Chapter One

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(Colby's POV )

    Survival. The one thing that matters now.

Screams filled the air. People constantly running for their lives and saving their children. Police officers and paramedics frequently trying to save as much people as possible. Busses carrying civilians to safety to an underground facility (idk if that a thing tbh) where all can be treated and put to safety.

Fortunately for me, I was able to get my parents and my brother Gage safely onto the
bus, but as I was about to get in I got grabbed from behind. I started struggling, trying to get out of the pairs of hands holding me while my family constantly screaming, crying and trying to get me loose. It was too late though. "I love you all" was the last thing I said to them before the bus started moving. And before I knew it, I was knocked out and everything went black...
2 months later

I've been held captive for about two months or so by what I presume are either psychopaths or just straight up murderers. But not only that. I've been tortured, hit, almost starved to death and nearly anything bad you could think of. Despite all that I didn't lose ALL hope or confidence. And that's thanks to the fact that I saved my family and that their hopefully surviving and safe. "I WILL eventually get out. I  WILL get revenge. And I WILL NOT hesitate to kill anyone or anything that tries to stop me anymore" I thought to myself. As cold and cringey as that sounds, it's true. It's probably safer here than out in the open where any other thing can get me but in just these two months it felt like a living hell for me. And if I don't do anything soon I'll be here for the rest of my life time which I'm not looking forward to. Or anyone in that matter.

I've finally found the perfect timing of when I should commence my escape plan. And that's when the next torture session begins.

It was a horrifying experience. Watching their dead bodies all bloody and carelessly laying on the ground. "But what's done has been done and i can't go back" was what my  parents used to all say. Which fits perfectly in this matter. I didn't feel the pleasure  of killing them. At ALL. But I keep saying to myself that that's what they deserve and made a vow to myself to ONLY ever kill when needed to.

For, the apocalypse as officially begun.

*End of Flashback".

Should I go on with the story?

Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now