Chapter Ten

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(Colby's POV)

   *Next Day*

I got woken up by water. Yes water. I looked around and everyone was around me. Then I noticed Archer eating behind them. I sighed in relief that they didn't harm him in any way. "Mornin' sunshine."said Jake while the others we're snickering. "Morning"I said blankly. Then my stomach started grumbling. I'm hungry. No one noticed but Sam. Thankfully.

Sam called them for a little meeting. While they walked away, I called for Archer and he quickly came at me. But due to his strength and big size he bumped onto me and I fell backwards with the chair. I started laughing and tried to dodge his licks.

Moments after that, Sam returned with some food. Without the rest of his group. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me confused. I just nodded my head towards Archer chuckling lightly. He made an 'O' face and pulled me up. He pulled out his knife and I gulped thinking he was gonna stab me or something. But I decided to not jump into conclusions. He brought it towards my wrist and.. freed me from the ropes. I looked at him in confusion and a bit of worrisome. "It's fine. You can stretch and here's some food." He said and threw me a can of something I've never seen before. I put the can aside and rubbed my wrists from where the ropes once where. I hesitated a bit then stood up to stretch. You could literally here my bones cracking. I sat back down about to eat whatever the hell that was when he said " Its a type of meat. It good." I just nodded stunned, it's like he can mind read or something. He handed me his dagger so I could open the can with. "A-are you sure you trust me with that?"I asked. "What if the others don't approve? It's fine I'll just eat another time." I kept rambling until he cut me off saying "Cole! It's fine, just take it. There's nothing you can do to convince me." I hesitantly took the dagger and quickly but carefully opened the can. I don't need other stitches. I then cringed realizing he called me Cole. "Thank you. Umm.. call me Colby. Cole is my birth name but I go by Colby."I said and returned his dagger. He just nodded. Before I finished eating the food given to me, Archer looked at me with puppy eyes and started whining indicating he was hungry as well. I chuckled lightly and gave him the rest of my food. We sat in a few minutes of silence before I broke it. "Why are you doing this?" He waited a moment staring at me then said "Umm.. because you seemed hungry?"he stated in "obviously" tone. "N-no no. I-i meant why are you giving me your food instead of slitting my throat, untying me from the chair without backup I assume, and giving me your freaking knife when I could've just stabbed you when you least expected it?" It looked like he was searching my eyes for basically anything when he finally spoke up "I don't know. I just have this gut feeling that I shouldn't kill you. Yet at least." I just slowly nodded taking in all the information and progressing what he'd just said. And before I could say anything else he said "Tell me how you're here, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and not in the underground facility where you're safe and treated." "Umm.. would you like the short version or the long one?" "The short one."he replied.
"Ok well. When people where getting on the bus, I managed to get my parents and my brother Gage on. But before I climbed in I got grabbed back by three men. As of you've probably heard. Anyways, I've been held captive for about two months until I was finally able to escape and kill them. I didn't enjoy killing them at all. But even if they did deserve it, I always think back to what my brother had once told me. "There's always a reason for one's actions. Even if it's as foolish." After that I've decided to only kill when needed. That all was before the apocalypse had officially commenced. After the official commence, I was looking for supplies that could help me in anyway until I heard a shuffle under some old sheets in my backyard. And that's where Archer comes in. In other words the dog. He was very weak looking and skinny so I decided to keep him. No harm done right? Nevertheless he's been stuck with me ever since and we've been camping at an old shack I found near a forest that I'll hopefully go back too. A few days after I was low on food and supplies, I was eager to either hunt or just find a place with supplies. Which I eventually did. Merely on the way of our search, I decided to train as well since I've just been trying to avoid the crawlers as much as possible. And no, not because I'm a pussy." He chuckled at that and gestured for me to continue. "It had become very late and due to my birdbrain, I forgot to grab a flashlight or even just a lighter. So we found an old building that gave us protection for the night. The next morning as we were about to leave I noticed this warehouse and wanted to explore it. I've always had a passion for exploring. Even before all hell broke loose. Instead of searching it right away I decided to stick with the plan of going back to the shack and coming back after. When we arrived back here I started exploring when Archer suddenly disappeared. I decided to just stay calm and look for him. I called twice for him and he didn't show. He always shows when I call for him. That's when I was certain that something was wrong. I began searching for him again when I got ambushed by you and your group. I've been alone and hadn't met anyone than the three men and you guys. That's... basically it to be honest." I said.

I hung my head low slightly tearing up, remembering the moments with my family that I'll cherish forever and the nights when I'd go exploring with my friends. I sniffled a bit but held back the rest of my tears. Wow I'm such a wimp. That's when Sam noticed. "Hey... you okay?"he asked struggling with trying to comfort me. "Yea. I-It's fine. You've probably been through worse. I'm just a wimp." I said. "You're losing your hardened/harsh expression." He looked at me confused but didn't say anything. I grabbed the ropes and handed them to him. I turned around and put my hands behind my back. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm going to take you guys to the grocery store to get supplies. I've noticed you're a bit low. And you still don't trust me so.."I said. He stayed quiet and wrapped the rough friction around my wrists once again.

And on cue in came the rest. "Anything new today?" Sam asked. Back to the harsh and deep voice as before. "Same old same old. What are we doin'?" Brennen asked referring to me. "He's taking us to the abandoned grocery shop. We're low on stuff."sam explained while still holding my wrists behind my back. They all skeptically nodded and we headed off.

To be continued...

Trying to make the chapters longer.❤️

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