Chapter Four

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(Brennen's POV)

As I was about to return to our base, something caught my eye around the corner...

It was a dog. And a second later the owner I presume, showed up walking alongside the dog.

The owner looked the same age as me. He was wearing all black with a sheath poking out of his ripped bag. As I was about to approach a little closer to inspect his face, I think he saw me or a bit of me at least. He was about to approach but was stopped by four crawlers. They were surrounding him. He was about to attack but his dog charged first and him after. Three were dead, but the last one. He turned around.

And a few moments after he was on the ground and his sheath from what I could see flew to his left. He jammed his hand in a sharp glass as he was scrambling on his hands and feet. It was bleeding quite a lot actually. I was about to shoot the last one with my bow and confront the boy after, but got beat to it. The dog had killed the last crawler and saved his owner.

It was rare to see anyone around anymore. ESPECIALLY with a dog.

I turned on my heals and went back to our base.

   *Time skip to when he reached the base*

I entered and waited for the rest of "group" to return. And just on cue they came in one by one. "Anythin' interesting today?"asked Sam with an exhausted tone. "Other than the fact that Elton ran away from a group of brain-eating-mutants and leaving me surrounded buy three others? No, nothing new"Jake said laughing. Sam and I laughed while Elton just glared and shot back "Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you were scared too than open it and remove all doubt." Both Sam and I 'Oooo'ed while Jake just pouted like a four-year-old child. "Aaaanywaays. I actually found something today." I said. They all raised their eyebrows and sat down to listen.

After I told them what happened sam asked "Did you see his face?" "Just a bit. I was about go closer but I thought he saw me so I kinda retreated. All I could remember is that he had blue eyes, was wearing all black, his hair brown and to the side almost covering his right eye... oh and his dog was a German Shepard." I replied back and their eyes went wide. "Wait did you say German Shepard?" Jake asked. "Yeah. Why?" I asked confused. They all facepalmed and Elton asked "Brennen. You do know German Shepards are VERY powerful dogs and if you confronted/harmed the owner in its presence, it could rip your throat out. Right?" I just stayed quite. Then Sam spoke up "Did the dog have a collar? Presumably a thick collar?" I thought for a second then replied once again "Umm. Yea it did. Why?" Sam rubbed his chin as though he had a beard and said "It's a guard dog then. But how the hell would he get a guard dog? That's impossible unless he's a cop, which I doubt." He said to no one in particular. "Was he loaded with weapons?" Jake finally asked again. "No, he wasn't loaded but it'd seemed like he didn't have a lot of stuff to be frank with you". Sam just nodded while the others looked a bit into thought."Well, lets just get some rest and talk about this in the morning. Today's my turn to keep watch so go get some sleep." Elton said. We all nodded and head off.

I have a free day today so I might most ANOTHER chapter😂😅

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