Chapter Sixteen//Part 2

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(Colby's POV)

As we entered the abandoned building that was once called a hospital, I was face to face with an angry Gage. He grabbed me and flung me towards the wall. "Oof.." "Where the hell'd you go?! And who are you to take my group with you without my permission?!" I heard a low growl coming from Archer. "It's okay Archer. It's okay." I said. I brushed myself off and roughly pushed passed him.

I was filthy and disgusting so I decided to borrow some clothes and look for a shower. I finally found one that was actually working and got in. Surprisingly for and abandoned place, some showers still work. I guess it hasn't been abandoned for a very long time. I stripped down and watched the water rush down my body.

After the deed was done, I walked into the main room and saw everyone asleep. Sam and Kat were cuddling together on conjoined hospital beds, Devyn and Corey in the same position and surprisingly Elton and Amanda together on and old couch. I never knew they were a thing. Huh. And the rest were on separate beds or sleeping bags. I wasn't too tired and I guess it was close to sunrise so I decided to stay up and watch it. It's shocking how time quickly flies.

I stood up and headed to the roof. I found staircase leading up there and and started climbing, when I felt something behind me. I turned around and saw Archer. I chuckled and gave him a belly rub. I continued up the staircase and found the door slightly open. I guess they come up here often too.

I found a spot where I could watch the full view of the sunrise and laid down, putting my hand on my stomach. Archer came over and nudged my hand with his nose causing me to pet him.

I watched as the beautiful colors of the sunrise fill the sky. A mix of orange and yellow. It was truly extraordinary. After a while, I decided to get some rest before it's fully day. Might as well feel energized.

I closed my eyes and got swollen by darkness.

Short but next one'll be longer for sure. Srry 😂😅🖤

Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now