Chapter 1

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 1." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

The day Error got back home to the Anti-Void from being in Outertale with his sons was an incredible day. The two boys were surprised to see what Ink had painted, a home for them. An actual house that they could live in instead of the white space around them.

Ink came walking out the door, waving at the three that just arrived. PJ and Gradient both ran at their mother, or other dad, and embraced him with smiles on their faces.

"I have a surprise waiting inside, but you have to be quiet." The artist crouched down to their height. The two boys we're young, Gradient being eight years old and PJ being six.

Gradient and PJ nodded in agreement with what Ink had said and looked back at where Error stood, but he wasn't there. Instead, he had already gone inside and has seen what the surprise was. Chuckling, Ink held his sons hands as they walked inside.

Error stood by the crib, glitching a lot but making no sound. His pupils were gone and were replaced by words saying "error." The kids giggled and Ink would only smile in delight. The kids ran over to the crib and looked to see the sweet little girl napping.

"Mom, who is she?" PJ asked as he fiddled with his scarf.

"Gradient, PJ, meet your baby sister." Ink looked at both boys with warm smiles.

Both boys jumped in excitement, giggling and grinning, happy that they finally had gotten what they wanted, a baby sister. Gradient and PJ have been waiting and complaining about not having one, but now that they have one, they would forever protect her and keep her safe from danger. This made Ink feel something. Yes, Ink actually began to feel... Happiness.

Eventually Error rebooted and his pupils reappeared. His head slowly turned and looked at Ink. He walked over to him and held Ink's hand.

"ŴĦ€Ř€ ĐΞĐ ¥ØỮ ₣ΞŇĐ Ħ€Ř?" The glitchy skeleton asked, kissing the top of Ink's hand, making the artist blush.
("Where did you find her?")

"You left the Villain Mob today, right? You stopped destroying universes today, right?"

Error nodded.

"Well, after you destroyed that village, I found her floating above water in a basket. I decided to take her in and keep her. Do you have anything to do with this?" Ink folded his arms and looked at Error in a strange way.

Error sighed, "¥-¥€Ş. Ξ ΜΞgĦŦ Ħ-Ħ-ĦΔV€ ҜΞŁŁ€Đ Ħ-Ħ€Ř РΔŘ€ŇŦŞ ØV-ØV€Ř Δ ŴΔŦ€Ř₣ΔŁŁ..."
("Y-Yes, I might h-h-have killed h-her parents ov-over a waterfall.")

Ink looked disappointed. He was not happy at Error, but at the same time he felt like forgiving him. That recent event happened when he was still in the Villain Mob, so he couldn't blame Error too much.

"I am a little disappointed, but I forgive you RuRu." Ink hugged his lover and smiled weakly.

After a moment of silence, the couple both stood face to face with each other.

"What should we name her?"

"Ŵ€ ŞĦΔŁŁ ĆΔŁŁ Ħ€Ř (¥/Ň)."
("We shall call her (Y/N).")

"That's a great name, Error."

Soon afterwards, they shared a kiss.


(Y/N), the little and adorable human child was learning how to walk. When she was about a month old, she had tried walking, but quickly gave up on the first try. But now, months later, here she is, trying once more. Can she do it?

"ĆØΜ€ ŦØ ĐΔĐĐ¥." Error held his arms out as the baby girl held onto the table for standing up.
("Come to daddy.")

Soon she let go and held her arms out for a hug as she walked towards her father. She giggled as the glitchy skeleton picked her up. They spun in circles and laughed. Thankfully Ink was recording this and PJ was taking pictures.

After that, Ink took (Y/N) into the kitchen. It was time for her to eat.

"Pfft paa haah pshhh." The little girl made random noises with her tongue.

Gradient was already sat by the kitchen table, reading as he waited for the food. PJ sat by him and ranted on about how he missed seeing (Y/N) learn how to walk. Error took some baby food from the fridge and fed the little girl as Ink served the two boys.

"Boys, boys. Stop chating and start eating. Remember, today Dream and Blue are coming to see us." Ink said, sitting down at the table.

They nodded and began eating with smiles on their faces. The last time they've seen them was a week after (Y/N) was let into the family. Their faces were priceless once they saw the small baby girl. Dream couldn't stop screaming and loving her as Blue just cried tears of joy. Gradient and PJ thought that their reactions were hilarious.

"ĆØΜ€ ØŇ, (¥/Ň). Đ-ĐŘ€ΔΜ ΔŇĐ β-β-βŁỮ€ ΔŘ€ Ć-ĆØΜΞŇg." Error tried feeding her but she would refuse.
("Come on, (Y/N). D-Dream and B-B-Blue are c-coming.")

The smol girl would shake her head and look away.

Ink sighed, "Maybe she isn't hungry."

Error took the baby food and put it back into the fridge for later. He picked the baby up and walked into the living room, putting her in her own little play pen with toys and stuffed animals.

She stood up and walked over to her favorite stuffed animal, (F/A) (Favorite Animal).

Error wasn't really hungry, so he stood and watched his daughter play. Sometimes he would use his strings and put on a little puppet show with her stuffed animals and puppets that he made for her.

Little (Y/N) loved her dad. When first opening her eyes she would look at Error strangely, but not in a bad way.

"D-D-Da..." She began.

Error gasped, "ŦĦΔŦ'Ş ΞŦ! Ş-ŞΔ¥ 'ĐΔĐĐ¥.'"
("That's it! S-Say 'daddy.'")

Ink and the two boys ran over and seemed very excited and happy.

"Da... Da... Dad.. dy."

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