Chapter 13

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 13." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

Error sat on the white floor of the Anti-Void. This has been the second time that Nightmare has taken his children, and he's had enough already. He has almost punched Dream due to Ink almost dying because of his injuries. Thankfully PJ rushed in in time to tell them that Ink was alive.

Both Ink and Error have gone through too much. They've had enough. For decades now the bad and the good have been fighting, struggling against each other. Today was the day both the God of Creation and the God of Destruction would stop this huge war that was going on.

Evil will be captured and sent somewhere where they won't bother anyone anymore, and everyone can live in peace.

However, Evil always finds its way to cause nothing but chaos.

As soon as the Sanses arrived, Error looked up from the floor and examined each and every one of them.

Blue looked pissed as hell. Wonder why...

As usual, Classic had his normal, tired grin on his face. Everyone could tell he was tired, but in just a minute things will go down.

"Yo, why'd you call us?" Fell picked at his golden tooth, glaring up at Ink.

"We have-"

"ŦĦ€ ₣ØỮŘ Ø₣ ¥ØỮ ĦΔV€ β€€Ň ĆΔŁŁ€Đ Ħ€Ř€ β€ĆΔỮŞ€ ΞŇҜ ΔŇĐ Ξ Ň€€Đ Ħ€ŁР ŴΞŦĦ ŞØΜ€ŦĦΞŇg." Error interrupted, wrapping an arm around Inks waist as he walked up to them.
("The four of you have been called because Ink and I need help with something.")

"What happened? Where are your kids?" Dream pushed Fell aside and stepped up to Error.

"Two words, Dream. Nightmares back." Ink was looking at Error during this, his arms holding onto Errors arm and his skull against Errors shoulder.

Out of anyone in the Anti-Void, you would have thought that Fell or Classic would have gotten mad for the kidnapping of (Y/N) and her brothers. Fell might seem that type of guy who doesn't care about others daughters or sons, but once he saw (Y/N) and her two brothers, he had changed. So did Classic and other Sanses that would come and, well, celebrate Ink's or Error's birthdays and such.


Everyone gasped and turned their heads towards Blue.

"He... swore." Dream said.

"Damn..." Fell was surprised.


His voice has changed, his pupils have changed, everything about him has changed!

The once innocent Blueberry has jumped out the window, and now we have the new, not innocent Blueberry.

He stood in the middle of the group, summoning blue bones in his hands.


He swore again.

"B-Blue...? What happened to you?" Ink asked. But before Blue could respond, Error took a step forward.

"Ŵ€ ĦΔV€ ŇØ ŦΞΜ€ ŦØ ŴΔŞŦ€! Ŵ€'Ř€ Ł€ΔVΞŇg ŇØŴ!" Error announced, balling up his fists and punching the air above him.
("We have no time to waste! We're leaving now!")

The other skeletons around him looked at each other before nodding and smiling, pumping their fists into the air too.


"Put him over there." Nightmare pointed towards a door which was made of metal. "Make sure to tie him up tight, we don't want him escaping."

PJ punched at Nightmare, but he couldn't reach him.

"What are you doing to him!? Let Gradient go!" He struggled against Dust's grip, though he was weak.

(Y/N) remembered what Error had taught her. Cross held (Y/N), his hand pushing her against his leg.

She bit his finger as hard as she could, causing Cross to flinch and let go of her. Dust still held onto PJ, backing away from her.

The little girl jumped on top of Cross and began choking him with her hands. This satisfied Nightmare. He really didn't care if Cross was choked to death, he was more focused on (Y/N).

As she was distracted, Dust handed PJ over to him and walked off with him to another room.

Cross was a tough guy, he didn't give up as easy. Pulling out his knife, he slashed at the girl, only managing to cut her cheek.

Hissing in pain, (Y/N) stood up and held onto her cheek with both hands.

Surprise, surprise!

Her eyes began to glow a dark red color.

"You're pretty tough, kid. But-"

He noticed her eyes glowing, but be thought nothing of it and sighed, shaking his head as he slowly made his way to her.

After all this time, (Y/N) was no normal human. Her eyes could glow, but what else does she hide within?

She decided that it was a waste of time fighting Cross, so she turned and ran after Nightmare, Dust and her brother.

"Come back here!" Cross ran after her.

During the time they ran, Nightmare had already put PJ in his room, but in a cage, about to be lock him up in his closet.

"Mmmfph!" He tried screaming for help, but it was no use, he was gagged.

"Shut it!" Nightmare hissed with much venom before kicking the cage into his closet and locking it up.

"I'll be back for you later." He said after leaving the room, but before shutting his door and walking off.


"Are you sure we can do this? Just us six? We aren't as strong as them." Dream asked, about to get a response by Error, but quickly got interrupted by Blue.


How did Blue become so violent?

Why is he so violent?

What has happened to the poor skeleton?

They all had a plan in mind, but Blue had a different one. He climbed to a nearby window, opened it up, and dashed his way inside.

"He's serious about this..." Fell said.

"Ħ€ ŴØỮŁĐ ĐØ ΔŇ¥ŦĦΞŇg ŦØ Ҝ€€Р ĦΞŞ ₣ŘΞ€ŇĐŞ ŞΔ₣€." Error added, looking up at the window Blue went through.
("He would do anything to keep his friends safe.")

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