Chapter 11

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 11." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

It was midnight, around 12:34 and (Y/N) was having a hard time getting sleep. At the moment, she lay on her small bed, staring outside her window as she remembered one horrifying dream that forever remained in her mind, and scarred her for life.


"Huh?" The four year old girl stood in the dark, tightly hugging her teddy bear for comfort. She shook due to her being really scared, and tears slowly ran down her cheeks as laughter was heard.

Looking around, she saw nothing but black. But in less than two seconds fog had suddenly appeared, now seeing a faint white and gray color.

"H-Hello?" (Y/N) managed to squeak out. Her face expression could only make people feel very bad about her if this was a reality.

Something poked her shoulder. Without hesitation or without thinking about it, she turned, only for her teddy to get snatched up and torn into pieces.

Her heart skipped a beat and she breathed faster, now terrified. Tears quickly ran down and fell onto the floor as she called out for help.

"Mommy!!! Daddy!!!" She cried, wiping her tears away with her hands.

Suddenly, the fog cleared up just enough fir her to see Ink and Error both hung up by a rope tied around their necks.

The girl gasped and ran over to her parents, only for them to disappear and reappear somewhere else. This time though, instead of them hanging from the ceiling, spears, knives, bones, and other weapons where stabbed into their bodies.

"Nooo!" Little (Y/N) cried louder, dropping onto her knees and looking at the ground, covering her eyes with her hands.

The next time she looked up, she was in a totally different area. She stood on a balcony, looking out at over one million dead bodies.

Though, (Y/N) wasn't little anymore. She had grown, now nineteen years in age. Examining herself, she gasped to see a ring on her finger, just like how her mother had one on hers.

Whipping around about a minute later after staring at her ring, she changed back to her four year old self.

Everything was back to darkness as fog slowly approached. Once again she had thought that her parents appeared, but it was actually Gradient and PJ.

(Y/N) ran at them, holding her hand out at them. They didn't seem to notice her or the skeleton behind them.

Two buckets full of water were in front of the two brothers. The figure in the fog had two tentacles above their heads.

As soon as (Y/N) took another step forward, the boys were immediately pushed by the tentacles, where their heads slammed into the buckets full of water. From there, after they stopped struggling and stopped tried fighting back, the tentacles retreated back into the fog and the figure backed away until it disappeared.

"And now..."

(Y/N) whipped around and suddenly saw the one who started this whole nightmare, the king of nightmares himself, Nightmare.

A tentacle wrapped around her neck as she got lifted off the ground.

"... it's your turn.~"

He aimed a tentacle to go through her forehead. Poor (Y/N) was too weak, too little to know what to even do.

She remembered having lessons with her father in the real world, but somehow in her nightmares she had completely forgotten what to do.

She closed her eyes, waiting for her fate to overcome her, but when nothing came, her eyes opened to see the tentacle still there.

But just like a jump scare, it suddenly shot at you. Before it could hit her however, she had woken up...


The door to (Y/N)'s room opened and in came Error. Once he saw her awake, his expression changed into a confused one.

"¥-¥ØỮŘ€ ΔŴΔҜ€." Error walked in and sat by his daughter, hugging her waist with one and brought her close to him. "ΞŞ ŞØΜ€ŦĦΞŇg ŴŘØŇg Μ¥ ŁΞŦŦŁ€ ΔŇg€Ł?"
("Y-You're awake." "Is something wrong my little angel?")

"Daddy, I umm... had a bad dream." She slightly looked down as she frowned.

Sighing, Error picked her up and set her on his lap.

"Ξ'Μ ŞØŘŘ¥ ŦĦΔŦ ŦĦΔŦ'Ş ĦΔРР€ŇΞŇg ŦØ ¥ØỮ." He pat her head. "βỮŦ Ħ€¥, ĐΔĐĐ¥'Ş Ħ€Ř€ ŇØŴ. ¥ØỮ ĐØŇ'Ŧ Ň€€Đ ŦØ ŴØŘŘ¥ ΔŇ¥ΜØŘ€."
("I'm sorry that that's happening to you." "But hey, daddy's here now. You don't need to worry anymore.")

"Y-You and m-mommy died... My brothers t-too." She sniffed, looking up at her father with saddened eyes that no one can resist.

"ØĦ." He looked off to the side before sighing once more. "Ŵ€ŁŁ, ĐØ ¥ØỮ ŴΔŇŦ Μ€ ŦØ ŞŁ€€Р Ħ€Ř€ ŴΞŦĦ ¥ØỮ?"
("Oh." "Well, do you want me to sleep here with you?")

"Yes p-pwease..." She quietly said, getting off of her dad's lap and crawling back under her blankets before lying her head down on her pillow.

Error sat on the chair, deciding to not sleep and instead watch her.

He knew that Nightmare was up to something yet again. It's been four years since the last time they've seen him and the rest of the Villain Mob. Through those four years he would think about when they would strike again and if he might try something new like instead of killing us, using us for something else, or taking over the multiverse and forcing everyone to bow down to him.

He could only imagine the terror of that happening. Complete darkness, sadness, no happy feelings at all. No light, no hope, nothing.

Snapping out of those thoughts, Error glanced over at his daughter, seeing that she had fallen asleep rather quickly.

Chuckling, he stood up and planted a small kiss on her cheek.

"ŞŁ€€Р Ŵ€ŁŁ, (¥/Ň)." he whispered before leaving her room, making sure to close the door behind him.
("Sleep well, (Y/N).")

Little did he know they were being watched from a corner of (Y/N)'s room.

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