Chapter 5

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 5." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

The poor artist sat on the couch, crying into his hands as he thought of his husband and children. He couldn't take it. He was alone in this, Blue and Dream were upstairs in a spare room that Ink had added before, resting due to the huge fight that went on right outside this very house.

He had to think of a plan. If he was going alone on this little mission in getting his husband and children back, a plan must be made. It has to be perfect or else he might easily die out there in Nightmares castle. Him versus Nightmare and four others? No, he can't handle them all at once.

After thinking a little more into it, the artist thought of an idea as his head shot up from his hands with a serious look on his face. He wiped the tears from his eye sockets and cheekbones before heading upstairs and into the room Blue and Dream were resting in.

"I-INK?" Blue had the strength to barely move his head upwards and look at Ink in the doorway until his head fell back onto the pillow he rested on.

"Listen you two..." Ink looked at both Dream and Blue before standing in the middle of the room.

The two hurt and weak skeletons moved and turned their heads slightly to look at him. Their faces looked weak and saddened.

"I'm going to go save Error and my children, alone." He said.

"B-But you can't!" Dream sat up on the bed, using the wall as support to help him sit up. "Y-You could g-g-get killed, t-taken down!"

Dream was right. Ink could easily get perished by the five skeletons within the castle he was going to, but he had a plan for that.

He said nothing for a few moments before turning around.

"AT LEAST G-GET SOMEONE T-T-TO HELP." Blue coughed, slowly sitting up on the edge of the bed as he used one hand to hold the wall for help, and the other to hold onto his side.

"We can't afford to get anyone else involved with our problems. If only Classic and Fell could help, but most likely Classic might get hit and die. And if he dies out of his universe, since he is the original us, we all die with him." Ink explained.

Dream and Blue glanced at each other before sighing and looking back at Ink, nodding.

"Be c-careful though." Dream said, smiling at Ink.


The artist smiled weakly at the two before walking out the door, saying his goodbyes before shutting the door gently to leave the two skeletons to rest well.

Error, my children, here I come...

•~Error's P.O.V~•

My eyes shot open as I heard small whimpers and cries. I felt tired. Quickly shaking the feeling off, I look around and see that I was no longer in the Anti-Void, but in what seemed to be a cell. They looked familiar to me as I examined them further, finally realizing that I was in Nightmares castle.

That's when it all came back to me.

Nightmare had come to ruin my life. Not only mine, but also Ink's. I was one of the strongest skeletons here when I worked for Nightmare, but now that I've left I guess he's pissed that I made that decision. He's also probably jealous of me having a family. I have happiness, he doesn't. He's miserable.

Standing up straight, I walk over to the bars and poke my head out, looking left and right. No one was watching over him or anything, so now he had a chance to escape.

He readied himself and tried to summon his strings, nothing. Error seemed confused by this and tried again, failing to do so again. It took him a little to finally realize that his magic wasn't working. It was disabled.

"ŴĦ¥ Ξ-ΞŞ Μ¥ ΜΔgΞĆ Đ-ĐΞŞΔβŁ€Đ?" He looked down at his hands and tried again only for him to hear a small chuckle.
("Why i-is my magic d-disabled?")

He looked up slowly and took a step back. "ŴĦ-ŴĦØ'Ş ŦĦ€Ř€!?"
("Wh-Who's there!?")

Suddenly, coming out of the shadows from the front of his cell was Nightmares figure. He had a smirk on his face as he got closer to Error.

"Well, well, well, the glitch is finally up." he tapped one of the bars with his finger before putting his hands behind his back.

Error growled and ran forward, reaching his hand out at him and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket.


Error let Nightmare go as he flinched and held onto his neck. He had gotten shocked, but how? Who could have done it?

"¥ØỮ ΜØŦĦ€Ř₣*ĆҜ€Ř..." He quietly growled at Nightmare again, still clutching onto his neck.
("You motherf*cker...")

Then he felt it, the thing around his neck.

It was a shock collar.

"I'll make a deal with you, Error." Nightmares tentacles came out from behind him, one holding the remote to the shock collar.

"Ξ Ř€₣ỮŞ€ ŦØ ΜΔҜ€ ΔŇ¥ Đ€ΔŁ ŴΞŦĦ ¥ØỮ." Error tried tugging the collar off his neck, but to only get shocked again.
("I refuse to make any deal with you.")

He hissed in pain and this time fell onto the hard floor.

"I will gladly continue to shock you until you eventually die, Error." He stated, chuckling once more.

"ỮgĦ... ₣ΞŇ€. ŴĦΔŦ ΞŞ ΞŦ ¥ØỮ ₣Ř€ΔҜ?"
("Ugh... Fine. What is it you freak?")

The king of nightmares put the remote away in his jacket pockets before getting near the bars again.

"I'll set your kids free and leave Ink alone, I'll leave your whole family alone if you..." he paused and paced back and forth as he stared at the other.

"Ξ₣ Ξ ŴĦΔŦ?" Error asked, sitting on his knees on the floor.
("If I what?")

"If you work for me again and never leave me ever again."

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