Chapter 24

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(Hello, and welcome to "Chapter 24." Enjoy, and have a nice day/night! <3)

•~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~•

I stood quiet, glaring at them before I started to attack again. I threw my switchblade at Gradient, which he obviously caught. I threw it for a reason though, to distract him. As he caught the switchblade and prevented himself from getting stabbed, I got past him and immediately after took out a small sword and swung it at Nightmare. He dodged it and tried wrapping me up with his tentacles, but I cut every tentacle he sent at me.

His tentacles quickly regenerated and were shot back at me again. I charged at him again, dodging some of his attacks matrix style and also chopping off two or three of them.

I swung at the black skeleton again, but it was blocked by a wall of bones that my oldest brother had made. I turned to my right and immediately after I got tackled by him. He held the very screwdriver he used to kill PJ with both hands and tried to stab me with it, but I pushed his hands back. Now it was a game of who was stronger and of who would get tired first.

Gradient pushed down harder onto the screwdriver. "Wh-Who are you?"

I said nothing, only making grunting noises as I struggled and tried pushing his hands back some more. He applied more pressure, and the screwdriver was now really close to my chest.

Nightmare teleported next to Gradient, and with one of his tentacles, he ripped the mask off my face.

Gradient didn't seem recognize me. His face became full of curiosity, but as if for Nightmare, he had a face that I could not explain.

"No, you're not my sister." Gradient examined me further, his strength lessening a little as he continued to try to stab me.

"Then how did you manage to steal my switchblade from... them!?" He seemed to have lost interest in trying to kill me, because now he wasn't even pushing his screwdriver toward my body.

As he was distracted, I punched him. He fell over onto his side as I quickly stood up and dropped a smoke bomb.

I ended up on the second floor on the railing, crouched down. I sat there and stared down at the two. By "them" I instantly knew that he meant mom, dad and I. He must not want to mention his family. How many lies has Nightmare been telling him? I'm guessing too many to even count because he has changed a lot. He wasn't as smart as before, his pupils were completely red, the clothing he was wearing was screaming "evil". I mean, just look at it! His jacket was still black, but the lines that are on it are red. The inside of his jacket is black. His pants are red. Mostly everything was red! I bet that if I even try once to bring his old self back, that I would immediately fail.

But I'm not giving up!

I hop down, and while in midair, I threw another smoke bomb. It exploded as soon as I landed on my feet on the floor. Immediately after I lunged at them in the smoke and managed to grab one of them, Gradient.

"Huh? Where did Nightmare go?" I mumbled to myself, clutching my sword in my other hand.

When the smoke cleared away, I suddenly got slapped by a tentacle. I went flying into a wall, face first, then slid down and fell onto the hard floor.

It hurt a lot, but I got up and slowly glared up at them. Blood came out my nose and mouth, my face had scratches and bruises on it, and I even had a slash on my cheek. Must have been my sword that cut me as I went flying.

"You look human, how are you still up after getting hit into a wall like that?"

Determination, bitchmare.

I took out a notepad and a pencil and began to write down two words. As I did so the skeletons attacked, thinking that I had distracted myself, but I was still paying attention. Bones, gaster blasters, and tentacles went flying past me. I dodged every single one of their attacks, finishing writing down the words.

'Magic Staff'

Suddenly, the sword in my hand was replaced by a staff.

"That... That belongs to..."

Gradient hesitated to say mothers name.

"... Ink." He finally said.

I chuckled, toying with the staff in my hand. Mother made this magical notepad for a reason, and that reason was just in case of emergencies if his paintbrush suddenly went missing or if it broke or something.

How have they not figured out that it's me yet?

I gasped as all of a sudden, two tentacles pierced right through my chest, near my heart, and another through my stomach.

My pupils shook as I looked down at where I had been stabbed, PJ's death playing in my mind as I did.

I remember witnessing the whole thing.

Gradient suffocated him. He knew that he was dead, but he wasn't satisfied. He stabbed his own little brother over and over and over again until he was satisfied with his work. He tried killing me, but I remembered that he said that Nightmare wanted me, so he wasn't gonna kill me, but instead abduct me and take me to Nightmare.

But he failed.

Blue saved my life and took me outside and went back inside to probably try and save my mom and dad, but he died in the process.

"It's obviously you (Y/N), isn't it?" Nightmare smirked, giving me a cocky look.

Gradient studied me one last time before flashbacks played in his head. That's when he finally realized that it was in fact... me.

I looked at Gradient, then at Nightmare, still keeping my mouth shut and deciding not saying anything.

"Why won't you speak? We already know how you look like, so why hide your voice?"

What do you do?

[Keep quiet]



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