Chapter 26

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 26." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~•

This can't be him...

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but come and see your demise, Nightmare..."

He died right in front of me.

"I'll be enjoying this, that's for sure..."

His voice.. it was... different.


Maybe it is him.

Maybe he is alive and somehow survived his so called 'death'.


"Who wouldn't like to see you SUFFER?"

A bright yellow aura surrounded him, slowly spreading around and hitting everything in its path. Everybody here, including me, had raised our arms and shielded our eyes from the blinding light. This was good, for us at least. Nightmare's weakness is bright light, and if he doesn't get out in time, he'll simply melt into a puddle of black tar. We wouldn't have only gotten rid of this evil Nightmare, but we could possibly even get Dream's true brother, passive Nightmare, the Nightmare that got insults thrown at him for what he did as his job.

It wasn't his fault that he was born that way. I completely understand why he did what he did and bit his own black apple containing other peoples nightmares, but he did not have to go down that path. Trust me, if I were there, I would have stopped him from eating that poisonous apple.

The light covered the whole castle, then the whole AU this castle was in. I heard moans and grunts coming from all directions, but I couldn't tell if they were Nightmare's or anyone of his servants. A huge wave of air hit me, sending me back slightly, but I pushed against it.

Soon, the light faded away, and our surroundings were nothing but black. It was as if we had gotten teleported into some sort of weird, blank dimension, but we didn't. We were still in the AU where Nightmare's castle once stood, but everything had been cleared like erasing a mark on a piece of paper, but that paper was black.

Everybody looked around, both sides confused about what PJ had just done. Nightmare, after glancing around the area they were in for a bit, whipped around and glared at PJ.

"What have you done!?" He yelled in pure anger.

"You've taken the lives of many, including me, and have destroyed alternate universes left and right." He started. "I think that it's only fair if we take something very important of yours."

As PJ spoke, I looked over at my dad. He was speechless, standing as still as a statue. He couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. I took his hand and turned my attention back to PJ, which was now facing us both. He pointed to his right, where a portal suddenly appeared.

I looked at the portal then back at PJ.

"Will you be coming with us?" I asked.

I really wanted him to come with us. It would be nice having him back with us.

"No." He simply said.

"Wait what?" I let go of Error's hand and took a few steps forwards, looking straight into his eye lights. "Why not?"

"Little sis..." He walked up to me and stopped once our bodies almost touched. He was taller, so he had to look down at me.

He sighed. "Look at how much you have grown." He studied my body and smiled warmly. His smile quickly switched back to a serious expression though.

"I wish I can go back with you guys, trust me. I would love to, but you see..."

He tried putting his hand up against my cheek, but it fazed right through me.

I stared down at the floor before slowly looking back up at him. I shook my head.


"Go, (Y/N)." He turned around and gazed into the eye lights of the villains, which were spread out and listening to everything we were saying.

"Tell mom I love him."

He began taking steps forward towards them. I wanted to do something, but my body refused to move. After a couple seconds, I looked over at the portal where my dad stood waiting for me. I could tell that he wanted to stay and help PJ like I do, but he knew that PJ would only refuse the help and send us away.

Taking one last glance at my big brother, I ran off toward the direction of the portal. I got closer, and closer, and closer until-

"You're not getting out of here that easily!"

I was suddenly punched back and away from the portal by a black tentacle. It wrapped around my neck.

"No! She isn't a part of this!" PJ shouted, blinding the evil skeleton with light again, causing him to let go of me. I landed on my bottom on the hard, black floor. It hurt a little, but I kept in my hiss of pain.

Error ran up by my side and grabbed my hand, helping me up.

"ΔŘ€ ¥ØỮ ŞỮŘ€ ŦĦΔŦ ¥ØỮ ĆΔŇ ĐØ ŦĦΞŞ ΔŁØŇ€?" He asked, looking over at his son.
("Are you sure that you can do this alone?")

"Yeah! Let us help!" I said, almost getting hit by another tentacle. I dodged it, thankfully.

"I can do this alone." PJ closed the portal and made it appear closer to us. "Now go!"

We both nodded and jumped through the portal, dodging a few attacks as we did. After going through, it closed, but a bone managed to come through and rip right through my right leg knee cap before it did.

I screamed in pain.

Dad and I were now right outside our house, and as I expected, Ink came running out. Dad panicked and stood up, immediately picking me up bridal style.

"Oh my!" Mom covered his mouth and began tearing up.

"Ł€Ŧ'Ş g€Ŧ ΞŇŞΞĐ€ ΔŇĐ ŦŘ€ΔŦ ŦĦΞŞ ŴØỮŇĐ." Error said, still sounding panicked. My mom ran as my father followed close behind.

Before we reached the house and went inside, I slowly turned my head around and looked back where the portal was.

"I l-love you, big bro."

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