Chapter 21

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 21." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

(Y/N) stood in front of PJ's grave the next morning as Ink and Error stood behind her, Ink to her left and Error to her right. Ink silently cried to himself as he hugged Error tightly. Am that you could hear are small whimpers, sniffs, and whines coming from Ink until he couldn't take it anymore, bursting out in even more tears and cries, burying his face into his husbands shoulder. Error rubbed his wife's back and looked away from the grave, whispering sweet things to Ink to try to calm him down. They had dug the grave by a small tree and collected PJ's dust, putting it inside a container and placing it in the middle of that hole, then covering it up. The gravestone had his name on it, the day he was born, and the day he died.


"Wh-Why!? WHY!?" Ink cried, scaring the poor little girl.

(Y/N) set a pot on top of the grave, it having a seed of an echo flower in the soil. She looked at it for a while, hearing her father trying to comfort her mother. He really was trying, but nothing seemed to be working.

"ҜΞҜΞ, Ć'Μ€Ř€." Error continued to rub his wife's back and whisper things to him. "Ŵ€ ĦΔV€ ŦØ ΜØV€ ØŇ. Ξ'Μ ỮРŞ€Ŧ ΔŇĐ ΔŇgŘ¥ ŦØØ, βỮŦ Ŵ€ ĆΔŇŇØŦ ĦΔV€ ŦĦΞŞ ĐŘΔg ỮŞ ĐØŴŇ ΔŇĐ Ҝ€€Р ỮŞ ₣ŘØΜ Ř€ΔĆĦΞŇg ØỮŘ ΜΔΞŇ РŘΞØŘΞŦ¥, ŞΔVΞŇg ŦĦ€ ΜỮŁŦΞV€ŘŞ€."
("Kiki, c'mere." "We have to move on. I'm upset and angry too, but we cannot have this drag us down and keep us from reaching our main priority, saving the multiverse.")

The artist quieted down and separated from the hug, nodding and forcing a happy smile on his face. He sniffed, wiping a tear away and looking over at (Y/N).

"(Y/N), honey?"

"Yes mom?" She looked over at him.

"Let's go back inside. Daddy and I have important things to deal with."

"Okie." The little girl slowly made her way back inside, her head looking down the whole way.

Error sighed, folding his arms as he walked alongside Ink, going inside.


•~Some Years Later~•

[You're now 12]

It's been a long while now since the last encounter with the Villain Mob or even just Nightmare himself. They must be up to something big, huge, destructive. Or maybe they're taking a break. Who knows?

At the moment (Y/N) was in the living room, on her phone as she texted a friend of hers. His name was Goth. She had met him one day when both her and Error were out checking on the universes. Error took (Y/N) into what was known as the Save/Loading Screen, where a certain glitched out tsudere skeleton was stuck in. At first (Y/N) was confused, how do you get stuck at the Save/Loading Screen, she thought. Her father explained everything in the end.

Anyways, when they got there, there were actually three skeletons. One was a child, and the other looked like the grim reaper. Error told them that he was just checking up on everything and wasn't going to stay long. Well, he ended up staying two hours. Both (Y/N) and Goth were having so much fun talking and playing with each other. Error tried calling out to his daughter but she would be too busy with Goth. He thought that she was ignoring him.

Back to present time, (Y/N) giggled at a meme that Goth found online on the Undernet.

She sent him a meme, almost bursting out in laughter.

"(¥/Ň)! ¥ØỮŘ ŁỮŇĆĦ ΞŞ Ř€ΔĐ¥!" Error called from the kitchen.
("(Y/N)! Your lunch is ready!")

"Coming!" She said, texting Goth that she had to go then quickly ran into the kitchen.

"FOOOOOODDD!" She jumped into her seat as her dad placed a plate down in front of her. It was her favorite, (F/F)!

"Thanks, dad." The girl thanked him.

"ŇØ РŘØβŁ€Μ, ŞŴ€€ŦΞ€." He ruffled her hair before leaning against the table, arms and legs crossed.
("No problem, sweetie.")

Ink walked into the kitchen, having a smile on his face. He was happy... about something.

"What are you so happy about, mom?" (Y/N) asked, swallowing a piece of her food and picking up a glass full of water and sipping some of it.

"Just a dream I had." He responded as he stretched. He just came back from a small nap.

"ĐΞĐ ΞŦ ΞŇVØŁV€ Μ€?~" Error looked over at his wife and winked, sticking his tongue out in a weird, seductive way.
("Did it involve me?~")

The smaller blushed faintly, only if it were a wet dream, he thought before shaking his skull.

"No. It was all about happy things. Happy, positive things that I like."

"So you were in La La Land? Or Wonderland? Both?" (Y/N) chuckled, earning a small laugh from her father.

"I guess." Ink scratched his back before sitting down next to his daughter, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Jealous, Error pouted. "ŴĦΔŦ ΔβØỮŦ Μ€? Ξ ĐØŇ'Ŧ g€Ŧ Δ ҜΞŞŞ?"
("What about me? I don't get a kiss?")

"Aww, RuRu. Come here." Ink stood back up and walked up to his husband, wrapping his arms. around his neck and kissing him passionately.

"Mom!" (Y/N)'s face became a little red.

Error wrapped his arms around Ink's waist and brought him closer, kissing back.

"Dad!" The girls blush became even brighter.

Deciding to not sit there and watch, she took her food and water and went into the living room to eat instead.

Setting her plate down on a small coffee table, she took another sip of water and was going to sit down on the couch until a knock was heard on the door.

"Huh?" (Y/N) tilted her head and went over to the door, unlocking it then opening it. She immediately saw a statue standing in the middle of her lawn. Strange enough, it looked exactly like Dream. Like, it looked realistic, exactly like Dream.

Ink and Error both came rushing over and looked at the huge gray statue outside.

"Woah..." One of Ink's pupils turned into a question mark.

"ŴĦΔŦ'Ş ŦĦΞŞ ĐØΞŇg Ħ€Ř€?" Error walked up to the side of it and studied it. He eventually saw something super shiny and round in the statues pocket. He looked inside and saw a golden apple, one from the tree back in Dreamtale.
("What's this doing here?")

Error thought about it.

Then he finally realized...

He looked from the statue, to the golden apple, then back up at the statue, then at Ink and his daughter.

"ØĦ Μ¥ gØĐ!" Error dropped the golden apple.
("Oh my god!")

Ink's face went from confusion to immediate fright and fear.

"Dream no!!!" Ink ran up to the gray statue and hugged it tightly.

(Y/N) was confused at this and went to pick up the apple. When she picked it up, she examined it then put it away in her pocket.

"This can't be happening!!!"

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