Chapter 8

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 8." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

Ink backed up into a corner and panicked, his pupils in his eye sockets looking from Cross, to Dust, to Error. He couldn't take them all at once, he could easily get hurt, or die, whatever Nightmare wants to do with him.

Dust was the first to attack, teleporting in front of Ink and grabbing him by the neck, lifting him up as Inks back slid up against the wall. Ink coughed and held onto his neck with both hands, kicking at Dust as he did so. Sadly, it did nothing.

The skeleton attacking him summoned a bone with a sharp end, lifting his hand up and stabbing Ink's shoulder. The artist cried in pain as Dust tightened his grip on Ink's neck. He began to choke him.

Taking the bone out of Ink's shoulder, Dust stabbed Ink once again but in the ribcage this time, causing the other to scream and cry in pain.

Ink was slowly getting weaker by the minute, but at one point he hit Dust away with his paintbrush and jumped over the three, panting. It was either leave now or continue fighting. The choice was easy in the end, Ink chose to stay and fight. He would not ever leave his family here to rot. Never ever.

The next one up was Cross. He swung his huge knife at Ink, but he stepped aside and teleported behind Cross, having enough energy and strength to kick him away.

Cross wasn't finished with him yet though. He fired some gaster blasters at him, hitting Ink only once.

Even though Ink was hurt badly, he kept on dodging and attacking. He became a warrior, not leaving or giving up easily to "simple wounds".

The last one was of course Error. Nightmare was going to enjoy this one, he loves seeing lover and lover fight each other.

As Error shot his strings at Ink, Nightmare could only cheer for Error to win, to take down Ink.

Instead of moving, Ink stood there and let himself be caught up in the strings. He was absolutely not fighting his husband, even if he was going to kill him.

"ŇΞgĦŦΜΔŘ€ РŁ€ΔŞ€! ŞŦØР ŦĦΞŞ!" Error cried as tears fell from his eye sockets.
("Nightmare please! Stop this!")

The evil king only laughed at the scene in front of him, also laughing at the fact of Error begging for mercy. How weak.

"Come on, kill him already!" Killer yelled.

"Yeah! Destroy him!" Dust cheered.

Error began walking towards Ink, having no control over his body. Ink looked up at him with complete fear and worry as he got closer.

"¥ØỮ ŞΔΞĐ ŦĦΔŦ ¥ØỮ, ØŘ Ŵ€ ŴØỮŁĐ Ň€V€Ř ĦỮŘŦ Μ¥ ₣ΔΜΞŁ¥!" The glitch tried fighting back against the control, nothing happened.
("You said that you, or we would never hurt my family!")

"Oh, Error. Tsk tsk tsk." Nightmare shook his head. "I'm not the one fighting him, you are. It's all you."

Error tightened the strings around Ink, making a small yelp come out of Ink's mouth as he chocked to death.

"Decapitate him." Nightmare demanded in a sadistic, maniac voice.

Error stopped moving and stood in front of Ink, looking down at him with tears, bunches of tears falling onto the floor.

"Ξ'Μ Ş-ŞØŘŘ¥, ΞŇҜ¥." He whispered to him, stuttering in between.
("I'm s-sorry, Inky.")

But, while the fight happened, guess who helped her brothers escape in time to help Ink?

A sudden bone flew past everyone and hit the collar around Error's neck, causing it to break and fall in front of him onto the floor.

"WHAT!?" Nightmare yelled in frustration.

Gradient suddenly appeared with PJ by his side. PJ held (Y/N) in his arms.

Nightmare stood from his throne and growled as he examined the place around them.

Finally looking at his crew members, Nightmare commanded them, "Don't just stand there! Get them!"

They all listened, going after different people.

By then Error had let Ink go of his strings and got onto his knees in front of his lover, hugging him tightly as he cried onto Ink's shoulder.

Ink could only smile and hug back.

Cross was going after Error and Ink, but Nightmare had stopped him.

"I've got them, get the kids." He ordered, Cross nodding in response and running off.

"Ξ'Μ Ş-ŞØŘŘ¥... Ξ-Ξ'Μ ŞØ Ş-ŞØŘŘ¥... Ξ'Μ ŞØ, ŞØ, Ş-ŞØŘŘ¥." Error cried softly as his voice was muffled by the shoulder he was crying on. He repeated those words over and over and over until...
("I'm sorry... I-I'm so s-sorry... I'm so, so s-sorry.")

"Shh, I-I... I'm o-okay... RuRu... It's f-fine..." Ink coughed in between speaking his lines.

Error looked up at Ink with a smile as he sniffed, cupping Ink's cheekbones as they both slowly leaned in, about to kis-

Ink's eye sockets widen as he screams.


Nightmare had stabbed a tentacle through Ink's chest, lifting him up into the air with a smirk of no regret.

The glitchy skeleton gasped as his eye sockets widened as well.

The king of nightmares looked down upon Error. "I gave you a chance, but look where you are now."

"¥ØỮ gΔV€ Μ€ ŇØ ĆĦΔŇĆ€ ΔŦ ΔŁŁ! ŇØŦĦΞŇg! ¥ØỮV€ β€€Ň ĆØŇŦŘØŁŁΞŇg Μ€ ŦĦΞŞ ŴĦØŁ€ ŦΞΜ€ ¥ØỮ ₣*ĆҜΞŇg ΔŞŞĦØŁ€!" Error spat at him, sounding pissed as hell.

Ink made no movement as he hung up above them with a tentacle through his chest, only making small noises like moans and groans of pain.

After a moment of silence, Error had calmed down a little.

"Ł€Ŧ ĦΞΜ gØ." He calmly said.
("Let him go.")

"You better!" Gradient said with a pile of tried out bad guys behind him and his siblings.

"What!? Ughh! They're useless!" Nightmare slams Ink against the wall before glaring at them and letting Ink go so he falls forward and onto the hard floor. "You've won this time, but I'll be back." He teleported away along with his tired out crew members.

Error ran towards his wife, checking if Ink was okay. He still had a pulse, but it was weak. Plus, he was unconscious.

Error picked him up bridal style.

He opened a portal. "ĦỮŘŘ¥!"

The kids nod as they go through, PJ still holding (Y/N) as he did so.

Looking down at Ink, Error frowned and ran through the portal.

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