Chapter 14

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 14." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

Here, have a song. :3

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

Blue was very serious about this. Ever since his brother has died, he's been depressed, but now he's out of it. He's changed a lot, now he swears and fights off anyone that tries to hurt him or make fun of him. Blue, in strength and maturity, has both gone up to it's limits. He no longer laughs or hates puns, instead he ignores them and says nothing. Everyone back in Underswap misses the old Blue, but some like him more now.

With his paintbrush, Ink opened up a portal which would bring them to different parts of the castle. Though, parts in the castle which are dark and no one can see them.

By the time they got in though, Blue was already attacking Killer, dodging and blocking each attack without flinching or getting hit once. His face hasn't changed since Ink, Error, Dream, Classic, Fell, and Blue were all back in the Anti-Void.

"What's going on here!?" Nightmare came in out of nowhere.

The king noticed Blue there, all 'alone' and smirked.

"I see that you're alone, Blue. What a mistake of you to do." He chuckled before sending his tentacles at the 'innocent' skeleton.

How long has he been training for? It's been four years and now look at him! He's dodging every attack without being touched by any of them. It were as if he were dancing gracefully on a stage.

Nightmare was impressed, indeed he was, but at the same time he's pissed. He's asking himself 'why can't I catch him!?' or 'what has he become!?'

"SHOW ME WHERE INK AND ERRORS CHILDREN ARE, AND I'LL LEAVE WITHOUT HURTING YOU." Blue panted, landing on the opposite side of where they were.

Strangely enough, he knew that Ink was watching from behind him. Ink was surprised as to how Blue knew that he was there, but shook that thought off.

"Or you could join them in my little... experiment with them." Nightmare suggested, but of course Blue refused.


Blue was getting even angrier by the second. He saw (Y/N), PJ, and Gradient as his siblings.

"I'm impressed, Blue. You've changed quite a lot."


There was a moment of silence before Nightmare and Killer both bursted out laughing.

Oh did Blue hate their stupid little laughs.

"I'M WARNING YOU, STOP LAUGHING OR YOU'LL NOT LIKE WHAT'S UP NEXT FOR YOU TWO." He threatened, secretly summoning his weapons behind his back.

They both continued to laugh, but laughed even more due to the threat. They didn't think that Blue was serious about all of this, instead just thinking that he is acting tough and that he's actually scared, terrified of them.


Blue charged at them with two blue bones in his hands. His small cape flew in the wind as he ran towards them. As soon as he was close enough to them, he slashed.


•~Gradient's P.O.V~

I sat in the middle of a white room. There were no windows, no furniture or anything, but except lights and a few cameras. I was honestly scared.

What are they going to do to me?

Sitting on the chair that I was tied to wasn't very comfortable. I was gagged and to prevent me from kicking anyone, they also tied my legs to the legs of the chair.

"Mfphh!" I tried to call out for help, but nobody came.

After a few minutes, the door behind me opened up.

"Well, you're still awake. I would have thought that you would have fallen asleep or something." Nightmare pulled the gag off of him.

With something like you around I'm not ever falling asleep, you freak." I spat, turning my head slightly to look at Nightmare.

His hands were behind his back as he began to walk around me, examining every inch of me.

"Blue and Ink both came to rescue you and your brother and sister, but they left, leaving you here with me."

No! Don't believe him, he's lying! He's just trying to get me on his side! Don't believe him, me!

"You're lying! Stop it!" I squirmed in the chair, trying to at least break my legs free.

"Oh, but I'm not Gradient.~" he dropped a book onto my lap. Hm, must be a diary or journal of some sort.

He got behind me and leaned down, reaching his hand out at the diary and opening it.

I've seen this handing writing before. It's moms handwriting. No, this... this can't be true!

I read through a few pages, telling Nightmare to flip the page when I'm done reading another page.

Tears ran down my eye sockets as I scanned the diary, reading everything that my mom has written about me and my siblings.

"I also have your father's diary.~ Do you want to-"

"No!! I-I've had e-enough!" I cried as I looked down at my lap as tears ran down my cheekbones.

"I'll be back." Nightmare says before leaving the room.

The rest of my time I cried.

Why mom? Why...?


•~PJ's P.O.V~

The whole time in this cage and the closet, I've been looking around. Nightmare had many things in his closet, but I couldn't really tell, it being too dark to really see anything.

That's when the door opened and footsteps came towards the closet. Sighing mentally, I awaited for Nightmare or one of his skeleton men to open the closet up.

But once it opened, it wasn't any of the bad guy skeletons.

It was (Y/N)!

She had a key in hand and unlocked the cage. She helped me take off the gag and also helped me get out of the cage.

We hugged, but only for a few seconds before (Y/N) pointed at the open door.

I nodded and picked her up before running out of the dark room.

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