Chapter Six

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(Colby's POV)

  To day I decided to go and kill crawlers. And not as in for "fun" but as in training. I haven't been killing much crawlers and that's mostly because I try my best to avoid them. And no not because I'm scared, but because as I said before I only kill when needed. Or at least in this situation. And I have to train for situations like this; as in if I'm being chased by herds of crawlers I can't just avoid them or at least try to, no I have to do what necessary. And that's to survive and not be a freaking coward and back away. And while I'm at it I'll explore some more. Exploring has always been a passion of mine before and after all hell broke loose.

I dreadfully sighed and grabbed my sheath as well as my small gun in case my sheath isn't much help and some extra stuff I could need. I was considering on keeping Archer here (at the shack) but 1. I think he'll just sniff me out and find me. He is a German Shepard after all. And 2. I don't want to risk leaving him alone when at anytime crawlers can find him if he went out of the shack. So I took him with me.

We've been walking for quite a while now and we came across three crawlers. I ran at them and with one swift move, slashed their heads off while Archer killed the last one. I've gotta admit... that was a bit fun. Acting all ninja and shit even though it sounds kinda childish and all but you're not one fighting for survival. Might as well entertain myself, yea?
I lightly laughed at my childishness and continued walking.

It's been a few good hours of "training" or might as well say "fighting for survival" and it's getting kinda dark. I looked at the street We were on and realized that I'm actually a bit far from the shack and I didn't grab a flashlight or my lighter. So, no light at ALL. Which leads to getting lost. WHICH leads to death basically. I internally facepalmed and looked to my side. Archer was really tired, I felt bad. We both REALLY need rest. I sighed and decided to just spend the night at anyplace that could give us protection for the night and we'll head back to the shack in the morning.

I kept looking out for any place that gives shelter and till now nothing much. I started thinking "Wow. I got other things I might need but didn't even think once of getting any source of light whatsoever. Not even a freaking LIGHTER." I laughed at my stupidity and kept walking while alongside Archer. "I wonder how I'd survive a zombie apocalypse and the only person I can rely on is myself. Oh.. wait. That's EXACTLY what's happening!" I thought once again. But if I do come across someone, would I really trust them. What if they turn on me and stab me in the back. Literally. What if the same thing a few months ago happens. Would I actually get out this time or would I just be tortured once again and then killed. I shook the thought off and went with the goal I made when I escaped. Survive.

After a few more steps I came across a small building that looked good for the night. We went inside and as soon as I felt that it was safe I laid down on the ground in a random room that had only one window. Once I as settled in, Archer came in and once again slept near my side with his head on my stomach. I kept petting his head until we both eventually fell asleep.

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