Chapter 22

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 22." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

"We're done for. There's nothing that we can do."

Ink had his arms on the kitchen table and his head resting on them. He was just about ready to give up, knowing that if he fought Nightmare with Error alongside him, that they would both not be able to defeat Nightmare. And it won't just be him, Cross, Dust, Horror, and Killer will fight alongside Nightmare. Ink and Error would be outnumbered, and with the power that they have combined does not beat the power that Nightmare and his team members have. Without Dream here, without a golden apple, everyone goes bad. Positive feelings go away and get replaced with negative feelings, this causing Nightmare to grow stronger.

Yes, (Y/N) still had the apple, and was in her room studying it, but it barely glowed the golden color it had before. Dream must have absorbed the positive feelings within the apple, and as he was doing so, someone or something must have turned him into stone.

A magic spell.

Though, as Ink quietly cried, Error had sat down by his wife and had begun rubbing his back as he tried thinking of something. There had to be a way to stop this madness. Nightmare needs to be stopped, prevented from doing whatever he was going to do to the multiverse. He was either going to destroy it, or take over it and its AUs.

Error could only imagine the chaos, the destruction among them. Buildings collapsing, innocent people and monsters dying, and the AUs getting taken over by nothing but darkness and evil.

He remembered when he used to be a part of the Villain Mob. He remembered when Nightmare was so close to destroying the Tree of Feelings, but something unexpected happened. No, it wasn't Ink, Dream or Blue who had stopped him, it was someone else. Neither him or Nightmare or his other skeleton 'friends' found out who had stopped them, but till this day they still do wonder a lot about who or what prevented them from doing and completing their mission. They all saw one thing though:

A quick flash of a yellow, glowing, electric orb flying by and taking the final hit for the tree (which was supposed to kill it), before it blinded everyone there for a few seconds, healing the tree, and disappearing into thin air.

They had failed to complete their mission, retreating back to home base, not attacking or really doing anything for a few months before beginning to think of a plan again.

Who knows what that could have been, but they knew that somebody else is out there besides Ink, Dream and Blue that wants to play hero.

All this time, Nightmare made these plans to ruin Ink and Errors lives just so he could see if that one new 'hero' would come out, but of course they haven't.

Had they given up already?

What happened to them?

Will they every come out again?

These questions filled up Errors mind. All he wanted now was answers.


"¥€Ş, ΞŇҜ¥?"
("Yes Inky?")

"Can you keep a promise?"

The skeleton began to sweat a little. Error wasn't so great at keeping promises. He tried to, but most of the times he wouldn't succussed and instead fail at keeping them. It was rare of him to successfully keep them and do it.

"ØĦ... Ŵ€ŁŁ, Ø₣ ĆØỮŘŞ€."
("Oh... Well, of course.")

Error mentally smacked himself.

"Promise me..." Ink raised his skull up and turned to look at his husband.

"Promise me that if I ever die you will take great care of (Y/N) for me and continue forward?" Tears were streaming down his cheekbones.

He had no soul, how could he feel?

He's emotionless, how could he feel?

He may have no soul, but emotions could be brought back into someone if the right moment comes.

Error shook his skull, refusing. "РŁ€ΔŞ€ ĐØŇ'Ŧ ŞΔ¥ ŦĦΔŦ, ΞŇҜ. ŦĦΔŦ ŴØŇ'Ŧ ĦΔРР€Ň."
("Please don't say that, Ink. That won't happen.")

Oh but it will...

"Remember the movies we watched before we had Gradient?"

Error nodded slowly.

"Well, it's like that. You try bringing positivity into a horror movie, the opposite happens, the bad stuff happens instead of the good." Ink explained.


Error sighed, "Ć'Μ€Ř€."

They hugged each other, Ink laying his skull on Errors shoulder, and Error rubbing Ink's back again and whispering sweet things into his wife's non-existent ears.

As all of that was happening, (Y/N) was there, watching. Although she had only been there for the last few parts, she had heard enough. She ran upstairs and into her room, where she began looking through her closet.

Her room was full of papers, some scattered across the floor. You may think that they are just drawings, but they aren't, they are notes and things that she had discovered about different AUs and its characters and such.

She came out with a backpack, a few weapons that she secretly snuck into her room, and some vials of mysterious liquids that she stole from Sci, or Science! Sans and Alphys. She stuffed them all into her backpack before swinging it over her shoulder and opening her window. (Y/N) made sure to be silent and quick, and that she did.

"You're going down, Nightmare."

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