Chapter 18

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 18." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~Third Person P.O.V~•

Every villain has a desire, a goal that they want to reach and complete. Whether it's to destroy humanity, or to take over the multiverse, it always seems like they will win and accomplish their goal. Then, out of nowhere a random hero comes along and saves everyone, preventing any harm from happening and stopping the villain once and for all.

But that doesn't always happen.

Most stories end with positivity and happiness, a 'happy' ending.

But some don't. Right?


Nightmare sat on his throne with his legs crossed and his hand up to his chin. He was trying to think of a plan, one that would succeed, one that wouldn't fail. Being the king of nightmares, it is his job to go into other peoples and monsters dreams to scare them, to get them to fear not only him, but also fear other things. If anyone were to be afraid of him, he would gain power and strength and he would be able to take over everyone and everything.

Unfortunately, he can't rule over the multiverse. Yet.

He has to get rid of the enemy first, the good guys, which now that he has Gradient on his side, one part of his plan is done.

What exactly is this plan of his?

For a long time now, for way too many decades, Nightmare has been against Ink in a war of peace and chaos. Nightmare wants only darkness, chaos to the multiverse, but on the other hand Ink wants light, nothing but peace.

Anyways, the ruthless king was planning on using mind tricks instead of violence. It's actually quite rare of him to do this, because he prefers violence most of the time. He loves violence, but he has now realized that plans that involve fighting and such fail. Somewhere in his many part plan he will be using violence, but not at the moment.

The castle was quiet. Dust and Horror both walked the halls and patrolled the area just in case of an attack, Killer was in his room sharpening his knife and some other weapons, and Cross wasn't doing much, just in the kitchen trying to find his chocolate.

Nightmare hid the stash of chocolate away somewhere just for the fun of it.

And little Gradient boy was sat next to Nightmare on the huge throne. His skull was leaning against the others shoulder and his arms were wrapped around the others waist too.

The boy saw Nightmare as his father now. Now that the 'truth' has been told, Gradient would only stay by Nightmare's side and not leave him unless he's told to so.

Nightmare was fine with this believe it or not. He's always thought of having children of his own. He would teach them how to use their power, that others that give you mercy are weak and pathetic, that chaos is the way to go.

Now he has the chance to.

"Gradient, my son?" He poked the boys side with a tentacle.

"Hm?" He hummed, looking up at the taller.

"I sense some fear and anger in you. What's wrong?" The king pulled him close.

"Well..." He paused for a moment and sniffed. "I never thought that my mom and dad, that my siblings would hate me so much. I've done so much for them and they repay me with hateful words."

There was silence.

"I feared that they would hate me, and now that I know they do, I'm shattered. Broken. All I want now is revenge, especially on PJ. When he was born he got all the attention and I was left behind."

That part was partly true. He was forgotten by Ink a little, but Error, he still knew that Gradient was around. He would try to talk and hang out with him, but he would be really busy.

Nightmare thought about what Gradient had just explained to him and adjusted his golden crown on his head.

"Maybe today or tomorrow we could sneak an attack on them. What do you say?" He sat up straight and smiled evilly behind Gradients head.

"I want to go now, but in order to make sure we don't get caught we need to make a full proof plan that will work for sure. Maybe we can spy on them and find out their routines then figure out a plan." Gradient said, jumping onto his feet and turning his body to fully face Nightmare.

"You're a smart one, kid." The taller chuckled, standing up and patting his head before beginning to walk towards his room.

Of course the boy followed him, an excited and happy grin now plastered onto his face. He couldn't wait to get his revenge on his little brother.

Only if he knew this was all a lie. Gradient wasn't as smart as everyone thought he was.

When they reached the room, they switched on a dim light that somehow lit up the whole room and sat on the bed. The two mainly talked about what information they needed in order to figure out their master plan. Nothing much happened after that.

They had an advantage to this. Ink was foolish enough to turn the Anti-Void into a mini version of a neighborhood, meaning that they would have cover to hide and watch from. Though, the sky was white and not blue, some parts were green grass, and some weren't, being plain white floor.

Finally, after a long talk they agreed on what they would do.

Now to put everything into action.

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