Chapter 23

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 23." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~•

I don't care if I'm only 12. I may be young, but that doesn't mean that I'm weak, that I don't know jack sh*t about the multiverse. Actually, in fact, I know just a bit about the multiverse, remembering when my father would take me out with him to see if the alternate universes were all right.

Just remembering that reminds me of some happy memories of my past, but not just happy, joyful memories, also bad ones that makes me want to do nothing but destroy random sh*t.

All of those memories of my past with my parents and siblings will forever stay within me.

But do you know what I care about, Nightmare?

What I really do care about, is somebody destroying my family's life.

That's right, Nightmare.

I'm f*cking coming for you.

You better prepare, because now I'm coming. I'll take that soul of yours and tear it apart.

No one ever messes with my family. I may only be a human, but I'm a human with fighting skills of a ninja, the sharp eyes of a hawk, and the stealth of a fox. I'm different than I was before.

I'm no longer the little cute (Y/N)...

Because once you've been defeated by me, and sent to hell, you'll be calling me [insert your badass nickname].

Not only will you fear me, you and your other friends will be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves when you get beaten to a pulp by me, a 12 year-old, someone younger than you.

Only if PJ were still alive to see this, to see you suffer by my hands.

I know that it wasn't you who killed him, it was Gradient. Do you think I'm dumb, stupid? Well, you're wrong there, buddy. You're trying to trick me into thinking that Gradient hated PJ for his own reasons, and not yours.

I don't remember much of when I was little, but I do remember this:

You made everything up.

You bent my older brothers mind into thinking my family is the enemy just to ruin our lives.

Ha! Is that all you could do?

I'd expect something much more intimating coming from a nine year old then from you.


I stood in front of the dark castle, studying it carefully. It's been years since I've last seen it or been inside it. Inside this very castle is where all of my bad memories are stored, where I cannot even remember one happy memory in this place.

Like when my mother almost died.

Anyways, I walked over to the side of the castle where I climbed on top of a tree and hopped through an open window. I was in a room, probably Horror's, seeing that an Axe was on the floor along with some blood and dust on the walls.

Jeez, does he ever clean up?

I pinched my nose and quickly but quietly made my way to the door. I put my ear against the door, listening carefully just in case someone was coming.


I slowly opened the door, peeking my head out before dashing on over into a dark area where I hid in. From here I could hear a conversation going on not too far away from where I was. The voices slowly got louder though.

Easily I could tell that one of them was Nightmare, but the other voice did not sound familiar to me at all. It was... new.

"When will we attack again? It's been too long!" The new male voice sounded impatient.

"Soon, but not right now." Nightmare responded.

Ugh, probably another attack against me and my parents.

But then I realized who this new voice was. Well, it wasn't exactly a new person or monster that has been hired and has joined Nightmare's group.

It's my oldest brother, Gradient.

Damn, puberty. Am I right?

I knew that it wasn't the smartest idea, but I dropped down onto the bottom level of the castle, and landed in front of the two. Thankfully, I had a mask with me that I made to hide my identity.

"Woah! Who are-"

Without hesitation, I swung at Nightmare with a switchblade that I had on me. I thought I had him, I thought that I had hit him, but instead, my switchblade collided with something.

I glared at my oldest brother. He used a bone that he had summoned to block my blade from hitting Nightmare.

I immediately jumped back about fifteen feet away from them.

'Wow, nice reflexes' is what I would have said, but I decided not to. It's rather smart to not let the enemy hear my voice then to let them hear my voice.

"Who are you? How did you get into my castle!?" Nightmare growled, taking a step forward. His tentacles on his back moved as they aimed at me.

I stood still and continued to stare at them. Nothing could be heard besides my breathing.

"That switchblade..." Gradient started, taking a few steps forward.

I eyed my switchblade, realizing that I had accidentally grabbed his and not mine.

We had them just in case, you know?

"... it looks.. familiar to me." He took a second to think before snapping his fingers, pointing at me.

Oh no.

"It's you, isn't it, (Y/N)?"

My eyes underneath my mask widened slightly as I gritted my teeth. Dang it, I should have checked.

What do you do?

[Take off your mask and reveal yourself]


[Start attacking]

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