Chapter 7

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 7." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Ink's P.O.V~•

I couldn't stop staring at Error. His pupils, his new clothing not given by me, but by Nightmare. What has happened to him? Maybe he gave up on us, his family, and decided to go bad again. Or, Nightmare did something to him. Yeah. It has to be that. Error would never just give in without me knowing.

Nightmare sat on the throne, looking bored. His pupil looked left and right, up and down as he thought of what to do. Eventually he came up with an idea and sat up where he sat.

"Horror! Killer!" He called out to them, the two appearing out of nowhere immediately.

They stood before him and stared up at him.

"You called?"

"Yes, Killer. I want you and Horror to go into the dungeon and get me the little girl." He said, crossing his legs.

The two skeletons obeyed, walking off where apparently the dungeon is. Even though my kids are over there, I decide to wait here. If I follow them inside they could catch me and it could lead to bad things.

Well, it's now or never.

With my paintbrush in hand, I came out of the shadows. Error immediately noticed me and turned his head to face me as he warned Nightmare.

"Hm? What is-" he turned his head around, finally realizing that I was here. "Ink!? How did you get in here!?"

"That doesn't matter. I'm here for Error and my children! What have you done with them?" I glared up at him with my red, angry pupils.

"I don't have time for this." Nightmare looked at Error then back at me with a smirk.

"Error, destroy him." He commanded, Error nodding before raising his fist up above his shoulders and jumping at me.

I dodged his punch, so instead of him hitting me he hit the floor, making a small hole. I can't fight him, he's my husband. I promised myself to never hurt him or my kids.

"I refuse to fight you, Error. Please, remember who you really are! I am not your enemy!" I pointed to Nightmare, still sitting on his throne, watching with a satisfied look on his face. "He is!"

Error didn't listen to me at all, instead he kicked me in the stomach and cracked a few of my bones as I went flying into a wall.

He teleported next to me, standing up. He summoned some strings before wrapping them around my neck.

Struggling, I suddenly hear a giggle, but no normal giggle, it sounded exactly like my little baby girl, (Y/N)!

Turning my head very slowly I see her playing with Killer carrying her. Why is she smiling, having fun with him? Does she think that they are...


Comparing Error and Killer, they were nothing alike, except that they both have streaks going down their eye sockets. Maybe she has mistaken Killer for Error!

Killer gently handed (Y/N) over to Nightmare with his usual evil grin on his face. But, as soon as she saw Nightmare holding her she began to cry.

Why is she crying?

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

Ink watched as his little girl cried in Nightmare's arms. He was confused as to why she was crying. Shrugging the thought off, he used his paintbrush to hit Error away and cut the strings.

"I'm sorry, RuRu." Ink mumbled.

Although he was told to destroy Ink, Error stopped and listened to the poor little girl cry. That cry got into him, slowly he started to break out of Nightmare's control.

Nightmare felt his control on Error loosen. Like most bad guys, they would become furious over losing control over someone, but this certain skeleton had a backup plan.

As he held (Y/N) in one arm, he used to the other to get out the remote to the shock collar. This was no normal shock collar, however, it could also be used to control whoever is wearing it, but not their mind, but their body.

Ink groaned as he stood up, holding onto himself. He had a few broken bones, but that didn't stop him from fighting for his family.

Error ran over to Ink and hugged him quickly before taking a step back and examining him.

"ΔŘ€ ¥ØỮ ØҜΔ¥, ΞŇҜ¥?" He sounded worried, very, very worried.
("Are you okay, Inky?")

"Y-Yeah, I think." Ink stuttered, letting go of himself before standing up straight.

Somehow, without Nightmare noticing or anyone else noticing either, baby (Y/N) had escaped the arms of the evil leader and was now crawling over to the dungeon. What was she doing?

Nightmare clapped with a slow pace. His smirk was still plastered on his face as he stood up and shook his head.

As soon as he did Error glared up at him with the most pissed off look ever and growled.

"ŴĦ€Ř€ ΔŘ€ ŦĦ€¥!? ŴĦ€Ř€ ΔŘ€ gŘΔĐΞ€ŇŦ ΔŇĐ РĴ!?" Error grew furious, summoning strings and was about to attack, but was suddenly shocked.

Screaming, he fell onto his knees and held onto the collar around his neck. Ink got down in front of him and tried helping him. It was no use.

"What are you doing to him!?" Ink whipped his head around to yell back at Nightmare.

"Nothing too much, just simply taking over his whole body." He threw the remote up before catching it.

"Stop this! Please!" Ink thought of what to say, now in his mind. But, a quick punch hit him back into reality when Error attacked Ink.

"ŴĦ-ŴĦΔŦ!? Ξ Ć-ĆΔŇ'Ŧ ĆØŇŦŘØŁ Μ¥ βØĐ¥!" Error tried holding back to not attack his lover, but it wasn't working.
("Wh-What!? I c-can't control my body!")

"Have fun you two.~" Nightmare laughed along with his crew members.

There, a fight began.

"Why not add a few more enemies to the battle?" Nightmare hinted Cross and Dust to join in.

Will Ink survive?

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