Chapter 12

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 12." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

The next morning, (Y/N) woke up to the smell of something good. She sat up on her bed, taking the sheets off her body before standing up and making her way over to the kitchen.

On her way there, Gradient snuck up on her and quietly followed behind her until he put his hands underneath her armpits and lifts her up.

(Y/N) made a little squeak noise as she gets taken off the ground. Her small head turns to Gradient, giggling once she knew it was him. In a playful manner, Gradient threw her over his shoulder.

"I have captured the princess!" He cheered, almost laughing at his own words.

"Nuuuuuu!" Little (Y/N) knew Gradient was just playing with her.

Every morning is the same thing, Gradient or even PJ would pretend to be a villain as they 'took' (Y/N) away. She enjoyed it very much, so did her siblings.

"No, not like that Error! You're gonna-!"

As Gradient turned the corner, still holding (Y/N) over his shoulder, his eye sockets widened only slightly, not surprised but more like 'what the?'

Both Ink and Error's faces and clothing (from the front) were covered in flour.

"What is going on here?" Gradient asked.

"Your father wasn't reading the instructions of how to properly make a cake!" Ink had his hands on his hips as he bent over just a little bit to glare at Error.

"Ħ-Ħ€Ħ... Ξ'Μ ŞØŘŘ¥. Ξ Ş€ŘΞØỮŞŁ¥ ŦĦØỮgĦŦ ΞŦ ŞΔΞĐ ΔĐĐ Δ ₣ỮŁŁ βΔg Ø₣ ₣ŁØỮŘ!" Error shrugged.
("H-Heh... I'm sorry. I seriously thought it said 'add a full bag of flour!'")

"That's why ever since I was born we bought cake from the store. We never make them because you somehow mess up all the time, dad." Gradient said, putting (Y/N) down onto her seat.

"Whose birthday is it?" PJ walked into the kitchen, sitting across from (Y/N) and Gradient.

"No ones, we're just making it for the fun of it!" Ink smiled, "Now to go clean myself..."

He walked off, Error watching as he did to only follow his wife.

"ŴΔΞŦ ₣ØŘ Μ€!" He shouted, running after Ink.
("Wait for me!")

The three children giggled, enjoying their food in front of them that Ink had served to them.

As they were eating, the little girl would look around the room, sensing a presence somewhere. She knew that they were being watched, and that at any second they could pop out.

Finally, after minutes of the boys talking, they noticed (Y/N) moving rather frantically, looking panicked.

"What's wrong?" Gradient turned his body towards her.

"Yeah, what is it?" PJ stood up from his seat and walked over to his little sister.

"Some... Something is... watching us." she held her spoon in her hand and put it down.

"Are you sure?" PJ crouched down in front of her.

She nodded, pointing towards a dark corner of the kitchen.


Gradient and PJ glanced at each other, shrugging before the oldest brother got up from his seat and walked over to the corner (Y/N) pointed at.

He stood there for a minute, examining the small spot.

"There's nothing here. See, (Y/N)? I'm fi-"

Suddenly, Gradient had his mouth covered with a black tentacle and dragged through the wall as if he were a ghost.

PJ and (Y/N) screamed, immediately booking it to go tell Ink and Error. But it was too late for them as well.

Two other tentacles dragged them into the darkness, into the floor.

Their parents rushed downstairs, but by the time they got there the kids were gone.

"Kids!?" Ink panted from all of the running he was doing.

Error soon came in afterwards, looking worried as hell.

"ҜΞĐŞ! ŦĦΞŞ ΞŞŇ'Ŧ Δ ĴØҜ€! ĆØΜ€ ØỮŦ!" He genuinely thought that they were pulling a prank on them, but as he thought more into it, he began to worry even more.
("Kids! This isn't a joke! Come out!")

Sweat began to appear on his forehead along with Ink. They couldn't have gone upstairs, that's where Ink and Error were. They would have seen or at least heard them.

Ink searched the house and Error looked outside. Later they come together, frowning and shaking their heads.

"Where did they go then!? Are they okay!? Are they hurt!? They better be okay or I think I'm going to-"

Error hugged Ink and pushed Ink's skull against his chest to shush him.

"Ξ ҜŇØŴ ŴĦØ ΞŦ ΞŞ." Error said, Ink slowly looking up at him.
("I know who it is.")

"Who!? Wait... Don't tell me-"

"Ħ€'Ş βΔĆҜ ₣ØŘ ΜØŘ€ Ξ'Μ Δ₣ŘΔΞĐ..." Error hesitated to even mention his name. He didn't want Ink to become the emotional skeleton he is.
("He's back for more I'm afraid...")

"No no no!" Ink already had tears running down his cheekbones as he hugged Error again, softly crying into his chest.

"ΞŇҜ¥, Ŵ€ ΜΞgĦŦ Ň€€Đ ŞØΜ€ βΔĆҜ ỮР ŦĦΞŞ ŦΞΜ€." The glitchy skeleton suggested, rubbing Ink's back for comfort.
("Inky, we might need some back up this time.")

Ink nodded, letting go of Error and taking a step back before sniffing.

"O-Okay. But wh-who should we call?" Ink wiped his tears away with his hands.

"ĐŘ€ΔΜ, βŁỮ€, ØŘΞgΞŇΔŁ, ΔŇĐ ₣€ŁŁ." Error said, gently taking Inks hand.
("Dream, Blue, Original, and Fell.")

"B-But... We can't-"

("Inky, please trust me on this one. I have an idea, just please trust me on this.")

Ink thought for a few moments before sighing and smiling like the determined skeleton he is. His pupils changed both of color and shape as he did all of that.

"Hopefully this time things will go better." Ink took his paintbrush out.

("I hope so too, Inky. I hope so too.")

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