Chapter 6

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 6." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

Error didn't know what to say. He had two choices:

He could accept and sacrifice himself so his family would live happily but without him.


He could decline and let Nightmare do whatever he wants to Error and with his life. He could attack Ink and the Star Sanses without him being in the way to stop him.

Though, it was an easy answer for Error. He had to accept it. He'd rather stay here and work for Nightmare for the rest of his life and let his family live in peace then try to escape Nightmare and live with war constantly going on and on.

Taking a deep breath, the smaller looked up at the taller.

"Ξ ΔĆĆ€РŦ." Error regretted saying it, but hey, his family is finally safe.
("I accept.")

Nightmare's eye light widened but not in surprise, more like in satisfaction. He smirked, walking over to the cell door and unlocking it before stepping inside.

"Perfect." He sent a tentacle towards Error. It wrapped around him and he pulled him close.

Nightmare's one, blue eye light began to glow brighter and lines began to appear, looking like they could hypnotize anyone. Error looked straight as his pupil and tried to fight back, because the truth is, Nightmare is actually trying to hypnotize him.

"You can't resist it, Error. Can you?" Nightmare teased, his pupil closing half way in an evil fashion.

"Ξ... Ξ..."
("I... I...")

Error fought back against Nightmare's grip on him, slowly getting weaker and weaker by the second. Eventually, he gave in and let himself get caught in the evil skeleton's gaze.

"Good. Now, let's do something about these pathetic clothes that Ink made you." He examined Error and let him go.

The glitch nodded and followed Nightmare out of his cell, out of the dungeon, and into a room where Nightmare began choosing clothing for him.

•~Ink's P.O.V~•

Closing a portal behind me, I look at the huge castle in front of me. It was black, everything was dark and negative. Sighing, I start to think about Error as I sneak my way inside.

Cross stood by the throne where Nightmare would sit, holding as still as a snake bathing in the sunlight, like a guard who would stand by a princesses room to protect them.

Dust and Horror were upstairs, patrolling the upstairs area and walking back and forth. Sometimes they would stop and talk to each other.

Finally, after studying them for a little while I snuck inside and hid within the shadows that the castle cast on the walls and corners.

Cross seemed suspicious, looking over my way and even turning his head. He was on high alert, I can tell.

"Is anyone there?" Cross said, still staring at the spot that I was hidden in.

I said nothing, eventually he took his gaze off of me and shrugged it off, going back to standing still.

Now it's time to deal with Dust and Horror. Error had to be somewhere upstairs, I can just feel it.

Suddenly, the voice of Nightmare could be heard. I was about to book it up the stairs but Nightmare suddenly appeared and walked down the stairs with...


No, he looked... different. He had his hands behind his back and was following Nightmare without saying a thing, not even attacking him. He wasn't wearing the new clothing I made him either!

But his pupils, they looked different too.

What did they do to him!?

"Error, would you please be kind and bring me a glass of water?" He asked, earning a nod then a small bow from Error.

He ran off into the kitchen, going to grab the glass of water that that freak told him to do.

I clenched my fists and growled slightly, pulling my paintbrush out as my pupils changed shape and color. Yes, I was angry, mad, pissed! What happened to my RuRu!?

Soon he came back with it and bowed in front of Nightmare, handing it to him. He thanked him before he took a sip. From there Error stood on the other side of the throne like Cross would.

I've had enough of this.

•~PJ's P.O.V~•

Gradient, my little sister (Y/N) and I sat in a cell, away from the bad, evil skeletons that kidnapped us. For such a long time now Gradient has tried to get us free, and has also tried getting (Y/N) to be quiet, but no luck.

I understand, she's just a baby. She doesn't know what's going on. She's too young to know what is going on around her, to know what evil is.

"Have you thought of anything yet?" I asked Gradient as I tried calming (Y/N) down.

"Sadly, no. These jail cells are hard to go through. It's as if only Nightmare could open them with his magic." Gradient said, sighing and looking down.

All of a sudden the door to enter the dungeon opened. Two pairs of footsteps could be heard.

The three of us quiet down as they got closer. As soon as they reached us it was Killer and Horror. They're probably checking up on us.

"So, how is it goin' in there?" Horror questioned, his pupil looking immediately over at (Y/N).

She looked back at him but quickly began to cry. She hid behind me, hugging my leg for protection.

Horror bursted out laughing along with Killer.

"It isn't funny!" I yelled, glaring at them as I make my hands into fists.

They continued to laugh until they eventually stopped, looking at the three of us one by one.

"Nightmare wanted the littlest one, right?" Horror asked Killer, getting a nod from him.

The door somehow unlocked without Nightmare. Hm, maybe Nightmare doesn't have to be here to open it.

"No! Stay back!" Gradient stood in front of me and (Y/N).

"We won't let you get her!" I said.

It was as if (Y/N) hadn't noticed him, but she peaked her head out and looked up at Killer. For some reason the streaks on Killer's face reminded her of Error. So, she smiled and walked up to him.

I tried to grab her, so did Gradient but Horror pushed us back.

Killer scooped her up and walked out.

"Behave you two, or else." Horror smirked and swung his axe at them, missing them.

Gradient and I backed away as the two walked off with our little sister, obviously closing the door behind them before doing so and locking it.

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