Chapter 31

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 31." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

We're still in the past.

Don't worry, the next chapter is when we go back to the present...

And it just might be the finale. ;)

Anyways, enjoy! <3

•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~•

My body was aching horribly, but I ignored the pain.

The voices of everybody in this room was slowly fading away as I struggled to stay awake.

I was losing too much blood.

Dust held me in his arms as he rushed toward my parents.

As soon as he reached them, he stopped in his tracks and gently handed me over to dad.

Everything was blurry now, and everybody's voices were muffled, so I couldn't see dads face.

But I bet that he was pissed.

I heard muffled crying, which I assumed was mom.

Error looked down at me, screaming my name, telling me to stay with him and to not give in.

I felt way too tired and way too weak to move or even say a word.

I closed my eye, and with a smile on my face, I let the darkness take over my vision.


Everything was dark.

Where am I?

I glanced around.

I was in total darkness.

I looked down at my hands, then at my body.

I was completely fine. No stab wounds or anything.

I raised my hand up to my face and touched my eye, which had been stabbed out.

It was there.

I no longer had only one eye to see with.

Now I had both.

Was I dead?

"You're not dead."

I jumped and spun around.

The voice came from behind me.

But nobody was there.

"Who's there?"

The voice was male.

"Error used to talk about you a lot when you were little, (Y/N)."

I stood still but kept looking around, listening to whoever this guy was.

"The last time I heard him talk about you was a year and a half ago. But since he's been busy with... well, you know, he doesn't really have the time to come hangout with his old friends anymore."

Dad used to talk about me?

"I never got to see you face to face since I had a job of my own to do."

He paused.

"Oh, come on (Y/N). Error had to have given you that present that I got you for your tenth birthday. Remember? The two mini (F/C) scythes that I wrote my name onto both handles of?"


It's him.

The one and only "annoying" prick that dad doesn't really like.

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