Chapter 10

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 10." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

•~Four Years Later~

Ever since the day Ink had almost died, as Ink recovered from his injures he would watch his husband, Error train the little girl, (Y/N) in how to defend herself and fight back against bad guys like Nightmare and his Villain Mob gang. Even though (Y/N) had no powers, Error would use his knowledge, and sometimes use a search engine to search up specific types of martial arts, to lecture and teacher her. Sometimes (Y/N) would mess up and fall, but only to get up and try again to the best of her abilities. She was a determined little girl, never giving up on doing something she was told to do or something she wanted.

At this very moment Error was teaching (Y/N) a defense move and how to block and dodge any attack.

"Like this?" Little (Y/N) asked her father, jumping into the air and doing back flips, every time she jumped going about five feet back.

"¥€Ş! ĴỮŞŦ ŁΞҜ€ ŦĦΔŦ!" Error smiled like the proud father he was.
("Yes! Just like that!" "That ends our lessons for today.")

(Y/N) awed, wanting to do more. Over the four years of her life so far she has grown a very, very strong bond with her father. Yes, before you ask, little (Y/N) still loves her mother.

"Mama!" She ran at Ink and held her arms wide open for him.

He crouched and gave a nice, warm embrace to the child. They spun for a little before stopping and laughing a little.

"I made breakfast. Are you hungry?" Ink asked, ruffling her hair.

"Mom! My hair!" The little girl pouted, fixing her hair before folding her arms and sticking her tongue out at him.

Ink could only laugh at the reaction, walking inside with her in his arms.

Over with Error, he was cleaning up the mess that he and his daughter made. He saw the whole thing with Ink and (Y/N), spinning and laughing with joy. Seeing that made a lump appear in his throat, feeling like crying, but he held it back.

Sighing, the glitch decided to go out and check on the universes and such, making sure that they were okay and not being destroyed by evil.

Going from universe to universe, Error would check not once, but twice just to make sure nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

Back in the Anti-Void, Ink was sitting on the couch watching TV as Gradient read a book in his room, PJ sitting next to his mom and talking, and (Y/N) planting seeds outside. Her mother had taught her how to plant seeds.

She knew that her father had gone out to check on the alternative universes. Every time, after their lessons, he would disappear into thin air. Pretty much she assumed that he was protecting the AUs, but hey, she was right.

•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

I hummed a lullaby that mommy had taught me as I planted a seed. Mommy told me that the plant would grow faster if I hum this little lullaby to it.

I made my way over to a bucket which had water in it. I scooped some of the water into my hands and quickly ran over to the plant.

By the time I made it though, the water in my hands was all gone. I ran back to the bucket, scooped up some water again, then ran back. The water disappeared from my hands.

I pouted and sat on the grass with my arms folded and my face looking like whenever daddy would get... annoyed?

But I knew to never give up! Uncle Blue told me so.

I stood right back up and tried dragging the bucket over to where I had planted my seed.

I was too weak.

Then I thought of the only person that could help me.

Walking back inside my home, I glanced around the living room until I saw mommy in the kitchen making something. Lunch I think it's called.

"Mama?" I walked up to him and looked up. I wonder if I'll ever grow as tall as my mommy.

He looked down at me and smiled. "Yes my little flower?"

"I need help." I simply said, pointing to the open door which lead outside.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but I can't help right now. I'm busy making Lunch and after this I have to clean. Maybe ask one of your brothers." He responded, walking over to the sink and washing his hands.

"Awe, okie." I turned around and thought of my two brothers. I loved them but they would never hang out with me.

The door to Gradients room was open so I slowly waked into his room.


Hearing a sigh, I see him get up and off his bed. He came over to me and crouched down.

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"Can you help me with watering the seeds?"

"Of course! Anything for my little sister!" He picked me up and made his way outside.

Once we got outside he put me down, taking the bucket and tipping it over slightly where I had told him I planted my seeds at.

On the last few, he let me help him water them. It was fun!

"Thank you brother!" I hugged his leg and giggled.

Seeing me happy also made him happy. Anyone who made me happy would also be happy, saying that I'm "cute".

As we were about to go inside, something big, round, and colorful appeared in the garden. Through it came my dada!

"Papa!" I opened my arms out at him.

He crouched down and caught me, embracing me in a warm hug.

I was always excited to see papa when he would return from going out. But sometimes I would get scared, afraid that he will get hurt by someone mean.

"ŞØ, ŴĦΔŦ ĐΞĐ Μ¥ ŁΞŦŦŁ€ ŘΔ¥ Ø₣ ŞỮŇŞĦΞŇ€ ĐØ ŴĦΞŁ€ Ξ ŴΔŞ gØŇ€?" Papa asked, walking inside and shutting the door behind him.
("So, what did my little ray of sunshine do while I was gone?")

"I planted seeds and brother helped me!" I pointed to Gradient.

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