Chapter Eighteen

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(Colby's POV)

*Few Days Later*

  Its been a few days, and Archer and I are currently alone. I'm really low on supplies and most of my clothing are torn and bloody. My weapons are still good in use, but it's become a lot harder now while fighting crawlers.

Not many ambushes have been happening lately, but I sometimes feel watched. We haven't been sticking to a specific place for shelter and protection. Instead, we've been moving around and exploring, yet rarely sticking in the same place for about two days. I've declined Kat's offer of staying with them, and Sam, Elton, Brennen, and Jake, have been sticking around with Gage's group, due to the past friendship and romantic relationships of him and his crew with them.

Kat and I have grown to be best friends and I feel like exploring so I'll ask if she'd tag along. I would ask someone else but I honestly enjoy her company the most. No offense to all though. I headed towards the warehouse, which is now the main base of all since the hospital had very small space, with Archer right on my heals.

Once I entered the slightly bordered up doors, Archer wondered off and I head towards the main room, when I got strangled from behind. I struggled against the person, but they had a tight grip and put me in a headlock. I was able to kick him in the "area", when groaned and bent over holding his.. well, you know what. I pushed him against the wall and put a knife to his throat. He tried to grab my hand but I quickly grabbed his arm, putting it behind his back and pushed him against the wall harder. "Who are you?!" "Ughh.. it's Elton. It's Elton!" I sigh and I let him go as he held his arm in pain. He mumbled something I couldn't quite hear, but I don't think it's something I would be grateful about.

"I'm sorryyy! What did you expect me to do?? I was getting strangled for Christ's sake!" I said laughing. "You should be grateful I didn't slit your throat before questioning." I said once again. "True. True." "What's going on anyways?" "Well I'm in the mood to explore so I came to ask Kat if she'd tag along. Have you seen her by any chance?" "Yea actually. I think she's with Aaron." "Mkay thanks Lt. And sorry about your arm."I chuckled as he shot me a playful glare.

I walked in and came face to face with Aaron. "Oh hey Aaron." "Hey Colby. We're going patrolling with some of the rest so we'll be gone for now. Came for Kat?" "Yes actually, How'd  you know?" "I kinda overheard you guys. Sorry!" He said as he raised his hands up in a defensive way. I shook my head while laughing and passed by him, when I was quickly wrapped by a pair of arms. "Colbaeeeeee!" "Kit Kaaaaaat!" (Idk to be honest) "How've you been?! It's been soo long!" "Haha I'm doing great but i was gone for only a few days!" I said while laughing. "I knooww, but it felt like yearss." She said laughing as well. "What are you doing here anyways?" She asked. "Am I not aloud to see my bestfriend?!" I said while putting my hand on my heart acting hurt. I started fake crying and ran into a corner. She ran behind me and fake hit me. I cried harder and yelped, when we both lost character and burst into a fit of laughter.

We stood up and sat on the old couch. "But seriously what are you doing here?" "Well, I wanted to explore so I wondered if you'd like to come with." "Awww" "Oh, stoop" I playfully replied with. "Yea sure. One sec let me grab a knife and my gun." "Why? I can protect you." I said slightly flexing. "Sure you can Brock. Sure you can." She said laughing.

She grabbed her essentials and we were off.

"So, where we headed to?" "I'm not sure. We'll see where our feet take us." she nodded and we kept walking. "Tell me about yourself Kat. I mean as in your life before the arisen of the apocalypse. How'd you met Sam."
(Katrina's POV)

"Tell me about your self Kat. I mean as in your life before the arisen of the apocalypse. How'd you meet Sam." Colby said. "Mm, well I met Sam in the first week of senior year. He was struggling in Spanish so I helped him out, since I was almost fluent, and I was struggling with French, therefore he helped me since he was fluent as well. Since then, we've become the best of friends. Later, prom was coming up and I had no one to go with. I was really devastated. But the next day, at lunch hour, while I was chatting with my bestfriend Rose, which I'll talk about later, we heard the screeching of the mic which was held by the one and only Sam Golbach. He was standing on a table in the the middle cafeteria, while blushing from embarrassment. It was the cutest thing ever.

  *Mini Flashback of Kat's*
  "Attention everyone!" Sam said. Everyone's attention was captured by Sam, including mine. "Katrina Stuart has been my bestfriend ever since the first week of high school and I feel honored. Katrina you're the most wonderful person I've ever met and you've been there for me through the hardest of times. So thankyou. But that's not what I'm here to say. Katrina since the first day we've met, I've liked you. A lot. But I never got the balls to tell you sooner, which I really regret. Katrina Stuart. Will you make me the happiest person alive, be mine and go to prom with me?" He asked with hopeful eyes as he jumped of the table and walked towards me. I had my hand over my mouth and tears brimming my eyes. I quickly nodded yes as I ran up to him and kissed him.
*End of Kat's Flashback*

"Aww. I never thought Sam was this romantic." "He really is though. Honestly it's adorable." I replied and smiled remembering the moment. "So, who's this Rose you speak of?" "Oh right, Rose was my bestfriend as you've heard. We met in summer before Senior year. We were both looking for a roommate and we stumbled across each other in a fight club. That's how I know how to fight. I went there to train for self defense and she usually went there to let out her emotions. Rose had had a very tough life. Her family had abandoned her before and after the apocalypse had arisen and she had to survive on her own. It's really sad, but she was a very tough girl and we both helped each other through very tough times. Unfortunately after graduation, she had to leave for a personal reason and we lost all sort of contact." "Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked. It's none of my business. I- " "Colby it's fine. Really. We all get curious sometimes." I said cutting him off. He smiled and me and I returned it.

"Let's look around a bit more and then head back. We should be back before dark and you're sleeping over. That's final. Anyways, I might need you to protect me." I said playfully winking at him and mocking him from before.

Again it's a long chapter. I apologize. BUT it was less than before.😂 This chapter contains 1255,1256,1257... words. But you get what I mean. It's less than the before chapter.(2019 words. What a coincidence😂☺️)

Anyways peace🖤✌🏻

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