inside, from out of no where the rest of Nightmares team jumped out into the open and surrounded them.

Error held his hands up at the height of his shoulders and spread his fingers as blue strings came out of them. The others began attacking as Nightmare took Error by surprise.

He teleported behind Error, wrapping a tentacle around his neck and pulling him back towards his chest. Error of course struggled and uses his strings to try to get Nightmare to let go, but as soon as he tried his vision was covered up by another tentacle.

But Dream soon came to the rescue as he shot an arrow at Nightmare and hit him on the shoulder. He yelled in pain and looked up at his brother full of positivity, glaring at him as he let go of Error and disappearing.

He reappeared on top of the house, looking down at the fights going down.

Meanwhile, inside with the children and Honey, the oldest one there tried calming them down. The three still trembled in pure fear and held onto each other for comfort.

Tears ran down their cheeks. Honey tried shushing them, telling them that Nightmare will hear them if they continue crying so loudly. Gradient and PJ were finally calm, but (Y/N) still went on.

Honey took her hand and then picked her up. He soothed her, humming quietly to her and rubbing her back. She began calming down until the window in the room they were in was shattered and two skeletons jumped in.

It was Killer and Dust.

The four backed up into a corner until Honey set (Y/N) down and summoned a gaster blaster in front of them for protection.

"Just hand 'em over and there will be no harm done." Killer traced his knife along his finger tips.

Honey of course refused to do so. He couldn't just give them to the evil, the bad. They will hurt them or at least do something really bad and horrific to them. If possible, Nightmare would possibly try to convince them to become like him. That's only if he actually had a brain and thought of that though.

"Oh well, free EXP is always great anyways." Killer said, Dust slashing at Honey without warning.

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