Chapter Fourteen

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(Colby's POV)

I woke up in an old hospital looking bed and in an abandoned hospital. I felt something cold against my wrists and ankles but didn't pay much attention to it. My head was throbbing and as I was about to rub my temples, my hands were pulled down by some force. I looked down and noticed I was cuffed to the bed.

I looked around and observed the place a bit. Or at least the room I was in. As I slightly twisted around to see clearly, a pain shot right through my shoulder. Right.. the gunshot. It was painful but I managed.

Papers and needles were scattered on the ground. Cracks and chipped paint layered the walls. Old, disgusting bandages and bloody rags scattered on the ground as well. Dirty small handprints high on the walls and a cracked window a bit too high for anyone's reach. Well, unless you have a ladder.... but that's not the point.

I was deep in thought of who would bring me here as well as heal me. And just on cue came a group of three men and two women, that looked about nearly my age. One man had a ban bun and brown eyes. One girl had kinda long hair and green eyes. And another girl had blue hair and brown eyes. There was also a man with blue eyes and brown hair with blond highlights. And the last man, I assume the leader of the "group", had also blue eyes and had a mask covering his mouth and nose with his hood pulled up.

I stared as they approached me and sat up on my elbows to see them better. "Who are you guys?" I asked. They looked at the leader for assurance and he nodded. "I'm Corey Sherer." Said the one with the man bun. "I'm Devyn Lundy, his girlfriend." Green eyes said with a smile. "I'm Katrina Stuart, but go by Kat." The blue-haired girl said. "I'm Bradlee Wannemacher. And that's... well you'll find out soon enough." Mr blond highlights referring to the last man with a chuckle. Everyone just glared at him and looked back at me.

"Ookaayy then." I said awkwardly. Then I realized Sam and the rest aren't here. I started panicking and said "Wait, where are my friends? Did they make it? Where's my dog? Please say they made it! They're all I have left. " I rambled in concern and worrisome. "Hey hey hey, I'm sure they're fine. We'll find them as soon as possible but let us explain everything. Okay?" Devyn, I assume said trying to calm me down as she came closer and held my still restrained hand in hers.

I was shocked when she did that because her boyfriend was right there, but I assume it's a normal thing. She's very sweet and I think we would be best friends if... well if I stay alive and they don't slit my throat open. And I don't mean that as a joke.

I saw her boyfriend send me a death stare but he calmed down a bit when she removed her hand from mine and kissed Corey's cheek. She whispered something in his ear which made him smirk and laugh. I like her. But as in a friend way.

"First let's get you out of these and we'll explain everything."Said Bradlee while unlocking my restraints. I rubbed my wrists and swung my feet off the bed but stayed seated. Katrina or Kat got me some food and I thanked her.

"I still don't know who you are though?" I said particularly to the man in the mask.
He stared at me and slowly took of his mask as well as his hood. I gasped as I saw who was standing right in front of me.

It was..

I'm gonna update again soon today but i wanted to say Srry if the descriptions of the people aren't right😅 I tried!

Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now