Chapter Nine

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(Colby's POV)

  I woke up with a pain in the back of my head. I had the urge to rub my head, but something was holding my arms and legs down. Ropes. I was tied to the chair I first saw when we entered the warehouse. Then all the memories flooded back. The warehouse. Archer. Daggers, guns and bow. And the Three Musketeers. Or in this case the Four Musketeers.

After a few moments, in came quite a tall male with green eyes. His hair was brown-ish and had a few streaks of a dirty blond color to it. "Well, well well. Look who's up." He said while smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes and stayed put (get it?) "Well. Someone's in a bit of a mood."he said frowning slightly. I scuffed "Well you're not the one tied to a chair and about to be tortured by your captive's lame ass lectures are you?"I said with an attitude. He ignored my comment and in an almost harsh tone said "Why were you here? And who are you supposed to be? "I found this place intriguing so I decided to explore it." I simply stated. "And my name is Cole Brock." Better say the truth and at least try to earn their trust than get killed. But he didn't believe me. He swiftly approached me and put his dagger under my chin while applying pressure. "The. Truth." He said harshly once again. I just gulped and replied back while looking into his eyes "I-I swear it's the truth." I saw his face soften slightly as if he believed me. He took a step back before his expression quickly went back to intimidating. "Who sent you?"he asked me. "Sent me? What do you mean "sent me"? I've been alone ever since i got grabbed before I could climb the bus. There were three men who grabbed me, tortured me, hit me and almost starved me to death but I managed to kill them and escape."
"So you're telling me that you've been kidnaped before you got on bus and kill them when you had the chance to?"he said in disbelief and anger rising as if he was stupid enough to believe my "excuse". He was PISSED. I hesitantly nodded and noticed the stupid excuse I gave him, I should've been more clear with it. But it was all the truth. He went over to what seemed like a supply box and grabbed something I couldn't quite tell from this far away.

He returned with a bow and and arrow. I gulped hoping it was just to intimidate me. Because if it was, it definitely worked. He stared at me for a second before drawing back the arrow and aiming it at my head. My eyes grew wide in terror knowing what was about to commence. "Give me two good reasons why I shouldn't just kill you right here and right now!"he basically yelled at me while still aiming the bow. "I know you need supplies. J-just let me take you to a place where it's full of supplies a-and if I'm lying, y-you can k-kill me." I stuttered nervously. "Second reason?" He said a bit calmer. "W-What?" I ask confused. He rolled his eyes and snapped back clearly annoyed "What's the second reason to me not killing you right here and right now you dimwit?" "O-oh. Um d-don't you need to talk with the r-rest of the others. If whether you should kill me straight away or n-not?"I asked internally facepalming to what excuse I made. He looked deep in thought for a moment before slowly lowering the bow while staring at me still clearly angered. And just on cue the rest walked in. "Anything Brennen ?" Asked the blond one with blue eyes similar to mine. "Just some bullshit"said Brennen/clearly arrow dude from what I've just experienced. "How so ?"asked purple headed dude. As Brennen explained my "bullshit" I just stared at the ground wondering if I'm ever gonna escape this time. I noticed the various glares being sent my way a few times. But then I noticed Sam's glare. It was just blank. I wonder what he's planning on doing. He does seem like leader of the "group" after all. But I'm not a 100% certain.

I know I shouldn't try to earn their trust or the other way around. But at the moment it's all I could do. Even though I said I shouldn't trust ANYONE especially with what happened in the past. But that's the past. This is the future.

All I need to do is survive.

Updated as promised😊.

Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now