Chapter 16

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 16." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

Error flew passed the fight that was going on in the throne room and finally stopped when he smacked his side onto one last wall. He hit the ground with multiple scars and slashes on his face and clothing.

Ink, Blue, and Dream had stopped and lowered their weapons, gasping at the sight of Error hitting the floor.

"Error!" Ink dropped his paintbrush and rushed towards his husband. He dropped onto his knees and lifted Errors head up onto his lap as Dust, Killer, and Horror watched in amusement and satisfaction.

Blue didn't take another second to look at Error. He summoned his first ever gaster blaster and pointed at the three villains before shooting.

Dream hesitated to even pull out his bow as he stood there staring at an injured Error. It took him a few seconds, but eventually he rushed into the battle with Blue.

Blue did not care anymore, he did not 'believe' in the villains anymore. His mind has twisted and now he's a villain killing machine. Now he believes that no villain can change, that they should be put down immediately.

"Error please! Don't die on me!" Ink cried, hugging his husband close before tears began running down the poor artists eye sockets and cheekbones.

Suddenly, something shot Ink in the shoulder. Hissing in pain, Ink flinched and fell back against a wall, next to Errors unconscious body.

"Why hello there, mom." Gradient came walking through all of the destruction with some sort of gun in his hand.

"G-Gradient?" Ink struggled to get up from the floor. "Wh-What are you-"

"Quiet!" He snapped, loading up the next bullet in the gun he had and aimed it straight for his mothers skull.

The fight between Dust, Horror, Killer and Blue and Dream had stopped. In one corner of the room Dream and Blue stood, on the opposite were the three killers. Somewhere in between Ink and Error lay, the artist confused at his sons sudden change, and the glitch lying there motionless.

Where is (Y/N) and PJ during all of this?

Look up.

(Y/N) and PJ suddenly jumped onto their brother from above, tackling him onto the tiled floor. That saved Blue and Dream some time to help Ink drag Error into a safe spot in their corner.

PJ and (Y/N) ran up to Ink and hid behind him. Obviously the skeleton was surprised at this and he wanted to ask many questions, but he had no time.

Fell and Classic randomly teleported in beside the two children.

"It's very amusing when a child and their parent or parents fight." The voice of Nightmare echoed in through the throne room, suddenly appearing in front of all of his skeleton men with his hands hidden behind his back.

"What have you done to him!?" Ink somehow managed to shout as he cried.

"He's done thing, mom! Except tell me the truth about what you think of me!" Gradient said back, his grip on the gun tightening. "I thought that we were family, but I guess you forgot what the word family meant!"

"You've got this all wrong, big brother." PJ stepped up into the conversation. "He's lying!" he pointed to Nightmare.

"He's showing you nothing but lies, fake things that will get you to give up on us and turn into... one of him! A villain!" PJ exclaimed.

Gradient looked back at Nightmare and nodded before looking back at his 'friends.'

"You're the ones that are lying!"

"Please, big brother." (Y/N) took some steps forward. "You are not like this."


Immediately when Gradient saw the small girl did he shoot at her. Thankfully Blue deflected it back and blocked it from hitting her.

Classic helped Fell with getting Error out of there, back into the the Anti-Void as the two children, Ink, Dream, and Blue argued back and forth between each other.

"ENOUGH!" Gradient yelled before charging at his little sister which Ink was holding onto her tightly.

The only thing to do now was dodge the attacks. Ink refused to fight his own son. Blue was about to attack back, but Ink prevented him from doing so.

Eventually they all got backed up into a corner.

Little (Y/N) cried onto Ink's shoulder, technically screaming as she did so.

"I've got you where I want, now drop!" Gradient pointed at the floor with serious eyes.

"I'M SORRY, BUT I'M NOT GOING TO. I'M NOT LETTING SOME KID TELL ME WHAT TO DO." Blue growled, taking the front now and protecting his friends.

"Let me through! All I want is my mom and siblings. I'll let you, Dream and Fell go." Gradient said.

"NEVER." The 'innocent' Blueberry simply said before in a flash of yellow did he and his friends disappear.

"Dang it!" Gradient stomped his foot onto the floor with rage.

A skeletal hand was put on his shoulder. The kid looked up to see Nightmare with a wide smirk on his face.

"Welcome to the team."

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