Chapter Twenty Three

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(Colby's POV)

It's been a few days, and this girl is opening up to me more. She's been less intimidating and I got her to laugh. That's an achievement because she hadn't even smiled in a long time says she. I've been staying here for recovery, so we got more chance to know about each other. Well, she does. She won't tell me much about her, other than her abandonment story and how she survived and how she was surviving alone before, she met me. Haha more like saved me.

We are currently sitting on the roof watching the sunset, and she had a better view than the warehouse. She took out her camera and took a picture of the sunset. I smiled as she made adjustments with it. She noticed me staring and I looked away to cover my blush. She chuckled and turned to me snapping a picture. I blushed even harder; I feel like a girl who just got the most romantic compliment ever. As she put the camera down, I saw ingraves on the side of her camera, saying "BFF". I wonder who that could be for.

"Hey. Umm, what do the ingraves mean? On the side of your camera." "Umm it means best friends forever?" "No. I mean what's the reason for it's display there?" "Ohh, its just something my bestfriend carved in." "Katrina?" "Yea." Interesting. I wonder if it's her. "If you don't mind me asking, how's your relationship between you and her? How'd you meet? " "Weird question, but I was looking for a roommate for senior year, and we stubbled across each other." "A-are you Rose Valentine?" I asked carefully. She looked at me shocked and immediately whipped out her gun, pointing it at me. "Woah woah woah! Chill! Chill." I said looking up at her as she stood up. "How do you know me?!" She yelled, more like demanded. I looked at her with fear that she'll actually shoot, and slowly stood up raising my hands. She cocked the gun as she saw me standing up. "Woah woah. Chill. I'm just standing up. That's it." I said slowly. "Kat had talked to me about you before. She said similar things you've told me now, so I assumed it was you. I believe my assumption is correct." I continued. She lowered he gun and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. She looked at me skeptically and said "Go sleep." As she walked down.

I went after her and went to the room I've been staying in, and surprisingly she was there holding two chaines. I looked at her confused and she said "I'm restraining you tonight so you don't try anything." "I won't do anything I promise." I said truthfully.
"Promises are tend to be broken. Now take your shirt off." "Why?" I asked confused. "You sleep with a shirt on or shirt off?" "Off." I said while stripping my shirt. I saw her kinda checking me out, and I smiled a little. "See anything you like?" I asked jokingly. She rolled her eyes and said "Don't make me tape you mouth as well." "Nevermind then." I said laughing. "Lay down." I sighed and did as told. I lifted up my arms and she did the deed. "Night." She said while leaving. I stayed silent and shifted, getting into a more comfortable position then slept.

*Next day*

I woke up to someone leaving my room. I was able to move my arms, as they were unrestrained. Hmm, Rose probably unlocked them. I put my clothes on (other than shirt and pants), and exited the room.

I walked in on Rose half naked. She was only wearing her undergarments. I stared at her back, noticing the tattoo. It was beautiful.

"Are you gonna keep staring or what?" She said. "Oh. Oh! I'm sorry!" I said blushing, and turning around quickly. "I was just looking at your tattoo." I said truthfully, although she has an amazing and fit body, but that's not the point.

The tattoo on her back:

The tattoo on her back:

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