Chapter 30

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 30." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

Keep these two things in mind throughout this chapter:

Normal Text- Past

Italicized Text- Present

•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~•

I was the first to go through the portal.

The portal lead us to the front Nightmare's castle.

Strangely enough, the huge double doors of the castle were wide open.

"Stay aware of your surroundings. This has to be a trap." I told everybody as soon as they all came through the portal.

They nodded, spreading out as soon as we entered the dark castle.

It was all in ruins after what had happened a year and a half ago when mom, dad and I tried defeating Nightmare and his gang all by ourselves.


I hopped up onto the trunk of a tree and climbed it until I was about thirty feet up in the air. From there, I eyed the window I was aiming for and got myself ready.

I jumped over to the open window, almost completely missing, but I grabbed onto the edge and pulled myself up through the window and into the back of the castle, which was where he kept his prisoners, his dungeon.

I looked around, trying to find something soft that I could land on, but there was nothing around.

Taking a deep breath, I jumped down, my arm accidentally scraping the wall and messing up my jump.

I landed on my side with a thud, which echoed throughout the long, empty dungeon.

I had to hide.

I quickly ran into a cell, hiding in a corner next to the bars.

A voice echoed throughout the hallway of the castle, which you go through before entering the dungeon.

That voice...

"Hello?" They walked into the room and stopped in their tracks after a few steps.

"Anybody in here?"

It was him!

I was about to come out of my hiding spot, but I knew that if I did, he would immediately run off and tell Nightmare.

His footsteps slowly grew closer though.

I took a peek, seeing that Gradient was checking every cell.

I waited for the right moment to come out, and when he wasn't facing my direction, I rushed into another cell that he had already checked and hid in a dark corner.

Gradient checked every other cell, including the one I was in before.

"I swear that I heard something... maybe it's one of the others trying to prank me again." He said to himself loud enough for me to hear.

He made his way over to the exit of the dungeon, but when he passed my cell, I swiftly ran out and came up to him from behind.

I covered his mouth and held him.

He screamed, but his screams were muffled by the (F/C) gloves that I had on.

He struggled, too, but I held on tight to him.

"It's me, big bro. You don't have to be afraid." I whispered to him.

He wasn't gonna calm down anytime soon.

I sighed and shook my head.

"Look, I'm not here to kill you, I'm not here to kill anyone. I'm here to disband this gang and to take the evil out of Nightmare and bring back Passive Nightmare."

Gradient didn't seem interested at all in what I was saying, and neither did he listen to what I said.

"Gradient, please. Big bro, let me explain. Nightmare brainwashed you, he's simply using you. He's-"

Suddenly, I started screaming.

Gradient had pulled out some sort weapon, which shocked me. It was like a taser, but the shock voltage was higher than what a taser's shock voltage is.

Then, with a kick, he kicked me to the ground. I felt a few bones crack, but not snap.

After that, before I could say anything, Gradient pointed a bone at my forehead.

I didn't dare move.

We were both breathing heavily and staring into each others eyes.

"You know, (Y/N)... You aren't related to me one single bit. You aren't even related to mom, dad, or PJ..."

I stared at him for a few moments, frowning.

"You're adopted, (Y/N)." He said emotionlessly.

My frown slowly turned upside down.

I smiled at him.

"Heh... I know."

I looked down a little and closed my eyes.

"What?" Gradient took a step back.

"I've known that for a long time now." I looked back up at him, opening my eyes. "Let's just say that I heard mom and dad talking about it."

"Huh... Well..." Gradient was about to say something, but a hand suddenly rested onto his shoulder.

Gradient stepped off to the side, letting Nightmare stand beside him.

"Breaking into my castle, huh?" He raised his leg up and rested his slipper on my stomach.

I didn't say a word, I only glared at him.

"No answer? Come on, how about at least a few words before I put you out of your misery?"

I stayed quiet.

"Oh well, your decision." He shrugged, smirking.

For a moment there I thought that Nightmare himself was going to kill me, but no.

My big bro, he stabbed a bone right through my right eye.

I gasped and screamed at the extreme pain.

The bone was pulled out after a few seconds.

Nightmare's foot was still on my stomach, and I was panicking so hard that I couldn't think.

Everything was happening so fast.

I got stabbed twice on my left arm.

I was stabbed once on both legs.

The next thing I know, I was being lifted up into the air with a tentacle wrapped around my neck.

You'd think that I'd be dead, but I'm not.

I am D E T E R M I N E D.

"Any last and final words?"

"Y-Yeah." I managed to choke out.

"It's knife to see you die." I said without stuttering, smirking.

Killer suddenly came up from behind, slashing at Nightmare.

Gradient pulled Nightmare away, the attacking completely missing him, cutting the tentacle which held me.

Before I could hit the ground, I was caught by someone.

It wasn't mom or dad...

But by Dust?

Horror then came out of nowhere with Cross and tried attacking Nightmare, but Gradient blocked the attack.

What the hell is going on!?

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