Chapter 20

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 20." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

Do y'all like plot twists?



I sure do.


Idk why I feel so evil rn-

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

PJ gasped as he shot up from his bed. Blood rushed down from his chest and onto the sheets, staining them with his blood. He slowly stared up at his older brother with his eye sockets wide, his pupils shrunk into tiny white dots, and his jaw open. Tears fell from his eye sockets as he tried screaming for help, but Gradient prevented him from doing so by muffling him using a heart shaped pillow. The poor child struggled and tried breathing, but he was weak against his older brother. Soon enough he had no air to breathe, passing out on the spot

Gradient knew that he wasn't dead, he only had one stab wound and nothing else but that. He took the screwdriver and crawled on top of PJ's unconscious body, lifting it up once more above his skull and stabbing it through his little brothers head. He did this action again and again, not stopping until he was satisfied. But once he was, he hopped off the bed and threw the small weapon aside, heading for the door. He stopped in his tracks as soon as he heard a small gasp and the sound of a mechanical teddy bear hitting the floor.

He looked up and saw her, (Y/N). She stood there, shaking in fear as tears slowly began to appear on the sides of her eyes. Small, shaky breaths came out of the poor child as she stared at her brother. She soon booked it, running towards her parents room to go tell.

She didn't make it far.

Gradient tackled her to the floor and pinned her down, covering her mouth with his hand as he growled silently.

"You're lucky, (Y/N)." The boy growled into her ear. "Nightmare doesn't want you dead, but I sure do."

Suddenly, the lights to the hallway flashed and lit up the darkness. Ink and Error both looked at the scene in front of them for a quick moment before running over by their kids side.

"What happened?"

"ŴĦΔŦ'Ş g-gØΞŇg ØŇ Ħ€Ř€?"
("What's going on here?")

Hoping that (Y/N) wouldn't say anything, Gradient took his hand away from his sisters mouth and sat up on his knees. He quickly glared at her then looked up at his parents.

"Mom, dad. I was-"

"He killed bwother!" (Y/N) blurted out, pointing over to PJ's room.

This caught the attention of the couple. They both walked into PJ's room, and the next thing you know Ink screams bloody murder as Error curses and starts to cry.

(Y/N) had made another run for it, now going down the stairs. Gradient noticed this and ran after her, summoning a wall of bones near any exits that she could go through.

With nowhere to go, (Y/N) backed up into a corner, holding her teddy tightly as Gradient closed up on her with his arms extended out.

"Let's make this easy." He started off. "Come with me and no other harm will be done. I'll leave mommy and daddy alone."

(Y/N) knew he was lying.

The little girl shook her head, trying to back away even more, but there was nothing but a wall behind her.

"You just made it easier for me." He whispered before all of a sudden a stick smacked him on his cheekbone. He flinched and fell back onto a small coffee table.


(Y/N)'s eyes lit up with joy and sparkled as Blue came to her rescue. The skeleton picked her up and rushed outside, setting her down behind a tree.

"STAY HERE, I'LL GET YOUR PARENTS!" Blue ran back inside. (Y/N) of course obeyed, being the precious and cute child she was.

She listened for noises. Footsteps, evil laughs, struggling, anything that would tell her to run for it or do something. She heard nothing though, just complete silence and a few crickets making their noises when they rub their wings together. She was terrified, horrified at the scene that she had witnessed.

The death of PJ.

"M-Mommy..." She mumbled.


The little girl couldn't take this. Thoughts filled her mind up, and the thoughts turned into questions which now she wants answers to.

A sudden blood curling scream came from inside the house. A few moments pass, then out running came Ink and Error, but no sign of Blue.

"B-Blue?" (Y/N) came out from behind the tree and took some steps forwards. Ink and Error both got onto their knees and hugged (Y/N) tightly as tears ran down their eye sockets.


"I'm s-so sorry, honey..." Ink sniffed. "Gradient... He's gone but..."

"βŁỮ€ ΞŞ Đ-Đ€ΔĐ."
("Blue is d-dead.")

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