Chapter Eleven

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(Colby's POV)

As we were walking to the abandoned store, I felt I'm being watched. And I assume it's not Brennen and the rest's icy glares drilling the back of my head. I brushed it off but was still skeptical and cautious.

We've taken the forest path since they said it was easier for us to hide (from what? I actually don't know) and because it was an easier and shorter route.

The sun was very bright, and it started getting really hot since the trees were not giving enough shade, and well, because they were mostly burnt down. We've been walking for a while now, yet we still have a good amount of distance left. I now have severe rope burn, but I try to not fidget with my hands much incase they think I'm escaping and making a run for it. It's actually the opposite. I don't want to make their lack of trust in me worsen. But the pain is growing more and more. I decided to take chances (haha srry it just fits perfectly🤗) and try to convince them in cutting me loose.

I was currently walking with Jake and Sam slightly behind me and Brennen and Elton else wear. I walked a bit closer to Sam and whispered "Hey. U-um Sam?" "What?"he shot. I felt slightly intimidated a bit but calmed down when his face softened a bit. "Yes?"he repeated in a calmer voice. "U-um do yo think you can c-cut me loose? My wrists are aching a-and I have severe rope burn. You can keep your weapons on me and everything, and even if I could escape, I don't think I'll get that far. Brennen there'd probably shoot an arrow in my heart. And not in the Cupid way." I said loud enough that they all heard. They chuckled at that but went back to their cold expressions.

Elton pulled out his knife and walked closer to me. He stared at me and slowly/lightly started to drag the knife under my eye and down my jaw line. I guess he could feel the fear radiating from me. I looked at Sam and he just stood there. We've stopped moving so Jake was slumped down on the ground whilst Brennen was leaning on a tree watching in amusement as though were watching a fascinating movie. You could also here Archer growl lightly in the background but didn't attack.

"You make one mistake and you're a goner." Elton said in a deep voice. I gulped and nodded. "Turn around."he said harshly once again. I obliged and slowly turned around. After a few moments my hands were free and I heard a click. Elton had his gun pointing at me and nudged my lower back with it indicating to move. I started moving whilst rubbing my wrists, and the other two (Jake and Brennen) stood up and followed once again, as well as Sam.

Throughout the walk Archer came over to me and nudged my foot with his nose indicating wanting me to pet him. I smiled lightly and pet him. I kinda felt bad for Archer he could have been saved as well but was abandoned by the police or just ran away but that wouldn't be too logical. He's a guard dog. They usually listen to their owners and oblige. So it'd be surprising if he ran away.(I honestly don't know what they do, but just role with it.)

After this long walk, we finally reached our destination. "What the fuck?" I said. "What?"Jake i assume asked. "I didn't border this back up. I left it open." "Someone's been here." Said Jake again. "No shit Sherlock."Elton said and rolled his eyes. Brennen swiftly grabbed my shirt collar and pushed me against the wall roughly (don't let your dirty minds get to you😂) "EXPLAIN." "B-Brennen. I swear I don't know who did it! I've been alone the whole time! Before and after the apocalypse. If I was working with anyone, you'd be dead by the time of the ambush!"I said truthfully. He glared at me and let me down.

*mini time skip"

I was knelt on the ground trying to pick the lock once again, when a bullet was shot inches away from my head. "Yo! What the fuck?!" I yelled but when I turned around still crouching, the four amigos weren't their. Instead, I was surrounded by a group of five. All wearing black and masks but wayyy different looking than the way Sam and the rest looked before. I slowly raised up my hands indicating surrender and stood up straight. I'm not one to easily give up or surrender but what can I do in this situation? NOTHING. Exactly. I looked around and realized Archer wasn't here either. I felt betrayed. I felt hurt. But what did I expect, they left like everyone else and took Archer along with them.

"What do you want?"I asked in terror. They looked very intimidating to be honest. Now the person in the middle, I assume the leader, walked a few steps forward and said "You've killed my family. So this is what I want. Revenge of my two brothers and my other half you SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled the last part and swiftly aimed his pistol at me. My eyes widened and


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